Your enthusiasm is heartwarming, but I fear you're in for a disappointment. The only movement you can be referring to is making a lot of enemies and when it starts taking losses it's going to turn on whatever seems to make it weak. One of those enemies is myself.I think we're on the same wavelength. The arguments against us are trash, we know that. The science is in our favor, we know that. I just think that with the way the world is, not only has that cultural movement already begun, but that it might not even take that long to snowball. Neither of us can really predict how long that'll take, I hope for 5-10 you were saying 20. Mainly I think 5-10 because of how receptive my generation (zoomers) are proving to be as we're now hitting our early to mid 20's, with how radical and outspoken we're proving to be as well as how primed the world is currently politically and socially for change, I think we might be the silver bullet.
I think you're smokin' something better than I can get my hands on. I figure we'll be accepted about three days after hell freezes over. Maybe a couple days longer than that.I dunno, personally I'm optimistic and I like to hope for five years, realistically its probably more like 10-15+ with how taboo it is.
We’re not talking about people loving people. This has been mentioned time and time again.Yeah, but people said that about the lgbt movement, and people died for that. If we want freedom we have to take it, no amount of cowardice will sway the public either.
That is the movement I'm referring to, but the fact that it's making a lot of enemies doesn't bother me at all. It's making enemies, but any movement of this kind at this point in its development will make enemies in droves. It's taboo, people hate us, and if you're trying for a rights movement, that necessitates shoving something people hate in their faces and forcing them to not ignore it anymore. And that virtually prints enemies. It's whether it can get passed those enemies or not that is the question. I'm not really sure who'd be turned on by the LGBT(Z) movement, you either are a zoo or you're not. The reason I compare us to the initial homosexuality movement is that yeah, it's gonna be hard, we're gonna lose people, we're gonna get a lot of pushback, but thats why it's a 'fight for freedom' and not an 'apathetic wait for freedom'. And yeah, the movement might collapse, but the more people lose the mentality that 'it wont work so why bother', the sooner the next movement rises from its ashes. We need enthusiasm, and we need the courage to actually fight for ourselves because with a world that hates us nobody will do that for us and we will have to pay for our freedom in one way or another.Your enthusiasm is heartwarming, but I fear you're in for a disappointment. The only movement you can be referring to is making a lot of enemies and when it starts taking losses it's going to turn on whatever seems to make it weak. One of those enemies is myself.
Now that doesn't necessarily mean zoos won't come out smelling like a bunch of roses. As I have pointed out before sometimes you have some "big ask" mechanics going on. Dave Rubin is openly in a homosexual marriage with surrogate carried children on the way, not everybody in his political tribe is happy about it but they are nowhere near turning on him because they want to show that they can be tolerant so long as you aren't attacking their core values.
Even if the LGBT(Z) thing is beaten back we might still be left with decriminalization, which will certainly mark the start of the avalanche.
I think you're just pessimistic.I think you're smokin' something better than I can get my hands on. I figure we'll be accepted about three days after hell freezes over. Maybe a couple days longer than that.
Yes, and I disagree with it time and time again. It doesn't make a difference. If the science is in our favor, and the arguments are as well, the only thing left is stigma ignorance, and taboo, and to break that requires a willingness to paint a target on your back and stop hiding. Nothing ever gets done by people who give up before they even start.We’re not talking about people loving people. This has been mentioned time and time again.
