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Have you told anyone about being into zoophlia?

I think I've only told very close friends, human partners, and therapists.. I honestly think I'd rather die than tell coworkers or have it be known publicly and have that target on my back.
Another thing I've noticed about myself through this forum, is that now that I'm here and did spill my guts in an acceptable place, I no longer spend very much time at all in the sex sections..

I spend most of my time here in TDF, talking about just about everything BUT critter sex...
Funny how that works, huh? :)

I ain't averse to the various flavors of porn - There's some great stuff to be seen. But it doesn't drive my existence. And like you, I have little urge to brag, or whine, or whatever-you-wanna-call-it about my sex life - Why is it ANYBODY'S biz other than me and who/whatever I'm boinking/being boinked by??? I've never been able to figure that out.
Another thing I've noticed about myself through this forum, is that now that I'm here and did spill my guts in an acceptable place, I no longer spend very much time at all in the sex sections..

I spend most of my time here in TDF, talking about just about everything BUT critter sex...
This 1000%. I had a similar "evolution", I was a lurker for years mostly porn oriented, and the occasional random reads here and there. Since participating the porn has been a "yea I'll keep an eye on anything good that pops up" and I've been spending the vast majority of my time reading and posting. I contemplate sometimes "giving back" to the porn section with media but too ?:poop: so far. I give a lot of credit to media posters, even if you have lovely animals in your life already, it is fun to expand horizons of the mind (fancy for jerking it to stranger's experiences).
Looking back ive actually told a lot of people. From when i was at school i told the first person when i was 13. Which is when i sort of realized that was my sexual identity. Pubity and all that. Later i told family, chrch leadership and freinds. I informed the CID police at 24 and later other people. And a friend most recently before everyone i told on zoo sites. Oh and 2 different psychiatrists
Were you looking for help, attention, absolution, or all of the above?
(first post sorry if i did something wrong)
Have you told anyone about your lifestyle? If so, how did it go and how did it change your relationship?
For me, this is a secret i’m taking to the grave
I have had this conversation twice and it went both ways.

One friend who seemed open to listening…he completely ghosted me after calling me names. ☹️

One friend found it fascinating and asked me questions and is enamored with the idea. ?
I have had this conversation twice and it went both ways.

One friend who seemed open to listening…he completely ghosted me after calling me names. ☹️

One friend found it fascinating and asked me questions and is enamored with the idea. ?
Yeah I can be a hit and miss and I said I usually start off hanting around videos or something like that before I bring up the full conversation
(first post sorry if i did something wrong)
Have you told anyone about your lifestyle? If so, how did it go and how did it change your relationship?
For me, this is a secret i’m taking to the grave
I LOVE bestiality, have since I was young. Kept it a secret from my husband for YEARS. He caught me by finding the porn on my phone while using it to google something. Surprised me with a dog to knot me the following weekend. Wish I had told him from the beginning, the fun we could’ve had way sooner!
Funny how that works, huh? :)

I ain't averse to the various flavors of porn - There's some great stuff to be seen. But it doesn't drive my existence. And like you, I have little urge to brag, or whine, or whatever-you-wanna-call-it about my sex life - Why is it ANYBODY'S biz other than me and who/whatever I'm boinking/being boinked by??? I've never been able to figure that out.
HEllo lol
Decided to go out on a limb with a friend who was becoming more than a friend and be an open book, something I had avoided doing in other relationships out of fear.

Not only did she not runaway screaming, after allowing me to explain exactly what it is, what I’ve done in the past, and how it makes me feel. She accepted it and told me she’d think no less of me, and was happy I could be honest. Not 3 days later she come to me and told be about her curiosity with the family dog when she was growing up and the lines that she crossed with the beloved pet, she doesn’t mind me saying, but her and her dog had a very special bond she kept very secret for some years. After he died she started to doubt who she was and hate what she’d done because it was so socially unacceptable and after a while managed to just suppress the memories all together in a way. Until I told her who I was and she realised perhaps it wasn’t so wrong what happened all those years ago.

