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What is your religious/irreligious affiliation?

What is your religious/irreligious affiliation?

  • Judaism

    Votes: 17 0.7%
  • Christianity

    Votes: 526 22.9%
  • Islamic

    Votes: 38 1.7%
  • Hindu

    Votes: 18 0.8%
  • Buddhism

    Votes: 34 1.5%
  • Pagan/wiccian/ancient religion

    Votes: 206 9.0%
  • Agnostic

    Votes: 408 17.8%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 825 35.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 223 9.7%

  • Total voters
I was raised Catholic, but become mostly Agnostic since I was a teenager.

But nowadays I'm reading about Buddhism and it seems very interesting, specially since it feels more a way of life and a philosophy than a religion. I'm still looking for which branch of Buddhism (or Zen) I should deepen.
There's a saying. "Whatever happens, happens." It's about accepting. Instead of rejecting and being in denial.

There is good logic to Buddhism. It's about focus. Willpower. I myself had to spend a long period of time in isolation to learn. I had the advantage of not being distracted. It ended up giving me a knack for handling volatile situations and turning them around in the best ways.

I basically did the zen monk thing of self reflecting for a long time. It can and does drive people insane. Trauma is a part of life though. Ended up being Batman. That high amount of willpower and focus. Patience and observation is key.

It's not "attachment" that will bring despair and suffering. It's "external validation". The concept has more to do with control feaks that try to control everything vs people that know real control when they trust in flow.

If you feel like you "have too" then it's not flow. It's not a river. Flow is a river. Trust in flow. To be stubborn and resist is to despair and suffer.

Pain+resistance=suffering. You can still challenge and correct. But if you're stubborn and resist then that's what causes suffering.

I quite like the movie Beauty and the Beast. At first they have bad arguments. Then they learn to play with it and handle it better. "This wouldn't have happened if" became a game. It's about playing. Making the best of the worst. etc.

Play is a way of life. It makes life worth living. Just try to enjoy losing.
I had to 'chuckle' at the poll results yet I find the percentage of atheists disappointing and disturbing really. I have come to view atheism with the same contempt and disdain that I view virtually all institutionalized 'belief systems'. Most atheists are as zealous in their 'non-belief' as the religious fanatics are with their 'beliefs'. No human has the privilege of demanding 'proof' from the source...
Animism is the world's oldest known belief system, and often one embraced by people who don't want to adopt a religion. I think it fits in perfectly with being zoo.

I was born a Christian, raised a Christian, and I'm still a Christian. With all that said I've always been curious about Zoo life. I've had fantasies with animals however I've never acted on it. So right now I'm conflicted because I know God obviously doesn't like it but I still have these feelings and attractions.
I relate to this ?
I am Catholic, but I love the natural sciences, which can explain the world to me better than any form of faith.
I may be a bit of an outlier here, but I'm Mormon. Not exactly an active member, and I've had people tell me to my face that I'm the worst Mormon they've ever met, but I do consider myself to be a member of that church and believe mostly in their doctrine. The way I was raised in the church has a lot of influence on how I process my feelings, and because of it I often feel uncomfortable being here and many other sites/places. I'm trying to warm myself up to it though.
I may be a bit of an outlier here, but I'm Mormon. Not exactly an active member, and I've had people tell me to my face that I'm the worst Mormon they've ever met, but I do consider myself to be a member of that church and believe mostly in their doctrine. The way I was raised in the church has a lot of influence on how I process my feelings, and because of it I often feel uncomfortable being here and many other sites/places. I'm trying to warm myself up to it though.
I’m an exmo it was the loss of my faith that allowed me to explore all aspects of my sexuality. No reason for guilt.
So I got into this debate with a religious person lately. He just couldn't get off the "jesus is truth" topic. Dogmatic and close minded and ran away with his tail tucked between his legs.

The moment we got to a disagreement he fled. He was complaining about how other religions kiss their gods ass. Do I really need to point out the hypocrisy here?

I can have better conversations with other religious people. They'd have a more open mind. This guy though? Tch. Doesn't want to actually consider any other opinion. He's too busy in his "One truth" and "God is perfect" mindset. Someone that is afraid of god (his words, not mine).

I know for a fact fear is the result of a misunderstanding. What's even worse is that this person said "People that go to hell will be forgotten". I think he can't handle the pain. I think he wants to try and forget it. Like everyone that suffered is just "discarded". This is anything other then love people. That is the revers of love.
Something of mine, but it's impossible to know... Cosmologist, Panteism maybe? (nothing to do with to the mystical, but with if the sciences.)

I don't believe in any self-aware deity.
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raised with no discussion on religion, both parents were atheist but let me make up my own mind. started going to church in my early teens and very quickly saw it for the utter BS that it is. since developed am interest in Eastern philosophies, particularly Taoism and Humanist psychology
I consider myself a pagan/offshoot but some days I’m not sure. I practice a while, then don’t for a few days or weeks.