For my sanity I hope you're right, but I wouldn't underestimate the sheer amount of fuckin' stupid these generations are huffing.the kiddie diddling bullshit isn't flying
Assuming we don't slip right into full nanny state tyranny, because social media is basically already there. But yeah, zoosex might become legal in that hellworld, so who knows, take the victories where you can get them I guess? I've thrown my crystal ball straight into the garbage can a long time ago. Common sense doesn't apply when dealing with millions and billions of people.I think people will be surprised what the next generations have the capability to accomplish simply because of how primed the world is for major cultural shifts right now
About 15-18% but it's been a while since those stats have been last collected cause maybe it's not the kind of stat people want to brag about. And yea, looooooooooots of self-hating closeted zoos. Been there done that. And seen that quite a few times.Also, I think the furries are the ticket really, not just a cover. For one, many, many furs are closeted zoos. Most of them are self hating
Yeah, I agree, if it does get accepted by some miracle the weird looks people give you when petting your doggo will eventually go away.just as gays being in contact with other males does not necessitate sexual activity, while it would most certainly not be easy to come out as a zoo as it is with any other sexuality, I'd be alright with it happening
Nah, the solution is to push "most bestiality is not rape" through, not this silly distancing game. Cause like it or hate it, it's a word for a thing (putting the peepee into animal tailhole). Zoosexuality is just the general attraction (orientation if you will) I guess."I hate bestiality because its rape, but zoosexuals are being lumped in with that incorrectly and shouldn't be persecuted."
You saying that is the historical fallacy of predetermination.We’re not talking about people loving people. This has been mentioned time and time again.
The primary problem is that with two humans, one can go to the police if their partner is abusing them and/or raping them. This is not possible with a human/animal partnership. Just as they don't have a voice to confirm whether or not they actually DO want to have sex or not. (We can definitely infer as such from non-verbal consent. Which to us is pretty obvious.) Non-human animals do not have a voice to speak out against abuse and trauma. Animals don't have any direct rights in a court of law. Whereas a gay couple does.Yes, and I disagree with it time and time again. It doesn't make a difference. If the science is in our favor, and the arguments are as well, the only thing left is stigma and taboo and to break that requires a willingness to paint a target on your back and stop hiding.
Some claim so. But 30+ years of watching the various attempts at "getting zoo rights" has, to date, demonstrated that the only thing that happens is more and worse persecution. If that makes me a pessimist, then so be it. I look at it as being realistic. The hatred/disgust/revulsion at the mere THOUGHT of somebody having sex with an animal amongst the general populace is so deeply engrained that all that needs to be done is push the idea in front of "John Q. Public" to get the "pitchforks and torches" brigade into action. The alphabet-soup brigade is downright "normal" in comparison to us sick fucks that screw animals - at least in the minds of damn near every human on the planet.I think you're just pessimistic.
Your putting big historical issues up against us who are basically unknown outside of comical jokes involving people who rather ride sheep. Non of it is going to hold the stitch. As annoying as the LGBT can be, even their loud mouth don’t want us and their into some freaky shit.You saying that is the historical fallacy of predetermination.
Just because something happened a certain way does not mean it had to happen that way. Yet people have always, and still do look back at history and instead of looking for indicators of tipping points or fragile initial conditions pick some aspect and declare that made something inevitable.
It was declared that the american revolution was inevitable, because of the distance from the king they might say. In France it could never happen... but it did. What they were doing was picking a reason with little care for whether it was actually a determining factor.
You say "people loving people" this difference has no objective relevance. It's all the state attacking people for victimless crimes. That is what has objective relevance.
Apriori it is just as historically possible that heterosexual zoosexuality was decriminalized since the 60s while homosexuality remained illegal till 2022. After all we're not talking about the natural and tolerable penis in vagina.
No, the movement I was talking about is the general sexual re-calibration that purportedly started with the homosexual demand for decriminalization but is now deep into a war on gender and prepubescent sex ed. They haven't even unequivocally included the Z, that might not happen especially if they start losing politically. That's what I mean by "turning on", they could play with including Z (as a few are now) but then see themselves be pushed back on all fronts and decide "whoa whoa we need to be more normal, get those dog fuckers out of here".That is the movement I'm referring to, but the fact that it's making a lot of enemies doesn't bother me at all. It's making enemies, but any movement of this kind at this point in its development will make enemies in droves. It's taboo, people hate us, and if you're trying for a rights movement, that necessitates shoving something people hate in their faces and forcing them to not ignore it anymore. And that virtually prints enemies. It's whether it can get passed those enemies or not that is the question. I'm not really sure who'd be turned on by the LGBT(Z) movement, you either are a zoo or you're not. The reason I compare us to the initial homosexuality movement is that yeah, it's gonna be hard, we're gonna lose people, we're gonna get a lot of pushback, but thats why it's a 'fight for freedom' and not an 'apathetic wait for freedom'. And yeah, the movement might collapse, but the more people lose the mentality that 'it wont work so why bother', the sooner the next movement rises from its ashes. We need enthusiasm, and we need the courage to actually fight for ourselves because with a world that hates us nobody will do that for us and we will have to pay for our freedom in one way or another.
