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Have you told anyone about being into zoophlia?

I've told to my wife about my desire for animals but she is not into it. She told me that is better not to mention something about it again. I feel so alone on this.
I'm sorry bud, and I hate that for ya but if you ever wanna shoot the shit with someone about it feel free to dm me on here if yad like!
Well, that was a nice long read....hopefully OP and the mods don't mind me commenting so much ? just got involved in the thread is all.
I feel you there...it's such a touchy subject in the furry community as well. it's like walking through a minefield. Some furs are into it others aren't and they tend to be more...well I'd say aggressive about furs who are also zoo.
That was always so strange to me. We're furries because we find what are essentially animal people hot. How does that not even remotely extend to actual animals. And then there's the 'feral' content (like my profile banner), which is just literal animals, fantasy creatures or otherwise.
That was always so strange to me. We're furries because we find what are essentially animal people hot. How does that not even remotely extend to actual animals. And then there's the 'feral' content (like my profile banner), which is just literal animals, fantasy creatures or otherwise.
Yeah it never set well with me either, I'm just glad I found this community to be a part of....I've tended to stay away from furry groups for the most part. By the way if ya want someone new to chat with and possibly become friends with feel free to shoot me a message!
That was always so strange to me. We're furries because we find what are essentially animal people hot. How does that not even remotely extend to actual animals. And then there's the 'feral' content (like my profile banner), which is just literal animals, fantasy creatures or otherwise.
I prefer fantasy ferals due to it being colorful/lustful of a more ideal world than actual animal in attraction HOWEVER... It lopsides into the actual animals once I understand the animal as a "person".

Usually when you see their choices, you can see their values.
I'm not sure that's possible for me :( I have been viewing this subject since the late 90s on stephans.dk (which I think is gone). I don't think anyone in my sphere of influence would get it.
I actually told my husband like a year into us being together. Kind of. More or less just told him what the “darkest & weird” stuff was that I get off to. I don’t know if he took me serious or not but now 5 years later he still will make jokes about it. Like do we pass a horse he will make a comment saying “stop looking at his dick” or a dog and he will be like “don’t get any ideas” it’s not all the time, but it’s occasional and it’s uncomfortable when he does make the comments. I wish I wouldn’t have even brought it up to him. I also sometimes wish I could actually explore this side more. My only experience was being a teenager about 12 years ago and having our family dog eat me out.

My advice is just keep it to yourself unless they bring it up and express solid interest. ?
(first post sorry if i did something wrong)
Have you told anyone about your lifestyle? If so, how did it go and how did it change your relationship?
For me, this is a secret i’m taking to the grave
Same here, have thought about telling my wife but i am too scared even though one time when we had sex she was licked by our dog and came instantly and shooshed the dog away. But no haven't told anyone
I don't plan on telling it to my family, they're the old school middle class, I think it's enough for them to hear about my homosexuality. As a part of the Furry community, lot of my friends are really judging towards Zetas, I think if I ever told them, I'd get immediately blocked. Just today, I was talking to my puppy friend, we talked about our general kinks and things we like, he told me there was one thing that was taboo, I asked what was it, he told me it's zoo. Now I was in the hard position, to just respect him and tell him it's not my thing (I wouldn't ever block a fellow Zeta) or tell him, I like it too. I decided to tell him the truth, we bonded a bit over our 'little secret', it's nice to know someone I can talk to about my love towards animals. Guys, it can be hard, we're constantly persecuted, people see us as "disgusting deviants who molest animals", and I know we can never be too careful, but there are people who keep it locked inside of them as a secret, they suffocate, if any of your friends tell you about their preference, support them! Even the smallest help, only the few words of appreciation, can help them! Take care!
We have some close friends we have regularly fun with and we all try to find new ways to make our sexual interactions more interesting. We love to share our fantasies and expierences. So I told them that I'm in love with Bruno (our German Shepard) and my wishes to go further in a sexual way. Some like the idea and are as courios as I am, some don't. But we are all respceting our way of sexuality as it is.

? Karla
Damn they are soooooo lucky to know a couple like you two.
I haven't told many. The play partner that got me into it was a trusted friend that I grew up with that we just kinda happened onto the topic one day when talking about kinks, and she admitted she was active. I've told maybe 3 people privately, then obviously friends I made on AoZ and you all here. I never even told my ex wife or gfs. But that is a topic that I carefully choose to share. I test the waters with people first. I'm sure we all have the same approach.
I've told three people.
First one was years back to a girl I was in an online relationship with, and was actually well received.
The second was my second wife after she kept asking me about any kinky thoughts I had. It came about after/during a romp in bed while the dog was in the room, and decided that he was going to try and join in. At that point in time, I had never been with a dog, but had thought about it here and there, but dismissed the idea because I didn't think a male dog would even be interested. (Boy, was I wrong!)
But that experience led to a deep philosophical train of thought.

