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Have you told anyone about being into zoophlia?

I’ve gotta ask… your mom and sister are both into it too? So many questions… but I don’t want to come off as a thirsty perv. I’m just very curious how it all happened; the dynamics, more the social and family side of things as well as how you all got into it. Sorry… don’t mean to pry so much. But it’s an intriguing situation
Oh you're fine hun! Probably best to PM me. It's a long story. I've always said I am absurdly lucky. Even I would be skeptical hearing my situation from another person.
I have a furry friend that asked me what my "stand" was on zoophilia. I had the impression she already knew I was. But I still played it cautious by saying,
"As long it isn't abusive and they are good to their animals, I won't discriminate."

Then it turned out, another friend of hers came to visit, and they were zoofurs. So I'm sort of glad of the answer I gave, not outing myself.
I have a furry friend that asked me what my "stand" was on zoophilia. I had the impression she already knew I was. But I still played it cautious by saying,
"As long it isn't abusive and they are good to their animals, I won't discriminate."

Then it turned out, another friend of hers came to visit, and they were zoofurs. So I'm sort of glad of the answer I gave, not outing myself.
This made me giggle. Thank you <3
I have a furry friend that asked me what my "stand" was on zoophilia. I had the impression she already knew I was. But I still played it cautious by saying,
"As long it isn't abusive and they are good to their animals, I won't discriminate."

Then it turned out, another friend of hers came to visit, and they were zoofurs. So I'm sort of glad of the answer I gave, not outing myself.
Oml if I were only so lucky lol.

Sometimes wish I had a friend that I could come out to. Oh well... ?
I just came back from visiting my dad, I went through the house looking for him and calling for him no answer so I went into his bedroom, he has a computer in there and there was zoo porn on it. My dad lives alone he wasn't home, I was thinking do I tell him I'm a zoo. I was deep in thought and didn't hear him come into the bedroom where I was sitting in front of his computer looking at all his beast porn. He was upset that I found out he liked beast porn. I broke down and told him I was a zoo, we talked he told me when he was a little boy he used to play with the dog and had never lost the that feeling tho he never again did anything about his feeling. I was happy I finally got to tell someone I'm a zoo, but I wish my day would have had the chance to follow is heart. Like I did. I wish I could help him but I'm his daughter so there is nothing I can do. So I'm happy and sad. He is my dad I can't tell him everything about me. lol
Why not? He would be one of the very few that would love you for who and what you are and all your depravity without guilt, judgement, or shame. My breeding bitch and I would be happy to chat with you about it and give you some objective viewpoints if you’d like. You’re welcome to PM us…you can chat with both of us and get both sides.
So far I've not told anyone in my friend group as I don't think they'd respond well, despite having been friends for over 10 years.. But in all fairness, I don't really feel the need to tell them either. We hardly ever share stuff like that anyway so I feel like it'd be out of place for them to know it about me, in a way? Same with family, really.

If I were to get into a relationship I'd only tell him after a while and after testing the waters with some remarks/jokes as others have mentioned. I might be wrong but from what I've read it seems that men are more easily convinced than women that it's not a bad thing. As in, I feel like they'll think "hot" before they think "animal abuse."
Absolutely not.

The only people who know that part of me are people i've met online, and for good reasons.

I don't rule out the fact that I might tell someone in the future, given the right circumstances and levels of trust have been reached, but there are no such people in my proximity at the moment.
Yeah, but only people in various sex chat, met quite a few there, all guys.
(primeiro post desculpe se fiz algo errado)
Você já contou a alguém sobre seu estilo de vida? Se sim, como foi e como isso mudou seu relacionamento?
Para mim, isso é um segredo que estou levando para o túmulo

Bom, na verdade eu contei uma parte do meu início na zoofilia para minha esposa, foi um pequeno acidente, esqueci uma página aberta no google com conteúdo de zoofilia e ela ficou muito preocupada, tive que explicar uma pequena parte da minha história do zoológico, para que a mente dela não explodisse se eu contasse tudo, fora isso meu casamento e talvez até minha liberdade e integridade física e mental estariam perdidos, então sugiro que você conte apenas para quem tem uma experiência semelhante, eu contei para minha esposa uma pequena parte para justificar meu comportamento e eu tive que concordar com ela que estava errado, anos depois quando conheci meu primeiro amante do zoológico, pude contar em detalhes toda a minha experiência, até praticamos e curtimos junto com seu enorme macho cachorro, sexo selvagem entre nós 3 , bem, faz um tempo que eu terminei com essa minha amante devido a problemas de ciúmes executivos da parte dela,então agora eu atualmente gosto de zoofilia no mais absoluto sigilo, até agora nenhuma outra mulher que é amante da zoofilia apareceu para compartilhar bons momentos, espero que minha experiência possa ajudar alguém na mesma situação.
My wife and I share the lifestyle. I converted her. We were rather drunk one evening and she started talking about porn. I stupidly put on my go to beast vid. Did I mention I was very drunk? She was into it. Really into it. We had intense sex while watching this porn. The next day when we were sober she asked why I had put it on. Based off her reaction the previous night I decided to be honest. Told her that was something I liked and identified with and had done many times. She said she would like to watch me sometime. Watching eventually turned into joining. Here we are 10 years later happily married with 3 dogs and a very prosperous relationship and healthy sex life.
Do you remember what videos you showed her?
(first post sorry if i did something wrong)
Have you told anyone about your lifestyle? If so, how did it go and how did it change your relationship?
For me, this is a secret i’m taking to the grave
My ex told me she like fucking animals I look at her stupid and I though she was joking at first nope caught her being knot by are pitbull he was jackhammer her and cum alot of cum so I got hard from so I fuck her right after I cum so hard it was much cum but I made her go to work with are cum in her tho she leak for about full day from there we was closer
not really a subject that comes up when on a dinner date , LOL
I have had, several times, a nightmare in which i spill all my K9 beans in recovery at a hospital while coming out of anesthesia. Further, i talk in my sleep, so even after that dream hits i get to panic for a little bit in real life, too

I cannot think of any other occasion where i would do this.
I have had, several times, a nightmare in which i spill all my K9 beans in recovery at a hospital while coming out of anesthesia. Further, i talk in my sleep, so even after that dream hits i get to panic for a little bit in real life, too

I cannot think of any other occasion where i would do this.
I am glad we have this site to talk about it openly.... :)
My wife discovered my browser history a few years ago and was not into it and gave me the impression that I was scaring her. We talked and she said it was repulsive to her but she was a little turned on by me getting turned on. We had sex while watching zoo porn but I felt like she was not into it at all so I stopped it. She told me she was relieved and didn't want to do that again. So now I keep it to myself. Idk maybe I should try it with her again? I don't want to keep secrets from her but I also don't want to force her into something she doesn't want.
I’ve told one person (who wasn’t from here) but he’s also something of a spiritual person and counsellor. I knew he would not freak out and he didn’t. He was very respectful and reminded me it’s not ok to shame myself for who I am. As for anyone else tho, unless it’s a guy I’m with, who’s already zoo-
Uh- nope I will just be keeping this to myself