100% agreement, if you bullshit you still won't convert the haters but you'll lose the rational ones. Bestiality = sex between humans and non-humans. Zoosexuals are the ones who are turned on by bestiality. The end, don't try to define away morality. Rape = bad, but it's still sex. Bestial rape = bad, but it's still bestiality."I hate bestiality because its rape, but zoosexuals are being lumped in with that incorrectly and shouldn't be persecuted."
Nah, the solution is to push "most bestiality is not rape" through, not this silly distancing game. Cause like it or hate it, it's a word for a thing (putting the peepee into animal tailhole). Zoosexuality is just the general attraction (orientation if you will) I guess.
No that isn't the primary problem. I've tested this, I've asked antis if they would tolerate bestiality if it was always recorded and reviewed and they still would not.The primary problem is that with two humans, one can go to the police if their partner is abusing them and/or raping them. This is not possible with a human/animal partnership.
and every day humans beat the shit out of their spouses and children, those spouses can file a police report but don't, still families aren't banned.It's absolutely easy to turn this "relationship" into a one-sided affair. Multiple porn videos are removed every day which demonstrates this fact. Not all sex with animals is a mutually enjoyable affair.
What becomes a big historical issue is not predetermined.Your putting big historical issues up against us who are basically unknown outside of comical jokes involving people who rather ride sheep. Non of it is going to hold the stitch. As annoying as the LGBT can be, even their loud mouth don’t want us and their into some freaky shit.
Cash in donation buckets is about as effective as a fart is for riot control. And yeah, the pedos are following. Luckily most of the people I see are rejecting the pedos. Most of the support the movement is garnering, especially from my generation, comes from people listening to our arguments and agreeing with them, the arguments the diddlers make still suck, so they're not listening to them.That’s on you bub. You can drop some cash in the donations bucket and cross your fingers. It will always end the same. Like a cockbird on opening day in the brier field. As soon as this if it ever does get off the ground expect the pedos to fallow. They already hang around here.
Yeah, all I'm really saying is the world is primed for change, not what that change will be. It could really just devolve straight down the shitter, but it just as easily could go the other way. A lot of what I'm seeing gives me a lot of hope that it'll go the other way, but as the world hangs on a knifes edge, all we can do is try to push for what we believe in as hard as we can to try and tip it in our favor.Assuming we don't slip right into full nanny state tyranny, because social media is basically already there. But yeah, zoosex might become legal in that hellworld, so who knows, take the victories where you can get them I guess? I've thrown my crystal ball straight into the garbage can a long time ago. Common sense doesn't apply when dealing with millions and billions of people.
Well yes and no. I agree that it is a term that is used interchangably to describe sex with animals, but so was the term sodomy used to describe all forms of anal sex. The reason we don't refer to anal sex as sodomy anymore is because sodomy is anal rape. Yes sodomy necissairly means anal sex in addition to rape, but anal sex doesn't necessarily mean rape. Bestiality necessarily means sex with animals, but the way the general public views it it also necessarily means rape, but the term zoosexuality necessitates sex with animals, but doesn't necessitate rape.Nah, the solution is to push "most bestiality is not rape" through, not this silly distancing game. Cause like it or hate it, it's a word for a thing (putting the peepee into animal tailhole). Zoosexuality is just the general attraction (orientation if you will) I guess.
