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What is wrong with some men here and everywhere?

...didn't I state outright that I have had relationships where my partner was lower sex than I? Obviously in those cases we would not be having sex as often as I might prefer, and yet I was quite happy with them for a time. I've never had one relationship that fell apart for sexual reasons, and one that fell apart despite excellent sexual compatibility (my first GF, the only thing we had in common was our strong sex drives)

The statistics may not make your point, but they do make my point quite exactly. The vast majority of successful relationships do not involve women servicing men daily, and so what you said was completely false.
Yeah when you wank your crank you're right on track there.
That's the crux of the issue. The type of people that do this have -zero- care for others. They only care about what they want to do and don't have any respect for anyone else. They want to show everyone their dick... so they're going to. Your opinion, my opinion, someone else's opinion doesn't matter to them. Their desire to force people to see their dick is more important to them than respecting others.
It's not all bad for us though.. there is a slight benefit to this. Simple fact is when you see a profile like that... you know instantly what type of person they are. So they're really easy to avoid. You just have to accept that narcissists are going to be narcissists and learn to recognize them and avoid them... cause they're certainly not going to mature a little and learn to be considerate of anyone else.
I dont know anything about this user in particular, but the fact that he's decided for me that I need to see his dick... tells me everything I need to know.

Apparently you're unfamiliar with this concept we call 'consent'.
If I'm in a relationship with someone... I'm consenting to see their dick everyday.
Some random guy I dont know... no... I'm not consenting to having his dick in my face everyday.
"Consent" is a fabricated notion of politics meant to derail society from the natural course of nature. Breeding is completely normal and natural. A dog hops up and starts to hump, if the female doesn't like it she moves or fights, sometimes the male obeys and sometimes they don't.

Question isn't about consent or non-consent, it's about WHY (italics). If you could please indulge an ignorant guy like myself on what's hard about consent, and what determines why you would give consent or not, maybe men would have a better understanding on respecting women when it comes to this matter. Because in my mind your arguments and complaints are ridiculous, unmerited, lack logic and human understanding.

Is it hard for a woman to give consent or something? What makes you decide to give consent or not to?
Agreed. Nothing wrong with a little self-man-love!
Yes there is. You make yourself a recessive sissy with no man power like that. It's 20 times worse that mountain dew reducing your sperm count, to where you lose our on real cunt when the opportunity arises.
"Consent" is a fabricated notion of politics meant to derail society from the natural course of nature.
Yes there is. You make yourself a recessive sissy with no man power like that.
Guy doesn't believe in consent and apparently has toxic macho ideals when it comes to masturbation... yup, checking out. No point in continuing this conversation.

That doesn't make any sense.

Seeing each other's body parts within a relationship of some kind involves consent. I chose to be with him, he chose to be with me.

A dick pic/avatar being shoved in my face from a total stranger doesn't involve consent at all. It's the equivalent of flashing strangers in a park. In fact, Texas and California call this cyberflashing and it's a now class-C misdemeanor. New Hampshire may have passed the same by now as they were working on such a law too.

And because many, many women feel similar as I do, the men who have dick-pic avatars and/or send unsolicited dick-pics in emails, are significantly reducing the number of women who might actually care they exist.

For many of us, this behavior is grating because of the lack of consent, my consent, to control my experience.

And it sucks to be discounted constantly and everywhere too. I know you'll struggle to see it like this because that's not your experience, and I totally get that.

But, a little thoughtfulness and maybe even a touch of empathy will go a long way.
You have my thoughtfulness and understanding, but just know that I'm the kind of guy that would be only with a woman that also has sex with my friends, neighbors and random men. So you and the so-called majority of women you claim that see it you're way have zero chance of even a first date with me...and many many many men are exactly like me, which just means you're chances on a real date or being with the vast majority of men have just been reduced to zero.

You've got to meet a guy halfway and compromise on things, because being all you leaves no room for comparability with a guy and what he wants, seeks, and needs. You've got to learn to do for a partner, and not for yourself, otherwise it'll be a long lonely road.
Guy doesn't believe in consent and apparently has toxic macho ideals when it comes to masturbation... yup, checking out. No point in continuing this conversation.
Not just a matter of not believing in consent... but doesn't even understand the concept of it since me bringing it up lacks 'human understanding'... their words not mine.

