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What about if you just did it for free? No one has ever paid me for sex. But all my actions and the fun I have would suggest I am a slut, and very proud to be so!
Nope not a slut beautiful! Just a happy well adjusted person who is truly free and comfortable in her own skin. A truly free spirit.
Everyone is capable of being a slut, hell, I'd venture to say that we've all been sluts at one point or another. I call myself a slut even though most people think of a slut being a woman who has many casual sexual partners. As I have said before, I love slutty women, and it's a compliment, IMO.
Do you like being called a slut if you are fucked by a dog or horse, the people who are watching might call you that but do you like being called that?
I think this medal should be earn in the field. My course of honor: from Princess to Whore/Slut, from Whore/Slut to Bitch, it takes time and hard practice, but the prize should be amazing.