I've heard this before. This is just the he said she said rape case argument. We have that problem with humans too. You can only prove abuse you have evidence of. In the case of physical abuse towards both humans and animals, you have physical evidence of it and that's why usually when zoos get prosecuted its because they were also physically abusing the animal and someone saw the wounds. When it comes to exclusively sexual abuse if you don't have a rape kit or some other form of hard evidence like a video recording or witnesses, it's one persons word against another. Yes, the dog for instance doesn't even have a 'word', but neither does a human who was raped and doesn't remember it because they got cosby'd, or because they were otherwise pressured to not come forward, or even someone who does come forward anyways and doesnt get anywhere due to a lack of evidence.The primary problem is that with two humans, one can go to the police if their partner is abusing them and/or raping them. This is not possible with a human/animal partnership. Just as they don't have a voice to confirm whether or not they actually DO want to have sex or not. (We can definitely infer as such from non-verbal consent. Which to us is pretty obvious.) Non-human animals do not have a voice to speak out against abuse and trauma. Animals don't have any direct rights in a court of law. Whereas a gay couple does.
It's absolutely easy to turn this "relationship" into a one-sided affair. Multiple porn videos are removed every day which demonstrates this fact. Not all sex with animals is a mutually enjoyable affair.
And I'm saying that those 30+ years of people making attempts were not in vein, they were priming the world for the real push. The stage of normalization we're just now about to exit has been primarily about getting the words and concepts into peoples heads, starting the conversations so that the discussion becomes normalized bit by bit. Now that the mere discussion is being tolerated more and more, by more and more people, this is the time that we need to push hard and seize the opportunity by making those argments, making them loudly, and making them well. Otherwise we're letting that 30+ years of hard fought normalization and slowly but surely building momentum go to waste.Some claim so. But 30+ years of watching the various attempts at "getting zoo rights" has, to date, demonstrated that the only thing that happens is more and worse persecution. If that makes me a pessimist, then so be it. I look at it as being realistic. The hatred/disgust/revulsion at the mere THOUGHT of somebody having sex with an animal amongst the general populace is so deeply engrained that all that needs to be done is push the idea in front of "John Q. Public" to get the "pitchforks and torches" brigade into action. The alphabet-soup brigade is downright "normal" in comparison to us sick fucks that screw animals - at least in the minds of damn near every human on the planet.
I dunno, gays did reclaim some words like queer, and even faggot isn't that much of an insult nowadays (if you have your f-word pass), so whether or not "bestiality" can be reclaimed is anyone's guess. I'm only saying it cause people keep tagging it in human x feral art all the time. If it's good enough for that, it's probably good enough. There's always "zoosex" as a backup option I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯The reason we don't refer to anal sex as sodomy anymore is because sodomy is anal rape. Yes sodomy necissairly means anal sex in addition to rape, but anal sex doesn't necessarily mean rape. Bestiality necessarily means sex with animals, but the way the general public views it it also necessarily means rape, but the term zoosexuality necessitates sex with animals, but doesn't necessitate rape.
If anything just for practical reasons, getting people to stop saying it might be a lost cause when so many zoophiles and furries use it all the time without the negative rape connotation.100% agreement, if you bullshit you still won't convert the haters but you'll lose the rational ones. Bestiality = sex between humans and non-humans. Zoosexuals are the ones who are turned on by bestiality. The end, don't try to define away morality. Rape = bad, but it's still sex. Bestial rape = bad, but it's still bestiality.
Well, that is true that we need non zoo allies. That's why I'm so hopeful for LGBT(Z), this is the source of both non zoo allies, as well as the movement to rally behind that we need. The push-back you're seeing with the people that want to 'get the dogfuckers out of here', is to be expected and something that we have fight back against, those people are the people who need convincing and are our main obstacle at this stage, they aren't the people who are giving me hope. We need to either show those people the errors in their thinking process in the case of non zoos trying to 'get rid of the dogfuckers', and in the case of zoos who are getting scared into that stance, we need to be supporting them and giving them the backup they need to have the balls to not backpedal on what they know is right. Just like the gays did.No, the movement I was talking about is the general sexual re-calibration that purportedly started with the homosexual demand for decriminalization but is now deep into a war on gender and prepubescent sex ed. They haven't even unequivocally included the Z, that might not happen especially if they start losing politically. That's what I mean by "turning on", they could play with including Z (as a few are now) but then see themselves be pushed back on all fronts and decide "whoa whoa we need to be more normal, get those dog fuckers out of here".