Things like "If they want what they want and it's clearly evident, and I want what I want, and it happens to be the same thing that they want, and nothing harmful or negative comes out of it for either one of us, then what business is it of anybody else's? And how is it "wrong" in the grand scheme of the universe?
Anyway, that event and train of thought led to discussion with my wife, who at the time led me to believe that further/deeper discussions were welcomed. Later on, she held it against me, however in her defense, we later found out that she was going through medical problems that caused hormonal problems, that caused mental issues. So at this point, it's difficult to nail down her exact position on it, although I think the relationship is now broken beyond repair because of broken trust on that (because she ran and told anyone that would listen about that and other intimate matters in an effort to shame me into doing what she demanded.) and other matters.
I'm starting to think that for one, I do not want to live the rest of my life with someone that would judge me if they knew, or that I would have to hide it from.
So for me, I'm either going to be single where humans are concerned, or if I do get into a relationship with a woman, it will have to start in a place like this or something and be with someone that at least accepts me, preferably is also into it themselves.
I couldn't have said it any better
I believe I have said this in a different thread but I have told my current partner and they are 100% supportive of it. They may not want to participate but want to watch it happen
I have told 2 of my ex girlfriends after 1 year of relationship. Neither of them have reacted negatively, they were curious watched a few videos but it wasn’t for them. Although my second ex girlfriend owned a Bichon which she let him lick her and even let him mount her a couple of times with my assistance, but she said that she did not felt any pleasure from it, so we decided not to try it anymore. We broke up a few months later for different reasons.
I would say that it depends on how safe you feel in the relationship if you want to share this part of your life.
That's kinda pot calling the kettle black as far as that girl goes...sorry that happened, it was definitely hypocritical of her I feel.
It's possible that she was viewing "zooromantic" as him saying he was no longer in love with her., i.e. zoo-EXCLUSIVE.

Perhaps that woman needed to hear him say "It doesn't mean I don't still love you...it means that I love the dog ALSO." If you're already in a relationship with someone and then they tell you they find something romantically/sexually appealing that you CANNOT provide (I.e. your wife/SO says she's decided she's bi), it's gonna be threatening. Unless you started it as an "open" relationship you're talking about a seismic shift in the relationship.

It's also possible that she's OK with bestiality because she's a hedonist..."it feels good so I'll do it because it gets me off"....but the idea of someone seeing the animal as more than just a breathing sex toy is anathema to her. I mean, we make a distinction here at ZooVille and presumably at least some of the people in the "Bestiality as a Fetish" area view the "Zoo-Exclusive Lifestyle" folks as weirdos and vice versa. Humans are humans and we judge each other. The "non-judginess" of animals is actually one of the things I see people touting a lot here as one reason why they're in the lifestyle.

And just like you can't unfuck a horse or dog, you can't untell someone either...

Yep, that bell's now been rung well and proper, for better or for worse, and short of murder that occurs soon enough to prevent it from going beyond the ears that heard, there's no hope of containing it. Goodman Dick was all too correct: Three can keep a secret - if two of them are dead.

Why the burning need to spill one's guts in the first place?

That's one I've NEVER been able to figure out conclusively. The only explanation I've ever managed to come up with that makes even a TINY amount of sense is that it's related to a desperate desire for some flavor of "I iz a speshul snoflayk" badge.

I mean, in a way, it must have been nice way back in the days before anyone had negative opinions about it, but that isn't the case now..

Gawd, ain't that the truth... Thanks ever-so-much to the clowns who keep pushing the "Demand zoo rights" agenda - It's nothing new, running all the way back to Hossie and pals appearing on Jerry Springer and shining a spotlight on zoos in general. For the longest time, it was known truth that "Yes, animal fuckers exist", but it was just as true that, so long as John Q Public's nose wasn't being rubbed in the fact that they exist, it was, at worst, the punchline of a joke. Once Hossie and Co. "put us on the radar", things started sliding downhill, gaining speed rapidly.
Why the burning need to spill one's guts in the first place?
Exactly! I mean to feel like you aren't alone there are places like this forum. Took me years to gut up to get involved, but it fills the need to commune with people of like mind. AND if for some reason you need to go further, make some friends anonymously and maybe over time meet up with them after a long ass time of vetting. Just to drop a bomb to a co-worker who is probably just a friend of convenience because you work together is risky AF, with no upside in sight. Well unless you hit the lottery and they love on animals as well, but even if they did I bet they'd still hide it for the aforementioned reasons.
Exactly! I mean to feel like you aren't alone there are places like this forum. Took me years to gut up to get involved, but it fills the need to commune with people of like mind. AND if for some reason you need to go further, make some friends anonymously and maybe over time meet up with them after a long ass time of vetting. Just to drop a bomb to a co-worker who is probably just a friend of convenience because you work together is risky AF, with no upside in sight. Well unless you hit the lottery and they love on animals as well, but even if they did I bet they'd still hide it for the aforementioned reasons.
Another thing I've noticed about myself through this forum, is that now that I'm here and did spill my guts in an acceptable place, I no longer spend very much time at all in the sex sections..

I spend most of my time here in TDF, talking about just about everything BUT critter sex...
(first post sorry if i did something wrong)
Have you told anyone about your lifestyle? If so, how did it go and how did it change your relationship?
For me, this is a secret i’m taking to the grave
I did; I told a few people back when I was in school. It was because there was a girl it was rumored was into horses, and I was trying to see if it was true. People were surprisingly cool about it for whatever reason, and I don’t think it really spread to anyone.
Looking back ive actually told a lot of people. From when i was at school i told the first person when i was 13. Which is when i sort of realized that was my sexual identity. Pubity and all that. Later i told family, chrch leadership and freinds. I informed the CID police at 24 and later other people. And a friend most recently before everyone i told on zoo sites. Oh and 2 different psychiatrists