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Neutered male sex information gathering

Of all the sexual preferences, i didn't think people here would be so judgemental. Fuck off mate
When the average thirsty desperate idiot crawling out of the wood works around here wouldn't think twice about fence hopping or snagging a random stray off the side of the road to satisfy their urges. You're damn right we're gonna be "judgemental" of any post that sounds remotely like yet another horny person looking for any opportunity to treat an animal like a warm sex toy with no regards for the animal or the people who it's a family member to.
Park it where it wont fade, bub. You asked a question that could be construed as stupid, added details you must have realized would light fuzes. Judgemental, Here?...Sho 'nuff, bubba, because someone needs to look out for the critters. If Youd prefaced you question with a little better detail, it wouldnt have raised eyebrows. I wish the dog luck yet again, since youre SUCH a considerate fellow
Why yessir. I do oblige
Some can, but it takes patience, and the dog may need to be lubed up because castrates are very dry in the sheath, so dry that sometimes the penis is kinda "glued" to the sheath. If the neuter can get hard, he is likely to get less hard than an intact dog.
Some can, but it takes patience, and the dog may need to be lubed up because castrates are very dry in the sheath, so dry that sometimes the penis is kinda "glued" to the sheath. If the neuter can get hard, he is likely to get less hard than an intact dog.
thank you for answering. i tried to do it to my 4 year old dog last night and nothing happened so i was wondering if he could. i have never done it before and thought that could of been why
thank you for answering. i tried to do it to my 4 year old dog last night and nothing happened so i was wondering if he could. i have never done it before and thought that could of been why
A dog with no balls is *ALMOST CERTAINLY* a dog with no interest whatsoever in sex. There are exceptions, but that's exactly what they are: exceptions. Keep in mind that one of the primary goals of cutting the nuts off an animal is to (ideally) completely destroy, or at least hugely reduce sexual behavior. And it works pretty well in the vast majority of cases.
Mine does when he humps his bed but only right at the very end and I think it's sore to touch at that point, and not always.

If humping his bed is any indicator, he certainly has an interest for sex.
Yes, even without testicles any male dog, horse, human can get hard.

Interest in sex / stimulation depends on the individual, as @UR20Z wrote.

If the dog got neutered after experiencing positive sexual activity with humans, he might still have an (even high) interest in it. Same goes for female dogs. Females can as well climax after such a surgery and enjoy it, on males it might be more of a dry climax if at all, but physically the hormonal activity brain-wise (and positive feelings) does not require the existence of testicles, it just makes it harder to get to that point.

One problematic aspect with this is that most dogs get neutered quite young and were at this time mostly not experiencing possibilities of sexual interactions with humans (why should a zoo enjoying the sexual aspects neuter the dog?), so it is true that the interest is often not existent or quite weakly formed.

The possible physical changes like dry sheet, incontinence (mostly on females), irregular and permanent fur growth and so on are not related to the further sexual activity unfortunately, so just because a dog still shows a sexual interest in stimulation it doesn't mean that they will not experience side effects of the neutering / spaying for the whole life.
My neutered dog used to very eagerly mount other dogs/people and got totally hard. He didn't have any marbles though, so he couldn't finish the job lol.
yes YanchaOkami , that has been my experience
Mostly i have found, if the dog was neutered as an adult they will still be interested and get hard . but its not for to long. if he was neutered as a pup, before going threw doggie puberty i guess we will say.... lol its unlikely he will have any interest in mounting or sex. cause basically without his testicles ever to have been pumping him full of testosterone. hes just not the boy he would have been if left intact. I have "known" a lot of dogs and if neutered very young, their penis often seems like it really doesn't develop much as they matured.
hope i didn't but in, just thought id share my experience. ?
Surely can. But it's still possible to show sexual interest through humping even for castrated male dogs.
The enjoyment / emotions of stimulation can be there even without testicles. More rarely, yes.
Don't have sex with somebody else's dog that is entrusted to your care. Having sex with random dogs can turn out badly for them. Role confusion and sudden bad habits when the dog goes home may not end up well at all. That said, how interested in sex a neutered dog is varies hugely. Many don't care at all. Some are pretty into it and one I tried held the knot until he fell asleep! Most don't get very hard or stay erect for even a minute. My current big dog is neutered and occasionally enjoys sex. He doesn't like to be touched, so I rubbed my head under his chin and onto his back. Then I put my ass in his face and rubbed it down his side. After doing this several times over the course of a week, he mounted me one day and gave it to me good. I wonder a bit about his former owner. He now gladly mounts all on his own. I never touched his cock until he mounted me, and still don't. It's all about him.
My neighbors dog was neutered and when I’d play with my boy, this guy wanted to join in. Of course my guy wanted NONE of that, so when he’d slip out of me, I’d open the door, let him out, let the neighbours dog in and bend over for him. He would mount, thrust and swell but he never just stayed put after it did and just relax like dogs with balls do, he’d jump off then try again. Usually after he jumped off I’d have to let my guy in who would be pounding on and barking at the door. He’d be super jealous and then mount me violently and after his knot went down I’d let the other dog in and put my guy out again. Super fun.
Most neutered dogs can get hard (takes patience sometimes) and can be just as horny as a intact dog but some are just uninterested I've found that about 7 out of 10 neutered dogs can be aroused. Just be careful to not let his cock dry out, help him back in his sheath and make sure his sheath isn't inside out when his dick goes back in the tip of his sheath might tuck inside his sheath. Just gently massage it out, this can happen with intact dogs as well.
Not playing with a neutered dog would be quite cruel. Just throw the ball already. :D
Also this is a surprisingly common question considering the fact that the purpose of castration is the removal of sexual behavior.
.. the fact that the purpose of castration is the removal of sexual behavior.

Nah, purposes vary, might as well have health issues as reason (my dog is an example, cancer anyone?). Sexuality mustn't be removed by such a surgery at all, my dog is basically the same aside the more aroused heat cycles which fall away.

But many dogs are ways less receptive and interested, that's true. Still does not mean that a neutered / spayed dog can't have sexual feelings and even climaxing (females have an easier way than males with this part).
Yes. Castration does not affect the ability to copulate; it simply removes the source3 of the hormone that creates masculine interst.