Don't get me wrong, it's not really one coherent movement in any way. Decriminalization of harmless interaction can be demanded on very broad liberal grounds. Enforced pronouns not so much.
... but people believe there is a continuity and a coherency that isn't there. If Z gets added our fate will rise and fall with that movement because there are not enough zoos to make a voting bloc. The only way our interests will ever matter is if somebody besides zoos gives a shit. There are multiple reasons to give a shit, and the only one the pride flag waving kinds care about is victim hood. The only reason libertarians would give a shit is because we're being attacked by the state despite not breaking the non-aggression principle. Traditional religious will only care when it becomes culturally impossible not to.
You say LGBT(Z) and seem to think that refers to a group of only zoos, that's not good enough to win. Homosexuals didn't win alone, they represented a maligned minority; someone to agitate over for the left, a tool and example for the left.
Zoos need to mean something to somebody or there will be no decriminalization. We can try, we should try; but we can't cause that to happen by our will alone.
That's absolutely true, and there's no reason that we can't do that too. But remember that it wasn't until quite recently actually that queer became an acceptable pass-free word to use in reference to lgbt people, and mainly it became that way because a blanket term became necessary with the extreme growth of the movement in the last decade or so. And faggot is still pretty firmly a pass-only term, and used in much the same fashion as the n-word, in an endearing sense amongst members of that community.I dunno, gays did reclaim some words like queer, and even faggot isn't that much of an insult nowadays (if you have your f-word pass), so whether or not "bestiality" can be reclaimed is anyone's guess. I'm only saying it cause people keep tagging it in human x feral art all the time. If it's good enough for that, it's probably good enough. There's always "zoosex" as a backup option I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You claim it. Now PROVE it.being tolerated more and more, by more and more people
You truly ARE smoking better shit than I can get my hands on if you think that there's been even an iota of "normalization".that 30+ years of hard fought normalization
Well, I'm not gonna go collect you anecdotal evidence of this, because most of my experiences with this have simply been in direct conversations with non-zoos, I completely disagree with your notion that there's been no normalization. More and more people that I talk to are now becoming open enough to at least hear the arguments with an open mind, that's normalization. Maybe your anecdotal experience is different, but that's mine.You claim it. Now PROVE it.
You truly ARE smoking better shit than I can get my hands on if you think that there's been even an iota of "normalization".
And I thought Reconscope was a hopeless pollyanna...![]()
Well, I suppose there is never, after that there is acceptance of pedophilia,THEN there is zoosexualityI dunno, personally I'm optimistic and I like to hope for five years, realistically its probably more like 10-15+ with how taboo it is.
Speaking of that, minor pet peeve, if you ask people what queer means you'll get 10 different answers. Anything from neo-gender freakshow to "gay but political/activist". I give up. I don't know what it means. And people who say "LGBTQ" don't wasn't until quite recently actually that queer beame an acceptable pass-free word to use in reference to lgbt people
Hmmm, I think I use faggot pretty much 99% of the time as a general insult, regardless of orientation. But don't worry, I've sucked dozens and dozens of dicks, my f-word pass is an endeering sense amongst members of that community.
Yeah ok, but good luck at getting ourselves to stop using it.we need to distance ourselves from the rape meaning as much as possible, and later on we can bring it back in as a reclaimed word, but only after people understand the difference between zoosexuality and bestiality
Probably not. I've seem many edit wars and people pulling entire galleries worth of stuff over things like tag-what-you-can-see vs author gender, so going in and telling them to change anything is pretty much a declaration of war. And the purists always win.I think that the tag will probably evolve to something different as time goes on.