Because in my mind your arguments and complaints are ridiculous, unmerited, lack logic and human understanding.
Not just a matter of not believing in consent... but doesn't even understand the concept of it since me bringing it up lacks 'human understanding'... their words not mine.
That's right. A cunt is a hole, and a dick fills a hole. It's not rocket science. It's easier than 1 +1.
You've got to meet a guy halfway and compromise on things, because being all you leaves no room for comparability with a guy and what he wants, seeks, and needs. You've got to learn to do for a partner, and not for yourself, otherwise it'll be a long lonely road.

Let me quote you... and change 2 words...
Guy -> Girl
he -> she

You've got to meet a girl halfway and compromise on things, because being all you leaves no room for comparability with a girl and what she wants, seeks, and needs. You've got to learn to do for a partner, and not for yourself, otherwise it'll be a long lonely road.
Your dick has a hole... a screw fills a hole... It's not rocket science. It's easier than 1 + 1.
So I guess you're ok with someone drilling a construction screw into your dick hole.
That's not natural or normal though. Sperm comes out of my dick hole, and sperm goes into your vagina hole, just like it is excreted from my testicles and is fertilized in your womb.

It's all a very very simple understanding of physics and biology. You must have missed that one when you were sleeping in highschool.
@allyfitz Don't take him seriously. The reason I say there's no point in continuing the conversation is that when a person starts making such outrageous claims as "consent is a fabricated notion", they're either completely insane or just having some fun with you. Either way, talking to them won't be useful.
Unless you're bored. :gsd_happysmile:
I resent that. We all know what consent is, what I am asking is why is it hard to consent and what determines hey lady to consent or not consent?

What's hard about it? I'm provoking thought here because I am 100% positive not a single lady on here has the slightest clue on why they choose or not choose to give consent and why they even value it. It's an irrational fear with no logical foundation.

More than 80% of the men on here would be more than happy to have a long-term relationship with one of these women and probably find out that they're more than 90% compatible. Including guys with dick pics. Giving consent is not rocket science and the whole notion of even having to determine consent or non-consent isn't rocket science either. It's all about wanting to be in control it's nothing but a psychological matter of control over the opposite gender and an irrational fear for absolutely no reason.

What are you afraid of? You afraid of actually finding a man that's willing to share your intimacy and fetish?

So now we've boiled the argument down to the fact that women aren't afraid to see dicks, but they're afraid to give consent. Why?
My advice for those type of guys is ? Only show if the chick you’re talking to asks for a pic, that’s all there is to it. If she doesn’t ask then there’s a 99.9% chance she’s not interested in seeing it in the first place.

Well said.

I, however, LOVE dick pics. Because what I really want to see is the money shot so if you push your dick pic at me, I'm gonna ask for what I want to see.

I have g/fs who are so irritated at the dick pic thing, they're even mad at me for not lock-step hating it, so I usually just keep my mouth shut.

What I hate? Men with dick pic avatars are usually exceptionally boring, complete narcissistic and will tell any lie to get their dick needs on their time without any hint of friendship, or treating me like anything beyond a fuckdoll. It's about them, not a proverbial "us" and certainly not me.

For that reason, I'm 99.99% more likely to respond to a thoughtful message from an avatar picture like @xXSINNERXx than anything else, and very very likely to just block a dick-pic avatar writing "hey". On the whole, guys, unless you back it up with a lot of personality and actual offerings/time put in for friendship, don't do it.
You seem to be obsessed with that word... natural. What even is natural? Well, there's two main definitions, one of which is often misused.

Natural, meaning of or occuring in nature.

Natural, meaning procreative sex.

I see you're using some type of man-made artificial device to post to a forum on the interwebs. Do you think such would arise in an undisturbed order of nature? Since you've mentioned you're bisexual, I'm sure you've had sex at some point that did not, nor was intended to, create offspring. Either way you look at it, what you do is objectively unnatural. Yet you sit here and use "natural" as a justification for dick pictures, that's quite hypocritical.

