There's a saying. "Whatever happens, happens." It's about accepting. Instead of rejecting and being in denial.I was raised Catholic, but become mostly Agnostic since I was a teenager.
But nowadays I'm reading about Buddhism and it seems very interesting, specially since it feels more a way of life and a philosophy than a religion. I'm still looking for which branch of Buddhism (or Zen) I should deepen.
There is good logic to Buddhism. It's about focus. Willpower. I myself had to spend a long period of time in isolation to learn. I had the advantage of not being distracted. It ended up giving me a knack for handling volatile situations and turning them around in the best ways.
I basically did the zen monk thing of self reflecting for a long time. It can and does drive people insane. Trauma is a part of life though. Ended up being Batman. That high amount of willpower and focus. Patience and observation is key.
It's not "attachment" that will bring despair and suffering. It's "external validation". The concept has more to do with control feaks that try to control everything vs people that know real control when they trust in flow.
If you feel like you "have too" then it's not flow. It's not a river. Flow is a river. Trust in flow. To be stubborn and resist is to despair and suffer.
Pain+resistance=suffering. You can still challenge and correct. But if you're stubborn and resist then that's what causes suffering.
I quite like the movie Beauty and the Beast. At first they have bad arguments. Then they learn to play with it and handle it better. "This wouldn't have happened if" became a game. It's about playing. Making the best of the worst. etc.
Play is a way of life. It makes life worth living. Just try to enjoy losing.