Yeah, I dunno either. I first saw it show up when lgbt+ was also in running, and then it became lgbtq+. I just consider it to be interchangeable with the +, and that's how it's been explained to me so I just go with it.Speaking of that, minor pet peeve, if you ask people what queer means you'll get 10 different answers. Anything from neo-gender freakshow to "gay but political/activist". I give up. I don't know what it means. And people who say "LGBTQ" don't either.
Id say at least amongst the people I hang out with its probably 80% genuine insult, 10% joking insult, 10% more n-word like. I know a few people that get off big-time when people call them a fag, and label themselves as such because of that. Funny side note, I'm bisexual when it comes to feminine human men, but I'm straight as far as zoosexuality goes.Hmmm, I think I use faggot pretty much 99% of the time as a general insult, regardless of orientation. But don't worry, I've sucked dozens and dozens of dicks, my f-word pass is permanent.
Yeah, but they also redirect zoophilia and I think zoosexuality to bestiality as well, on e6 the way they seem to like to handle tags is have one base tag and then a bunch of aliases that redirect to that base tag. The base tag for zoosexuality just happened to be bestiality to start with, but it redirects all other terms for it to that tag. It's definitely not gonna happen overnight, but the more people get the knowledge on the word the more people might ask for that to be changed. Also I wouldn't exactly use that site as a benchmark for behavior, dumb shit drama is pretty commonplace there.Yeah ok, but good luck at getting ourselves to stop using it.
Also lol, e6 is literally pulling a "did you mean bestiality?" when I try to search for the alternate tags.
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Probably not. I've seem many edit wars and people pulling entire galleries worth of stuff over things like tag-what-you-can-see vs author gender, so going in and telling them to change anything is pretty much a declaration of war. And the purists always win.
Unless socjus commiefornia groomer trash throw a spanner in the works. They're trying. They really are.Well, I suppose there is never, after that there is acceptance of pedophilia,THEN there is zoosexuality
They're definitely trying, but I'm really skeptical that they'll even get as far as we have already. The difference is we have good arguments and scientific research coming up in our favor, and their arguments are trash and scientific research comes up consistently not in their favor. And I keep hammering on about it but at least in my generation amongst my friends and just people I interact with, we're seemingly really not buying it either. Some of us definitely are, but generally the ones I see that are convinced by the MAP shit are like 18 and disturbingly younger usually, which makes me think more misguided beliefs resultant from grooming than something they wont grow out of, hopefully.Unless socjus commiefornia groomer trash throw a spanner in the works. They're trying. They really are.
And whoever wins we all lose.
Where have we come thus far? I’m all ears and I mean hard studies on US soil as it would affect me personally. And non of that crap they had on here a while back that resembled a kids picture bookThey're definitely trying, but I'm really skeptical that they'll even get as far as we have already. The difference is we have good arguments and scientific research coming up in our favor, and their arguments are trash and scientific research comes up consistently not in their favor. And I keep hammering on about it but at least in my generation amongst my friends and just people I interact with, we're seemingly really not buying it either. Some of us definitely are, but generally the ones I see that are convinced by the MAP shit are like 18 and disturbingly younger usually, which makes me think more misguided beliefs resultant from grooming than something they wont grow out of, hopefully.
I've seen that comic you're talking about, but not read it yet. But some of the studies I've read have come from here. I don't have the links right now, I need to find them again and put them in a list along with some well thought out arguments because I intend to put them to work on some other sites. But the ones I'm thinking of I read on the NCBI's site, some of them just focused on animal sexuality, and some focused on zoosexuality. Though I'm pretty sure most were studies done in countries where it was already more acceptable like germany anyways, so I don't think they'd sway you anyways.Where have we come thus far? I’m all ears and I mean hard studies on US soil as it would affect me personally. And non of that crap they had on here a while back that resembled a kids picture book
I first saw it show up when lgbt+ was also in running, and then it became lgbtq+. I just consider it to be interchangeable with the +, and that's how it's been explained to me so I just go with it.