If you want to be "natural" then go live entirely off the land, naked, in the barren planes of Africa away from civilization, because civilization itself more than often is the epitomy of what is unnatural. But if you want live with the civilized then there are expectations that are expected to be met, one of which is modesty.
Okay this is a serious question for all the guys out there that put their own dick pic as their profile picture....and then try to find a woman to chat or meet. Do you really think women like this? First thing to see from you is your small ugly hairy dick? Is here a woman that likes this? What do you guys expect from this? That some woman start to chat with you because of your dick pic? Did it ever work out for you?

Then the other thing are the guys in some threads that react to a video like "oh look how the slut is taking it" ... "i bet the whore would like my dick too" ... i mean holy shit we all hope to see many more women having sex with dogs so we can appreciate the content...and some woman may see this bullshit comments and think...no way i keep this totally private because of idiots like this. I mean yeah maybe there are some woman that like to be degraded like this but i think that is the minority.

I mean do whatever you want and act like you want but i really ask myself if you get anything out of this behaviour.
I get this I'm a switch (top and bottom) Receiving a dick pick as the 1st message to a Conversation is THE largest turn off and I won't even reply to that, I need something that's actually engageable like similar hobbies, interests or something.
Is it hard for a woman to give consent or something? What makes you decide to give consent or not to?
Give consent? It's the third Tuesday of the fourth lunar cycle, so I choose to consent.
Not give consent? It's the third Tuesday of the fourth lunar cycle, BUT! Your armpits stink, so no consent.

What you see as arbitrary is the point. I'll spell it out for you: Why someone consents to you isn't relevant. What's relevant is it's their choice.
I'm the kind of guy that would be only with a woman that also has sex with my friends, neighbors and random men.
Now you're talkin'. You should just stick with that and leave your Troll half in the dank, stinky basement corner to argue with the other pedo-style lozers.
What's hard about it? I'm provoking thought here because I am 100% positive not a single lady on here has the slightest clue on why they choose or not choose to give consent and why they even value it. It's an irrational fear with no logical foundation.
I'm quite cognizant of why and with whom I consent, and able to eloquently state it for you.
So now we've boiled the argument down ... ...but they're afraid to give consent. Why?
We really haven't. You've stated personal desires and opinions and asserted them as facts. An unsound argument, but quite revealing of deeper personality disorders.

So let me break it down. Again, as a woman, I'm not afraid to give consent. Quite the contrary: I hereby consent to dry-ass-fucking you with a baseball bat until you bleed rectally. After that, I'll tell you you don't understand consent and are too afraid to give it.

And a pox on me for feeding the trolls.
You seem to be obsessed with that word... natural. What even is natural? Well, there's two main definitions, one of which is often misused.

Natural, meaning of or occuring in nature.

Natural, meaning procreative sex.

I see you're using some type of man-made artificial device to post to a forum on the interwebs. Do you think such would arise in an undisturbed order of nature? Since you've mentioned you're bisexual, I'm sure you've had sex at some point that did not, nor was intended to, create offspring. Either way you look at it, what you do is objectively unnatural. Yet you sit here and use "natural" as a justification for dick pictures, that's quite hypocritical.

If you want to be "natural" then go live naked in the barren planes of Africa away from civilization, because civilization itself more than often is the epitomy of what is unnatural. But if you want live with the civilized then there are expectations that are expected to be met, one of which is modesty.
You're argument has some merit, and I agree with most of it. However it's conclusion on hypocrisy does not justify the foundation of your argument of "natural vs. unnatural", all you have done is hint at me being hypocritical, which does not prove or support your argument on naturality.

Let me ask you something; do you believe modesty is natural? You have implication that it wasn't yet also implied your value for it. Do you consider modesty to be natural?

Modesty is simply a notion of humanity akin to insecurity, fear, hatred, and an imposition upon the natural laws of science and humanity by ignorant politicians to control a society and make them abide by their rule of thumb...just like immorally imposing beastiality law.

