what the difference between a slut and a bitch
Slut is the one everyone thinks, is fucking everyone, because she looks like and acts she does in public ... and 9 out of 10 she not fucking anyone.
Bitch fucks everyone but you.
The whore is the one fucking everyone .... but NO one would ever believe, she would ever fuck, anyone.
The prude is the one at home getting fucked by the neighbors shepherd, she not willing to fuck guys, but she getting fucked more then everyone.
Fact, i have been very good friends with all these types.
Both the supposed sluts, are the ones, that end up getting the guys to take them home and drop them off.... because they only like flirting but are serious picky about who they sleep with ..... both of them however prefered flirting with womanizer types .... one every few months got dropped off at my house in the middle of the night by some dude she used some sort of excuse with to make him drop her off, drunk, ad so horny so she couldn't stand it, so she would fuck me silly, and i take her home the next day. No strings attached, friends with great benefits. Because she KNEW she was safe with me, if she was simply drunk or what have you, i would not take advantage or force her into anything she didn't want, even if all she wanted was to snuggle nakid for the rest of the night.
The actual whore i knew had fucked all my buddies and most the town, no one would ever believe she was like that, she loved sex.
i KNOW a girl, that everyone swears is a virgin and she actually claims she is, and is a real fanatic on no sex before marriage and such. Her neighbor is a friend of the family, i know the dog well .... was doing some deck repairs one morning and shep was not around like he normally was, i happened to hear a sliding door open at her place glanced over, and seen shep come out into her back yard. When he came back over seen me he was very happy to get some scratches.... but he wasn't interested in the type itch scratching he normally was, at all. A dog that is normaly so excited to see me when no one elses is home he almost wets himself. He went and layed down like he was all wore out ....LOL