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What is your religious/irreligious affiliation?

What is your religious/irreligious affiliation?

  • Judaism

    Votes: 17 0.7%
  • Christianity

    Votes: 526 22.9%
  • Islamic

    Votes: 38 1.7%
  • Hindu

    Votes: 18 0.8%
  • Buddhism

    Votes: 34 1.5%
  • Pagan/wiccian/ancient religion

    Votes: 206 9.0%
  • Agnostic

    Votes: 408 17.8%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 825 35.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 223 9.7%

  • Total voters
Grew up as a Jehovah's Witness; tried all sorts of religions in my late teens, early 20s. Still believe that their is some higher plane of existence but I can't believe that a God or gods would condone much of anything going on in the world today. It seems like humanity would have been wiped out long ago as "Whoops, hairless apes? What was I thinking?"
in between agnostic and atheist. I was raised Christian so it hard to separate entirely from the idea of a creator. I just don’t believe in religion.
I'm not anything. I know some people say that I'm atheist for having such beliefs, but I wouldn't say so. It's not that I don't, or do, believe in god, I just don't care about religion and try to keep it out of my life.
I practice Buddhism & Jainism! For anyone who might be interested in knowing, bestiality is not defined as a type of sexual misconduct in either religion. There is express mention of monks or nuns not having sex with gods, beasts or men which proves that bestiality was known of in ancient India, but they cannot have any type of sex at all. As for the common lay follower such as myself most types of sex are defined as permissible, it's more that there is an emphasis of not being excessive about it.

There is one later scripture belonging to the later Sanskrit Buddhist tradition which points out bestiality as well as an insanely long list of other things like pedophilia and even non-vaginal sex as leading to hell, but I don't pay much mind to it or give it much credibility since it's overly conservative and I've never heard any teachers referencing it or taking it seriously.
Praise science...no I don't know AND I don't care. Super important distinction between us and atheist.

Fun fact out of the 4 atheists I've known well, two of them are now super religious and it's hilarious. You'd have to know thier personality. Imagine in a few more years they will surely claim something else entirely.

And I love how sure everyone is. that seems to be the commonality between every organized religion on the face of the planet in history. is that they are just sure that they know how everything works. We can't even see outside of our own solar system with any certainty but you're going to tell me beyond the shadow of a doubt that you know exactly where you came from and exactly where you're going.

Atheist. Even if god does exist that's actually cause for more concern due to hypocrisy. How is pushing away and shunning love when rejection breeds hate? Way I see it god is a petty bitter bitch. Yea, I went there. Counter argue if you can. Not having your way isn't an excuse to push people away. That's being that petty bitter person clinging to grudges and resentment. It's almost as if someone tuaght these demons to hate somehow.

Don't preach to me about love if you can't love a demon. I like how some games show it at times. Devil May Cry makes a case with what I just said. Dragons Dogma has a god but they're shown as flawed. Powerful yet... cynical. It's an interesting way to show them. Final Fantasy 15 would show god as blind to chaos/flawed humans. It makes things more interesting there. It actually explains why a god would discard and toss away what people are flawed. So, what, can't accept the worst then? Cowardly.

Is that what people worship? If you can't handle the worst yourself then how weak and insecure are you? What coward hides behind safe walls?

If I was a god I'd make these silly little tests to see if people are brain dead sheep or can challenge me and use their brain. If you live by "the rules" then you won't learn. Make of that what you will.

Blind faith is stupid. It's called BLIND faith, remember. At least understand why. How do you know you're not being lied too and played for a fool? And why don't people talk about their OWN faith more? If you don't believe in yourself then why would you expect anyone else around you too?

"Inner faith". Start with that. If you don't have it then find it. Without hiding behind daddy. Think anyone respects a yes man and a kiss ass that hides behind others and uses them as an excuse?
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I was raised Catholic, but become mostly Agnostic since I was a teenager.

But nowadays I'm reading about Buddhism and it seems very interesting, specially since it feels more a way of life and a philosophy than a religion. I'm still looking for which branch of Buddhism (or Zen) I should deepen.
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