How long can you go without having sex.

I've been having sex continuously with female dogs since I was 16 years old, I'm over 30 now.
Max 3-4 days. The longest time I went without sex was a week.
Except when I buried my old dogs, almost a month.
Over 26 years and counting... apparently...

I have heard some people die of old age without having sex. I hope I don't end up in that situation, but... who knows...
At least they died of old age and not prematurely! I'm often the worst giving such advice, but you sometimes have to look at the positive side of the balance sheet.
I can go without if I need to but I start getting cranky and turned on super easy as well as soon it is all I can think about.
I get cranky too. Then it's often all I think about. I went 4 yrs with out it and it was horrible.
Oh well when we (me and ex) were in the closing stages of our relationship, less was better... 🤣 an annoying obligation really... nowadays I'm dependant to my friend of benefits... 🫣
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Generally weeks if I'm just busy enough but I prefer daily if I can help it. Life gets busy and there's no time to party sometimes lmao
Currently I'm doing semen retention (no ejaculation/orgasm), cleaning up my diet, meditation etc. Every now and again it is good to detox. You can kill the cravings if you do breathwork consistently.
Why would you retain your semen 🥺
More energy, vigor, creativity. Every time I go for a while without orgasm it makes me feel more "present" in the moment. People feel your energy change and become more magnetic to you. It's really weird. Of course, women can do this practice too. It's really just avoiding orgasm to achieve a higher state of intuition, through subjugation of the Ego. Oldest form of "sex magic" there is (white tantra in eastern traditions). Orgasm does the opposite effect as it expands Ego.
More energy, vigor, creativity. Every time I go for a while without orgasm it makes me feel more "present" in the moment. People feel your energy change and become more magnetic to you. It's really weird. Of course, women can do this practice too. It's really just avoiding orgasm to achieve a higher state of intuition, through subjugation of the Ego. Oldest form of "sex magic" there is (white tantra in eastern traditions). Orgasm does the opposite effect as it expands Ego.
I want semen and you are retaining it, how's that gonna work!?!?