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What Video Game are You Playing Right Now v2

I killed the drug dealer.... just for a fucking address fragment....I feel like shit for doing that....it doesn't help that the game lingered on the picture of his daughters after I killed him..I did it to save Shaun....if it was real life I would honestly do the exact same thing. I would do anything to save my child or anyone else important in my life, and if that means murdering someone, then so be it. And I believe Ethan would do exactly the same thing if I didn't have control of the situation. I drove into oncoming traffic, went through tunnels of broken glass and power conductors, cut off the tip of my finger, and murdered someone. Whatever it takes to save Shaun, I'm going to do it. I do wonder though, if it was decided from the beginning that Scott was the killer, because that scene in the antique shop, makes no sense, we had control of him for fucks sake, how the hell could he have killed Manfred?!?!? Like I know there was that one cutscene when we don't have control of him, but still I find it hard to believe that Lauren didn't hear someone getting their head bashed in by a fucking typewriter, fucking things are loud on their own but if you bludgeon someone it'd be loud as fuck.
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Phoenix Point, Rage 2, Genesis Alpha One at the moment.
Clocked up most hours with Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4 (Don't care what people say, I love the game. Modded it hard, though).
Video games (and porn Lol) have been so helpful for my mentality during covid. I replayed the God of War series, all the Assassins Creed games I owned (ps4 had an amaaaazing sale on those games in bulk), then I replayed Kingdom Hearts and played the third for the first time. I don’t think I’ll ever beat that one 100% like the other two.
My dark souls 3 disc broke, so instead I’m running through bloodborne quick. I was never able to beat Dark Souls 1. Or Sekiro, holy hell. Anyone here beat that game?? I can’t master the Mikiri Counter for shit. It’s easy while practicing cause buddy has a predictable sword attack. But I get completely fucked by some bosses with spears.
Beyond that, just playing zombies here and there.
starting Corruption 2029 and Rage 2 tomorrow after beating Phoenix Point on the last legs of humanity xD
but but it's a legendary lol
True true, but the last time I encountered a sheepsquatch I was cowering in a little hut in the Ash Heap, and spent 15 minutes taking pot shots at it till it died, but here I had no cover. But luckily, today thanks to a mere stingwing, I got a legendary two-shot minigun. I'd prefer to have explosive and two-shot, but beggars can't be choosers, what I found is pretty decent all things considering. I did give in and subscribed to get a private server and other goodies, the tent is pretty useful when it comes to fast travel. The scrap box frees up a fuckload of space in your storage chest, and reduction in lag. My goal, is to take out the Scorchbeast Queen alone. It's going to be hard, rage inducing, take a long time, take tons of 5mm ammo, chems, and stimpacks, but I believe I can do it, and so help me, if I get something not worth my blood sweat and tears....Todd will need to sleep with his eyes open, fearing for his life.
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True true, but the last time I encountered a sheepsquatch I was cowering in a little hut in the Ash Heap, and spent 15 minutes taking pot shots at it till it died, but here I had no cover. But luckily, today thanks to a mere stingwing, I got a legendary two-shot minigun. I'd prefer to have explosive and two-shot, but beggars can't be choosers, what I found is pretty decent all things considering. I did give in and subscribed to get a private server and other goodies, the tent is pretty useful when it comes to fast travel. The scrap box frees up a fuckload of space in your storage chest, and reduction in lag. My goal, is to take out the Scorchbeast Queen alone. It's going to be hard, rage inducing, take a long time, take tons of 5mm ammo, chems, and stimpacks, but I believe I can do it, and so help me, if I get something not worth my blood sweat and tears....Todd will need to sleep with his eyes open, fearing for his life.
Very nice. Took a risk and paid off decently. Yea I have yet to encounter a sheepsquatch. Yea I may look into subscribing. May be worth a private server. Other than recent server issues, have not had too much trouble with public worlds.
Very nice. Took a risk and paid off decently. Yea I have yet to encounter a sheepsquatch. Yea I may look into subscribing. May be worth a private server. Other than recent server issues, have not had too much trouble with public worlds.
Another benefit is not having to compete for public workshops, aside from other enemies you won't have to worry about other players taking it over. The other day I got FUCKED hard when it comes to a "Legendary" the only thing worse than this is a Legendary Stick in Dead IslandJPEG_20200515_221516.jpg
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Had a Nightmare last night, I managed to kill the Scorchbeast Queen, and she dropped a legendary drill...funny thing, 90% of the time my dreams end up happening, like I can see the future, so here's hoping that nightmare is in the 10% and I actually end up getting something incredibly useful, I'm not even 15% ready to start that battle, I need enough supplies (ie:chems, stims, 5mm ammo, fusion cores, etc) to get through a nuke silo, as well as the Queen fight, but, I have confidence in myself, and I am going to record the fight, it doesn't matter if I die multiple times, because that's a certainty with solo fighting her, but as long as the game doesn't crash I'll be fine, I have taken into consideration the fact that halfway through the fight her HP will refill due to being a legendary, but in addition to the 2 shot minigun, I have an Experimental MIRV, and I also plan on "Home Alone-ing" her (ie:get her to land, and lure her into a plasma mine minefield, as plasma explosives seem to do massive damage, and hopefully a entire pile of mines won't crash the game....tbh I didn't think of that being a possibility), but still, I will not rest till that Queen Bitch is on the ground, rotting as I dance on her corpse, because after all, only a very small fraction of FO76 players can say and have proof of solo killing the Scorchbeast Queen. (I also just realized how similar this is to Moby Dick). I have so many chems I've taken to calling myself the "Angel Dust of Appalachia" so once player vending is enabled again, and you see me on a server feel free to come and browse my pharmacy, and help yourself to my many water purifiers, you'll never need to stock up on purified water again, as I have enough purifiers to get you up to or over 50 purified waters, like I have so many built it's honestly starting to kinda lag the game when im at my camp.
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