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How Many People do You Chat With

How many different people do you chat with on a daily or semi daily/regularly basis on here? Are you a guy that only talks to women? Are you a woman that only talks to guys? Is there a decent mix? How many messages do you end up ignoring usually because of dud conversations?

I’m just curious what people’s chatting habits are on here. It feels like most of the time I message someone, they respond so quick I can’t get to my other messages.

I’m a woman and the vast majority of my conversations are with guys. I have about 15 people that I regularly chat with on a daily basis. Only 2 are women. Only 3 of them have I really gotten to know very well and they know me very well. I have maybe 10 or so dud conversations each day that I can’t commit the energy to reply to the same questions over and over again or that are just “hey how are you” copy pasted every day.
More than 5, most are men ?
I sometimes talk to a couple people but its not super consistent but ive also not been coming to the site a ton lately so im sure that has alot to do with it
I talk to a few....The guy who introduced to zooville, and I thank you for that, and a couple other guys. So I guess I talk to all guys so far, the girls seem to be much quieter as far as messaging. I love chatting, I love getting my kink on during chats. I also love to learn, as I have been most a oral girl.
You are SO welcome, Darlin - and I'm so glad you're here! And I'm always up for chat, if you wish.... I use Sessions sometimes, if you know that, or on here.
How many different people do you chat with on a daily or semi daily/regularly basis on here? Are you a guy that only talks to women? Are you a woman that only talks to guys? Is there a decent mix? How many messages do you end up ignoring usually because of dud conversations?

I’m just curious what people’s chatting habits are on here. It feels like most of the time I message someone, they respond so quick I can’t get to my other messages.

I’m a woman and the vast majority of my conversations are with guys. I have about 15 people that I regularly chat with on a daily basis. Only 2 are women. Only 3 of them have I really gotten to know very well and they know me very well. I have maybe 10 or so dud conversations each day that I can’t commit the energy to reply to the same questions over and over again or that are just “hey how are you” copy pasted every day.
This is normal for womens into zoo websites to be contacted by many guys .. I think they/we like to hear about zoo women's stories we all hopes it's happen it's exciting to imagine it but we are not conscious about the amount of guys who contacted you and most of us asks the same questions, so I completely understand womens who send us go to see elsewhere ?. Don't feel bad to not responding to everyone.. personally I talk with 3,4 peoples and sometimes you find a scammer so you're more and more careful
I don't have anyone I talk to on here, but there is a guy I found on reddit who is just an amazing person. They aren't a zoo but they are one of the best most kind and accepting people I've ever met. They originally messaged me because they were curious about what it means to be a zoophile. At teh beginning, he admitted he didn't really trust me around animals, but after a while of talking to him and being completely honest about how I feel and what I think, he not only said he hopes I am able to get myself a dog someday, but also that he'd trust me around his (if he had any). He really is one of a kind and I'm so glad we met :)
How many different people do you chat with on a daily or semi daily/regularly basis on here? Are you a guy that only talks to women? Are you a woman that only talks to guys? Is there a decent mix? How many messages do you end up ignoring usually because of dud conversations?

I’m just curious what people’s chatting habits are on here. It feels like most of the time I message someone, they respond so quick I can’t get to my other messages.

I’m a woman and the vast majority of my conversations are with guys. I have about 15 people that I regularly chat with on a daily basis. Only 2 are women. Only 3 of them have I really gotten to know very well and they know me very well. I have maybe 10 or so dud conversations each day that I can’t commit the energy to reply to the same questions over and over again or that are just “hey how are you” copy pasted every day.
Chat with bunch here. Give all a go. We are really happy together so it's not the usual thirst thing. Vast majority turn out to be storytellers some are genuenly amazing. 5percent or so you find are cool people. Just how it is. The 95percent will band to defend themselves to keep catfishing for what I assume is dopamine hit gloomy innit :) chat with reals persists of wide variety of discussions anything from just who you are to sometimes touching on the experience of the topic. It's a balance it would be a lie to say the taboo isint brought up but also lie to say you don't genuenly want to understand a new friend. Got threads after threads talking bout life with those that are cool. Keyword is 5percent
I will say, 99% of the messages I get are that exact same phrase. You gotta try to stand out. Title your private message something other than “hello”. If you want to message with someone, put in some effort to learn a bit about them. Where did you see them in the forum? What kind of stuff were they posting or talking about? What’s some of their recent activity in the forum? Title the private message something interesting that stands out. Your first message should more be about starting the conversations already. Something like, “Oh hey there! I saw you were in (this thread) and what you said really caught my attention.” And then build on that in your first message. Keep it brief but not just 2-3 sentences. I’d say a good first message should be at least a full paragraph. Give the other person something to think about and respond to.
I agree with you for the most part. Saying something simple like "Hey there" merely shifts the burden of conversation onto the other person. Whereas if you want a meaningful response, the recipient needs to feel that you are pulling your own weight while conversing. Making an interesting observation is a great tactic, as well as making a statement or asking a question that makes them think, and elicits a response. So let me rephrase my opening sentence. I wholly agree with you... logically. Personally, I don't believe anyone should be ignored or overlooked for starting a conversation with a greeting; "hello" "what's up" "salutations" etc. Mainly because the same rules apply to the one being greeted. If you're boring enough to respond to a "hello" message with nothing but "hi" then how can you blame someone else for such a lame icebreaker? It would be fair to say that they initiated the conversation and they are the one wanting recognition so it's on them. To sum it up, realistically, your advice is sound and more than likely effective. Ideally, everyone should make an effort to reply and start their evaluations/judgements off of their response to you, not just their greeting. Just like when speaking face to face, some people just barely take the first step by blurting out "hi" but are more than willing to open up once they feel they're actually being listened to.
Not as many as we’d like, it’s very inconsistent and typically just creepy dudes. We’d love to chat with preferably a F who is looking for a friendship or something long term!
A weirdo just asked me on DM how deep is my pussy.