Do you see dogs in clothes? Yet does that make them not modest? You asser that modesty and naturality are in conflict, well a dog with no clothes is both modest and natural, is it not? What sets humans apart from this basic observation?
I get this I'm a switch (top and bottom) Receiving a dick pick as the 1st message to a Conversation is THE largest turn off and I won't even reply to that, I need something that's actually engageable like similar hobbies, interests or something.
I feel that way with women, but with guys it's purely a sexual interest. I don't seek intimacy with a guy, but I do with a woman. So it varies for me, and I can see this from both perspectives.
My first sexual experience was with a Christian priest when I was 11. Because "the natural course of nature" is the strong preying on the weak, you're saying consent is a fabricated notion in that instance? His ramming fingers in my now-bleeding vagina are an esoteric notion where you can't understand the concept of "consent".

This is an argument sociopaths and pedos use. Thus:

Your Pedophilia is showing.

Give consent? It's the third Tuesday of the fourth lunar cycle, so I choose to consent.
Not give consent? It's the third Tuesday of the fourth lunar cycle, BUT! Your armpits stink, so no consent.

What you see as arbitrary is the point. I'll spell it out for you: Why someone consents to you isn't relevant. What's relevant is it's their choice.

Now you're talkin'. You should just stick with that and leave your Troll half in the dank, stinky basement corner to argue with the other pedo-style lozers.

I'm quite cognizant of why and with whom I consent, and able to eloquently state it for you.

We really haven't. You've stated personal desires and opinions and asserted them as facts. An unsound argument, but quite revealing of deeper personality disorders.

So let me break it down. Again, as a woman, I'm not afraid to give consent. Quite the contrary: I hereby consent to dry-ass-fucking you with a baseball bat until you bleed rectally. After that, I'll tell you you don't understand consent and are too afraid to give it.

And a pox on me for feeding the trolls.
Ouch, my asshole hurts now lol
You're argument has some merit, and I agree with most of it. However it's conclusion on hypocrisy does not justify the foundation of your argument of "natural vs. unnatural", all you have done is hint at me being hypocritical, which does not prove or support your argument on naturality.
You seem to use "natural" to justify "free" sex and dick pictures, do you not? The latter of which ironically enough, in itself is completely unnatural. Nothing in nature takes photography with electronic man-made devices. However, as I pointed out, the line of thinking surrounding justifying dick pictures being natural cannot hold up to scrutiny.

Let me ask you something; do you believe modesty is natural? You have implication that it wasn't yet also implied your value for it. Do you consider modesty to be natural?
I do not. As stated, if you want to live naturally you'd move to the barren planes of Africa, live off of the land, and run around as naked as you'd like to be, as nature intended for humanity. But this life wouldn't be ideal nor easy, would it? It's easier to live amongst the civilized populous and the creature comforts and protection that comes with it. But by doing so, you're expected to be modest. So when the people of said civilization calls you out for exposing yourself against their will, their vitriol is to be expected.
That's not natural or normal though.
Most people in the world would say sex with an animal isn't natural or normal... so that argument isn't going to work here.

Sperm comes out of my dick hole, and sperm goes into your vagina hole, just like it is excreted from my testicles and is fertilized in your womb.
It's all a very very simple understanding of physics and biology. You must have missed that one when you were sleeping in highschool.
If you want to have a gander at my understanding of science... Read my https://www.zoovilleforum.net/threa...-male-human-female-gamete-interactions.52333/ thread.

@allyfitz Don't take him seriously. The reason I say there's no point in continuing the conversation is that when a person starts making such outrageous claims as "consent is a fabricated notion", they're either completely insane or just having some fun with you. Either way, talking to them won't be useful.
Unless you're bored. :gsd_happysmile:
This seems like a good way to show everyone just how out of touch this guy is. And maybe my responses will be read by a guy who's not beyond hope and he'll turn back from the path of becoming someone like this dude.

I resent that. We all know what consent is, what I am asking is why is it hard to consent and what determines hey lady to consent or not consent?
First off... you're the one who said it was "a fabricated notion of politics".
Secondly... its not hard to consent... but its a choice. I dont have to choose to. I can choose not to just as easily as I can choose not to.
As to what 'determines' whether I consent or not... well a lot of things.

What's hard about it? I'm provoking thought here because I am 100% positive not a single lady on here has the slightest clue on why they choose or not choose to give consent and why they even value it.
Dear god you are so full of bullshit it's not even funny.
Trust me, women know precisely why we dont consent to guys. And here's a little education for you... the number one reason is usually guys that are so inept that they dont understand anything outside of their own twisted view of the world based on them wanting to get their dick wet.

