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Have you told anyone about being into zoophlia?

I am not ashamed to be a zoo and do this quite frequently. First off, I have paw tattoos and have been asked stuff like "does this means what I think it means?" more than once. These tattoos are always good conversation starters, especially at fetish parties and erotic events, where it is already clear that the audience is sexually more open.

Since my husband and I are also swingers, we do meet a lot of people for sex. I almost always try to test the waters with them by making comments which can be picked up by fellow zoos or by people interested in the topic. We mostly joke around, in the sense of "...ahh, this old lady needs to get herself a dog..." etc. You immediately see how people react. Either they don't react and avoid the subject, or they roll their eyes, etc. In those cases, you just let it go and change the subject "Just kidding, LOL", and move on. Some folks, however, do show a positive reaction, which quite often leads to things like "I'd love to try but our dog is neutered..." or "I let my dog lick as a teen".

Over the years, we have met at least a dozen people that way, both couples and also single women, whom we could successfully introduce into dog fucking. This was all through conversations, not online forums. Zoophilia is more common than one would think, at least the urge to try is. Or you wouldn't have a shit ton of zoo porn online, right?

At the moment, we have two single women from out of state lined up who want to visit and try our boy. It just hasn't transpired yet, because of Covid.
Yes i and my wife did the same experience. Lots of wommen t old us thy had sex with dogs, i never heared about horses or boards.
I am not ashamed to be a zoo and do this quite frequently. First off, I have paw tattoos and have been asked stuff like "does this means what I think it means?" more than once. These tattoos are always good conversation starters, especially at fetish parties and erotic events, where it is already clear that the audience is sexually more open.

Since my husband and I are also swingers, we do meet a lot of people for sex. I almost always try to test the waters with them by making comments which can be picked up by fellow zoos or by people interested in the topic. We mostly joke around, in the sense of "...ahh, this old lady needs to get herself a dog..." etc. You immediately see how people react. Either they don't react and avoid the subject, or they roll their eyes, etc. In those cases, you just let it go and change the subject "Just kidding, LOL", and move on. Some folks, however, do show a positive reaction, which quite often leads to things like "I'd love to try but our dog is neutered..." or "I let my dog lick as a teen".

Over the years, we have met at least a dozen people that way, both couples and also single women, whom we could successfully introduce into dog fucking. This was all through conversations, not online forums. Zoophilia is more common than one would think, at least the urge to try is. Or you wouldn't have a shit ton of zoo porn online, right?

At the moment, we have two single women from out of state lined up who want to visit and try our boy. It just hasn't transpired yet, because of Covid.
I have to admit that my husband and I have been very quiet about our fetish and desire for Animal - maybe because we don't move in more sexually free circles where you can get away with a casual remark.
I'm of course a little envious of your approach to others - but I'm glad I can say it out loud in this forum.
I told my mom, thinking she could talk sense to me or outright help me, but it was just incredibly embarassing with the cure being : have sex already
Recently i told my friend after hurting myself over it for 14/15 years, and he only rolled his eyes
It’s been over 15 years and not a single soul knows.
I’m waiting to cross paths with a fellow zoo and hopefully we pick up on any possible hints we drop to each other LOL
It sucks not having someone in person to talk to about it
Stretol som ženu. Budovali sme vzťah. Zostala u mňa cez noc. Ráno otvorila dvere a môj pes vbehol do izby a snažil sa so mnou spojiť. Pozrela sa na to. Vrátila sa ku mne. Pobozkali sme sa a nechala môjho psa, aby ju olizoval až do orgazmu. Nechal som psa spojiť sa so mnou. Sledovala a bola veľmi vzrušená. Odvtedy má môj labrador dve milenky
Not in real life, I've had a couple of online friends who knew, but I've never really met anyone really active, it's always been in the realm of potentials; I was near someone who professed some interest though, but he was drunk and said it at a party and I decided to err on the side of caution and drop the subject.
(first post sorry if i did something wrong)
Have you told anyone about your lifestyle? If so, how did it go and how did it change your relationship?
For me, this is a secret i’m taking to the grave
One guy I met on discord once I told after we were both hesitant to tell each other we were zoos. (I ended up losing contact with him later.) And I have one friend in real life who I've told I'm a zoo, after he started chatting about horsecock