I'm strictly gay when it comes to humans (even politically gay if you will, I simply refuse to sleep with women until legal paternal surrender aka "male abortion" becomes a human right, also cause it's less demanding, being with my bf is like just hanging out with my mates). And when it comes to zoo stuff, very bisexual.I'm bisexual when it comes to feminine human men, but I'm straight as far as zoosexuality goes
They can have tag aliases I think but not for those two, since they have different numbersand then a bunch of aliases that redirect to that base tag
E6 actually has less drama as far as furry sites go.dumb shit drama is pretty commonplace there.
So essentially we have nothing? No dice my man. Sorry.I've seen that comic you're talking about, but not read it yet. But some of the studies I've read have come from here. I don't have the links right now, I need to find them again and put them in a list along with some well thought out arguments because I intend to put them to work on some other sites. But the ones I'm thinking of I read on the NCBI's site, some of them just focused on animal sexuality, and some focused on zoosexuality. Though I'm pretty sure most were studies done in countries where it was already more acceptable like germany anyways, so I don't think they'd sway you anyways.
I have no idea where they're getting them, they have a whole ass wiki now, I've leafed through it a bit and it didn't answer any questions lol. I just go with LGBT+ or LGBTQ and the +/q usually lets me not get yelled at.We're officially at LTBTQIA+. Google's even auto-completing it in my native language.
I think they're pulling these straight from the alphabet soup.
I wonder why honestly, but it is interesting to note that there's more tagged feral than bestiality by a huge margin.They can have tag aliases I think but not for those two, since they have different numbers
I think e6 is really less bad just because its pretty much kept to the comments sections, which i can ignore easily.E6 actually has less drama as far as furry sites go.
FagAffinity is run by retarded fat fuck extraordinaire Dragoneer and his bikelock-wielding commie lackeys who ban people for off-site infractions.
Pedobunny needs no further explaination.
SlowFurry is dead and/or full of elitist douchebag writefags, probably hasn't seen a painting submission in years.
Nobody cares about Weasyl, that's just people's backup gallery in case they get yeeted.
And I have accounts on all of those because I hate myself :3
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Like I said, I don't think you'd have been swayed either way since I'm pretty sure most of them were not done in the states anyways.So essentially we have nothing? No dice my man. Sorry.
I go with "LGBT" at all times in serious conversation. "LGB" if I'm feeling edgy and want to trigger the libs.I just go with LGBT+
Probably because of feral x feral and solo images. You can't really have bestiality without a human involved. And I assume the rest of the 180k humans are doing anthros, vs 60k ferals. Interesting ratio, almost lines up with the amount of zoos in the fandom.there's more tagged feral than bestiality by a huge margin
I'm lucky I lost my login data and can't go and comment there (too lazy to register another account).is really less bad just because its pretty much kept to the comments sections, which i can ignore easily.
Yeah, I've noticed that gays have been pushed to the sidelines a bit. I've even seen people claiming gays are sexist, or transphobic because they're not into trans men. I go with the classic flag too, mostly because nobody's ever gotten mad about it. I don't really get why people of color are part of the sexuality/sexual identity movement, not racist just doesn't make sense and seems tacked on.I go with "LGBT" at all times in serious conversation. "LGB" if I'm feeling edgy and want to trigger the libs.
Also I only use the old fashioned pride flag ?️?, not the new racially segregated flag, that thing's an abomination, also a visual metaphor for what's happening to us (gays started this and now are in a pincer movement by the new minority coalitions of the wokists)
Yeah that makes sense. Its funny that it kinda lines up. I think that might be due to like, layers of accepting you're a zoo. Because there's no reason someone who isn't at all into animals would be watching feral on feral porn, but maybe its like a way for them to keep telling themselves that they're not a zoo.Probably because of feral x feral and solo images. You can't really have bestiality without a human involved. And I assume the rest of the 180k humans are doing anthros, vs 60k ferals. Interesting ratio, almost lines up with the amount of zoos in the fandom.
I got banned for getting mad in the comments at some guy who intentionally neglects to tag his loli gore as loli gore, because he gets off on that.I'm lucky I lost my login data and can't go and comment there (too lazy to register another account).