Most people in the world would say sex with an animal isn't natural or normal... so that argument isn't going to work here.
If you want to have a gander at my understanding of science... Read my thread.
This seems like a good way to show everyone just how out of touch this guy is. And maybe my responses will be read by a guy who's not beyond hope and he'll turn back from the path of becoming someone like this dude.
First off... you're the one who said it was "a fabricated notion of politics".
Secondly... its not hard to consent... but its a choice. I dont have to choose to. I can choose not to just as easily as I can choose not to.
As to what 'determines' whether I consent or not... well a lot of things.
Dear god you are so full of bullshit it's not even funny.
Trust me, women know precisely why we dont consent to guys. And here's a little education for you... the number one reason is usually guys that are so inept that they dont understand anything outside of their own twisted view of the world based on them wanting to get their dick wet.
What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
And probably 90% of the women on here would be miserable in a long-term relationships with one of these guys, because they clearly lack understanding about women.
What's that line in the ... "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks". I'd bet that you're focused on control because clearly that's what matters to you, and to go further... the very thing you get off on. So you think 'controlling others' is just as important for everyone else... but its not. We dont go around thinking about how to control people. Thinking that everyone is like that is something a sociopath would think.
So... What are women afraid of with men? oh gee... idk... maybe millennia of evolution has given women an innate concern when it comes to men and sex because sex fora women is a much higher risk than it is for men. For most of human history a guy could fuck a girl and walk away and have no consequences to worry about. A woman on the other hand could get pregnant and then have to deal with pregnancy and raising a child for years and years.
Sex is inherently a more dangerous activity for women. That's why historically women are the gatekeepers of sex. Men on the other hand are the gatekeepers of relationships. Women choose what men they want to have sex with, men choose what women they want to support. Millennia of that dichotomy has resulted in women being overly cautious when it comes to sex with men.
It's not rocket science... it's evolutionary psychology. Clearly something you know nothing about.
As for women being afraid of sharing this fetish with a man... fucking many are. All it takes is him to say one thing and our lives are effectively over. Prison is a real thing to worry about for a lot of women, and even if they avoid that... the social stigma will follow them for the rest of their lives. And since it's clear most men are unable to keep pics and videos private... just see practically every video shared on this site... many women are not willing to discuss this with any man in the real world or open up to a man in the real world about it because we know the consequences if he cant keep his mouth shut.
A recent example is the girl on twitter that information about her got out and she lost her job over it. She idiotically thought the LGBT community would protect her... but even they weren't stupid enough to touching that shit.
Because you're an asshole we dont want you in our life. That's why. We dont like you or like guys like you.
It's not us... its you.
Every women who's been treated like a piece of meat by a guy knows what to look out for. The fact that you've boiled down women to "their hole" and "being bred" is pretty clear evidence that you see women as nothing more than a masturbatory aide... and surprise surprise... most women dont appreciate that. Sure when we're horny we might, but that's a very small % of our lives.
The worst part is... You are actively making it harder for the decent guys on a site like this because you're such a overt example of how horrible guys can be. I've met a ton of great guys on this site, they are here... but you, your antics, and guys like them... make it harder on the decent men on this site. You are actively driving women to be more fearful and worried about the men they meet on a site like this.
And that's sad... and I do mean that... because the nice guys I've met on this site... I want them to be able to find someone they can be with and be happy with.