It's an irrational fear with no logical foundation.
What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

More than 80% of the men on here would be more than happy to have a long-term relationship with one of these women and probably find out that they're more than 90% compatible.
And probably 90% of the women on here would be miserable in a long-term relationships with one of these guys, because they clearly lack understanding about women.

It's all about wanting to be in control it's nothing but a psychological matter of control over the opposite gender and an irrational fear for absolutely no reason.
What are you afraid of? You afraid of actually finding a man that's willing to share your intimacy and fetish?
What's that line in the ... "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks". I'd bet that you're focused on control because clearly that's what matters to you, and to go further... the very thing you get off on. So you think 'controlling others' is just as important for everyone else... but its not. We dont go around thinking about how to control people. Thinking that everyone is like that is something a sociopath would think.

So... What are women afraid of with men? oh gee... idk... maybe millennia of evolution has given women an innate concern when it comes to men and sex because sex fora women is a much higher risk than it is for men. For most of human history a guy could fuck a girl and walk away and have no consequences to worry about. A woman on the other hand could get pregnant and then have to deal with pregnancy and raising a child for years and years.
Sex is inherently a more dangerous activity for women. That's why historically women are the gatekeepers of sex. Men on the other hand are the gatekeepers of relationships. Women choose what men they want to have sex with, men choose what women they want to support. Millennia of that dichotomy has resulted in women being overly cautious when it comes to sex with men.
It's not rocket science... it's evolutionary psychology. Clearly something you know nothing about.

As for women being afraid of sharing this fetish with a man... fucking many are. All it takes is him to say one thing and our lives are effectively over. Prison is a real thing to worry about for a lot of women, and even if they avoid that... the social stigma will follow them for the rest of their lives. And since it's clear most men are unable to keep pics and videos private... just see practically every video shared on this site... many women are not willing to discuss this with any man in the real world or open up to a man in the real world about it because we know the consequences if he cant keep his mouth shut.
A recent example is the girl on twitter that information about her got out and she lost her job over it. She idiotically thought the LGBT community would protect her... but even they weren't stupid enough to touching that shit.

So now we've boiled the argument down to the fact that women aren't afraid to see dicks, but they're afraid to give consent. Why?
Because you're an asshole we dont want you in our life. That's why. We dont like you or like guys like you.
It's not us... its you.

Every women who's been treated like a piece of meat by a guy knows what to look out for. The fact that you've boiled down women to "their hole" and "being bred" is pretty clear evidence that you see women as nothing more than a masturbatory aide... and surprise surprise... most women dont appreciate that. Sure when we're horny we might, but that's a very small % of our lives.

The worst part is... You are actively making it harder for the decent guys on a site like this because you're such a overt example of how horrible guys can be. I've met a ton of great guys on this site, they are here... but you, your antics, and guys like them... make it harder on the decent men on this site. You are actively driving women to be more fearful and worried about the men they meet on a site like this.
And that's sad... and I do mean that... because the nice guys I've met on this site... I want them to be able to find someone they can be with and be happy with.
I'm happy to talk to anyone on here who's polite and interesting and can hold up their end of the conversation, but I'm under no illusions that this is a porn site - and an extremely niche one at that - so expecting a generally high standard of decorum or discourse is a fool's errand. My avatar's a suggestive orange, so I've really got no room to talk.
My avatar's a suggestive orange, so I've really got no room to talk.
On the contrary... that shows that you at least put some thought into your avatar and you decided to be somewhat clever.
That makes you far more interesting than someone who thinks... "let me take pic of my junk..."

What always amuses me is if these guys were to even try just a tiny, wee little bit to see our side of things, they'd likely get their dick a helluva lot wetter far more frequently, because sadly the bar is that low.
IKR. They seem to envision women as chaste Victorian maindens who feint at the mere mention of something uncouth. Yet most of the time all we are really asking is... dont be a raging asshole narcissist.
My first sexual experience was with a Christian priest when I was 11. Because "the natural course of nature" is the strong preying on the weak, you're saying consent is a fabricated notion in that instance? His ramming fingers in my now-bleeding vagina are an esoteric notion where you can't understand the concept of "consent".