After many open discussions and honest truths everything was out on the table and we’re taking the first step to living the lifestyle openly (openly between us lol) together.

Fair to say, personally I couldn’t be happier and she is feeling much better about herself too.

My dishonesty to myself and previous partners about who I am has no doubt hurt if not killed some of those relationships. Honesty definitely is not always the best policy but sometimes, it is. Just don’t lie about what you do, whether it be what was in your deleted search history or hidden in your photo vault to your life partners. It will slowly erode the relationship. Be honest or don’t do it!
Tough one. If you tell emotionally intelligent person this it's fine. Doesent matter if they like it or not. But it's hard to take chances on those that lack it a bit. People are different. I can't do preschool maths. But get other things on high level
A few! But I took some time to feel their vibe and personality before even considering telling them. Luckily I was pretty on point with my suspicions haha
Yes one of my closest friends knows because she brought it up first and she said she liked it. I told her i was into it also and i showed her some stuff and she denies she likes it but every once in a while she tells me that she watches zoo porn. I even showed her me playing with my girl and she loved it.
Told my ex.
Started out with some clips wich turned her on.
Months later i finally told her that my first orgasm was inside a dog.
It really turned her on.
Didnt have a large breed dog back then tho.
She really wanted to see me fuck a dog.
Never did happen unfourtunally
Most of the people I told when I was younger I told I was more interested in seeing them with dogs. I never told them I was interested in them myself. One tried to fix me with Christianity, the other got drunk and told her friends. Fortunately for me, she was a known compulsive liar and it never went anywhere.

I told a number of online friends, most of whom I don't associate with anymore for unrelated reasons. A couple times it went poorly, but it was mostly met with curiosity or indifference.

One person I am in-person friends with now knows. By talking to her about it, she was interested and is now a zoo, herself.
I am pretty open about it now but was apprehensive at first and still am because of the outcome. Most everyone is cool with it and knows they joke around with me about beastiality but with that said i also watch who i say things to as well cuz not everyone is your friend. I have had this open a few doors for me as well when ive stepped out of my comfort zone being myself but its not for everyone
Decided to go out on a limb with a friend who was becoming more than a friend and be an open book, something I had avoided doing in other relationships out of fear.

Not only did she not runaway screaming, after allowing me to explain exactly what it is, what I’ve done in the past, and how it makes me feel. She accepted it and told me she’d think no less of me, and was happy I could be honest.
You are lucky. Very, very lucky.
No. Maybe someday, but not now and not for a while. I'm too young to be ruined by it getting out (if the person I tell spreads the word). I wouldn't be able to live a life that isn't on the streets. Wouldn't be able to get started and go somewhere. I just got my first job a month ago.
Never but I'd want to tell someone so bad and I'm always scared of if someday I got drunk then speak out my dark secret, I wish I found someone from area with same kinks that would be great to share my boys with other religious woman ???
"religious" you search the most difficult ... can you imagine talking about that in a church ?
but, during a sexual party with a lot of women ( and some men) on a swinger nudist beach you wear some tatoo paws on your ass and people will ask you "why"
and you can answer to women the true or not.. during a gangbang, i don"t think you will trouble women ..
"religious" you search the most difficult ... can you imagine talking about that in a church ?
but, during a sexual party with a lot of women ( and some men) on a swinger nudist beach you wear some tatoo paws on your ass and people will ask you "why"
and you can answer to women the true or not.. during a gangbang, i don"t think you will trouble women ..
I’m sure we’d all be surprised by the incidence rate for k9 interest among religious people lol
I almost convinced my first girlfriend... like, 20 years ago. I was fucking her doggystyle and I ask if I was a dog, what breed she would prefer, and she close her eyes and says "a german sheppard"... and we came hard. after this, I tried to convince her to suck her dog, but she refuses...