For a moment I thought he was some 15 year old pampered teenager, but then I remembered that he could be a research biologist, gynaecologist and anthropologist doing research to complete another PhD. ?
Science requires peer review to be effective. The public needs to know the answer to these questions!
With 6 or 7, at the moment 0. I find it a bit difficult because I use the translator and sometimes I don't answer quickly, time differences sometimes have something to do with it. Two women and the rest men, most of them inexperienced, who wanted to know something and then didn't write any more. I agree with many of the previous posts.
Good if you chat with decent people, but keep in mind there are a shitload of weirdos, completely detached from reality.
Indeed! Got to watch out for that and identify them quickly before it’s too late lol. I guess it is expected to see some of that given the subject of our common interests
A few trans girls have reached out and said hi/welcome. But i mainly get guys wanting to dirty chat and stuff, but I'm not here for that.
I'm sure more intimate/bonding and hopefully experience driven conversations will happen over time though
I only chat every now and then.
Like a few guys mentioned before, I close to never start any conversation because of all the sad thirsty fuckers here, spamming all the women.
So right now I chat with a nice British girl and a couple from my own country.
If someone takes the time to check my profile more then half the info they ask is there. ?
A weirdo just asked me on DM how deep is my pussy.

For a moment I thought he was some 15 year old pampered teenager, but then I remembered that he could be a research biologist, gynaecologist and anthropologist doing research to complete another PhD. ?
Lol, well it's more original than asking for a pic of it
A few trans girls have reached out and said hi/welcome. But i mainly get guys wanting to dirty chat and stuff, but I'm not here for that.
I'm sure more intimate/bonding and hopefully experience driven conversations will happen over time though
then u may should change ur userpic - if u use a naughty pic its most likely that u attract the wanker xD u done that urself on u
None actually. I'm fairly new to the site and don't really know how to approach people...
Which is funny, because I'd love to get to know others with similar interests.
None actually. I'm fairly new to the site and don't really know how to approach people...
Which is funny, because I'd love to get to know others with similar interests.
I think the best thing to do is just be engaging in conversation in the different threads that interest you. If someone genuinely interests you or you genuinely interest them, one of you can ask to DM the other. I feel like that’s typically the better way to start privately messaging somebody. You could just send someone a private message out of the blue, but some people view that as rude. And also, you have to think of an interesting way to grab that person‘s attention to stick out from the crowd if you’re trying to contact a female.
Will sort that out now, through it would be better than a blank profile. Still getting to know the ropes here but thanks ?
Pretty much no matter what you do as far as having a naughty versus not naughty profile pic, or having a naughty versus not naughty username, I feel like if guys can tell you’re a female, there are many that will try to shoot their shot in the weirdest and typically dumbest ways. ? If you’re an overly nice person, it gets very taxing trying to respond to everybody even if you don’t really want to.
Pretty much no matter what you do as far as having a naughty versus not naughty profile pic, or having a naughty versus not naughty username, I feel like if guys can tell you’re a female, there are many that will try to shoot their shot in the weirdest and typically dumbest ways. ? If you’re an overly nice person, it gets very taxing trying to respond to everybody even if you don’t really want to.
Shoot their shot? Like “PEW PEW” ??

I don’t pm people. I’ll respond to anyone and thank you to all who have sent a message. I’m more of a voice conversationalist rather than text and I burn out on texting pretty quick so I might be at a disadvantage finding my future beasty wife here

Que sera sera
How many different people do you chat with on a daily or semi daily/regularly basis on here? Are you a guy that only talks to women? Are you a woman that only talks to guys? Is there a decent mix? How many messages do you end up ignoring usually because of dud conversations?

I’m just curious what people’s chatting habits are on here. It feels like most of the time I message someone, they respond so quick I can’t get to my other messages.

I’m a woman and the vast majority of my conversations are with guys. I have about 15 people that I regularly chat with on a daily basis. Only 2 are women. Only 3 of them have I really gotten to know very well and they know me very well. I have maybe 10 or so dud conversations each day that I can’t commit the energy to reply to the same questions over and over again or that are just “hey how are you” copy pasted every day.
So now four months later and a little bit of time away, would you say those conversations have continued and carried over or essentially gone dead due to lack of interest or ability to maintain contact?
Personally speaking, I don't talk to many people on the forum via DM. The few I have engaged with, it's mostly been navigating unwanted advances, some conversations have thankfully circumvented your typical subject matter though! Specially talking about music interests or what they enjoy outside of Zoo related topics. Which I find to be a real fresh breath of air!