I had chance to play with 4 desexed pups and all of them were happy to get hard and knot. Just no cum and they loose interest pretty quick after knotting. Might last few seconds only.
We were hoping it would be the same with my guy. He was neutered in Sept & had mounted me many times. He was 19-20 months old so was hoping he would still have interested. So far he still loves licking but doesnt have the gusto when wanting to climb up behind.My first male K9 lover bred me many times after being neutered. I think it helped that he bred me when he was intact and never lost the desire to mate with me.
As has been noted, there are exceptions, true enough. That doesn't change the base fact that in the ridiculously overwhelming number of cases, a dog that's had his nuts cut off - particularly when it happens before their equivalent of puberty - is a dog that has little, if any at all, interest in sex of any kind.My dog which is neutered since a puppy knotted with a bitch on heat twice inside an hour. Didn’t understand what that big thing hanging down between his legs was
Industrialized dog food is what makes our best friend have cancer, not hormones. Castration is a huge bullshit that devastates their health.Nah, purposes vary, might as well have health issues as reason (my dog is an example, cancer anyone?). Sexuality mustn't be removed by such a surgery at all, my dog is basically the same aside the more aroused heat cycles which fall away.
But many dogs are ways less receptive and interested, that's true. Still does not mean that a neutered / spayed dog can't have sexual feelings and even climaxing (females have an easier way than males with this part).
a male human after being castrated ( do to cancer or for other reasons) will still get turned on, have erections and be capable of sex but i have never seen it with animals so there was that uncertainty lingering around. For humans it would just lessen the feeling but for animals i wasn’t sure if it was lessened or completely gone.The purpose of castration is the removal of sexual behavior. I do not know what is so complicated on understanding that. You are not the first person asking whether a castrated dog is interested in sex.
Can not help... but i wish you'll find an answer and curious also to know!I have a beautiful big boy stray that adopted us. He is such a good dog. Great Pyrenees. His owners have been found but they don't want the responsibility anymore, so he is now mine? I want him to be my first knot so badly!!!! But he isn't intact. Can I get him to knot me anyways? Any tips to help things along?
Yes I am prepared......well as prepared as can be for your first? My guy makes sure I stay good and stretched with his fists/arm/and some very large toys for more fun?Not imposdible, no big chances as he will lack most of the spirit to get things started.
But it will also depend on the age they neutered him. If he was already an adult you have some more chances. If he was very young, chances are slim. (for giant breeds that will certanly be over a year and possibly close to two)
However... Pirinees as first knot... are a little on the big size. You might want to prepare yourself if he happens to work.
Oh yes, I definitely wouldn't want to if he wasn't interested. That's why I wanted to know if it was even possible before seeing about seeing. Lots of good infoThe point of neutering is to eliminate that thing that most people consider "pesky" which is sexual urges. If he was a late neuter (say after 2 years of age) there is a very SMALL chance he might be interested in mounting. But even then, those odds are very small that he'll actually be interested. If he was neutered before the age of one, you can pretty much forget it. There's close to zero chance that he'll be interested.
The other thing to remember is that no matter how much *you* want it, the decision of whether or not he wants to mount, and whether or not he wants to knot, is his decision. Not yours. There's nothing you can realistically do to "help him along." If you touch his sheath and his body language indicates that he's not interested, then leave him be. He'll still be your nice platonic buddy.
Thank you. I thought that may be the cast and what I read may be the exception rather than the rule as I have never seen him with an erection.They can not cum. Cum has been removed from their body. They could maybe shoot some precum.
The purpose of castration is the removal of sexual behavior.
Only dogs that have had previous sexual experiences before castration may be interested in sex after. Though their sex drive will be severely diminished and likely go away completely. They will have trouble keeping an erection and will produce less liquids and get dry more.
Yea I hear that. He was a rescue and my wife is not at all into this so……..not so lucky.Exactly, been there done that! Cost the same thing to feed a good hung dog