This is an argument sociopaths and pedos use. Thus:

Your Pedophilia is showing.

Give consent? It's the third Tuesday of the fourth lunar cycle, so I choose to consent.
Not give consent? It's the third Tuesday of the fourth lunar cycle, BUT! Your armpits stink, so no consent.

What you see as arbitrary is the point. I'll spell it out for you: Why someone consents to you isn't relevant. What's relevant is it's their choice.

Now you're talkin'. You should just stick with that and leave your Troll half in the dank, stinky basement corner to argue with the other pedo-style lozers.

I'm quite cognizant of why and with whom I consent, and able to eloquently state it for you.

We really haven't. You've stated personal desires and opinions and asserted them as facts. An unsound argument, but quite revealing of deeper personality disorders.

So let me break it down. Again, as a woman, I'm not afraid to give consent. Quite the contrary: I hereby consent to dry-ass-fucking you with a baseball bat until you bleed rectally. After that, I'll tell you you don't understand consent and are too afraid to give it.

And a pox on me for feeding the trolls.
It's probably best to create a hypothetical scenario instead of posting such things.

I am sorry to hear you had such an experience at such a premature time.

The urge in a man is something that is overlooked and not cared for by community leaders, scientists, and the sort. I can tell you that the rapid production of sperm cells in a man can make them do things they'd other wise never do, and the only ways to do that is sexual release or holding it in. In the instance of holding it in, can turn out good if the guy can maintain himself, but the urge to release grows stronger until he either gives in or feels his pineal and pituitary gland in the center of his brain crack open with a sharp pain. In the instance of release, guys have options such as their hands, animals, or human mates.

People who do that to children do it because they don't have a woman for sexual release, and instead of rape they think that doing what happened to you is the safe way to stay out of trouble. That just goes back to the point that men have needs, and they need met, and when they are not met (i.e. women refusing to engage in a relationship) it comes out bad. That's why we have high crime rates.

I'm a human too, and I don't appreciate you attitude and accusations. Those are very offensive and inappropriate. I will say that as a woman you deserve to be treated with respect and a choice, but that does not change the fact that understanding the logic behind it as important for men. I value a woman for who she is, which also means I want to understand her so I can respect her.

It is true, I am an ignorant guy just like the rest, but that does not mean I don't want to learn or better myself to make something last with a woman, and to do that I want to understand the logic behind such things.

Your post was completely emotional in response, that certainly doesn't define the logical understanding on what determines consent or non-consent. You're last line makes some insight on the value of consent, but it would also be painful and uncomfortable...are you implying that sex is the same way for you, which is why consent is hard for you?
You seem to use "natural" to justify "free" sex and dick pictures, do you not? The latter of which ironically enough, in itself is completely unnatural. Nothing in nature takes photography with electronic man-made devices. However, as I pointed out, the line of thinking surrounding justifying dick pictures being natural cannot hold up to scrutiny.

I do not. As stated, if you want to live naturally you'd move to the barren planes of Africa, live off of the land, and run around as naked as you'd like to be, as nature intended for humanity. But this life wouldn't be ideal nor easy, would it? It's easier to live amongst the civilized populous and the creature comforts and protection that comes with it. But by doing so, you're expected to be modest. So when the people of said civilization calls you out for exposing yourself against their will, their vitriol is to be expected.
So you agree that dick pics are wrong, yet nudity is not, so you agree that nudism is natural and normal, as well as modest.

Would idealism and ease be unnatural, and does it have to incorporate technology or other man-made technologies?

So to live ideal and in ease, you would agree to be unnatural and...even evil in life, to retain a life of civilization? To what extreme would you indulge in society to remain at ease and comfortability? If your taxes were raised you'd go along with, if those taxes were used to make animal and property ownership illegal, you'd go with it.

Just because society (government) makes things ideal and easy (despite unnatural), does not mean it is right (or that you) should play along with it, simply because you're required to be modest in exchange for idealism and ease, it just means you should stand up and do something about, not run away to a foreign Country.