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Have you ever...

Yes I have, it is the absolute worst ?

HYE dropped something and bent over to pick it up then realize you just exposed yourself to the person behind you?
No, but I've laughed so hard that I peed

HYE ordered a meal at a restaurant and they brought you a completely different meal but you didn't realize it until you had eaten half of it?
Legit just happened to me at breakfast the other day, however I frequent there often so they probably expected my regular order but I wanted to switch it up...didn't realize it until almost completely gone, so I didn't even say anything and just laughed about it

HYE microwaved a CD disc?
Unfortunately and the smell was horrible! While On the subject of microwave and burning...

HYE burned your tongue or mouth badly from food or a beverage? Damn pizza rolls got me good one time
Yea a few times with food and usually only if it has cheese on it or in it.

HYE drank a slushi too fast and got a brain freeze
I <3 slushies/slush floats....but to answer you yes I have but mostly I get the freeze feeling down my throat and into chest and stomach, not so much the traditional brain freeze headache

HYE made your own homemade ice cream?
Intentionally I don't believe I have, but who knows what I've ingested unknowingly to me lol And who knows, honestly might make some nasty things taste a tad better

HYE pissed onto , or grabbed onto a electric fence
Nope. Don't think I've been near too many anyway.

HYE got into a big fight with a close relative?

Can you Say the words "Christmas, Thanksgiving and 4'th of July" a fight with a family member or two EVERY DAMN YEAR.
Remember Kids Booze & relatives don't mix.

HYE had family members Shoot at each other with guns? (Rolls eyes) (Shit happens okay?)
Since guns aren't really a thing where I live, no

HYE did something sexual you really didn't think you would like at first, but then after the first time wanted to do it more? (E.g. not liking the thought of scat but then after doing it liking it)

The day I discovered this site back in May I came like over 10 times. Spent the whole day in my room on the bed. Parent out in the lounge, must have assumed I was playing a video game or something :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

HYE deliberately done something sexually suggestive around someone at the place they live?

The day I discovered this site back in May I came like over 10 times. Spent the whole day in my room on the bed. Parent out in the lounge, must have assumed I was playing a video game or something :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

HYE deliberately done something sexually suggestive around someone at the place they live?

Oh Hell yes, Especially to my Straight Male friends. in front of their spouse & family even.. lol

HYE had friends that didn't give a damn what yer sexual preference is?
Hmm. If that includes this stuff than no, as nobody knows about it and I don't have any friends who have said they are fine with this.

In terms of general sexuality? Yes multiple

HYE had sex with a supposedly straight man?
Hmm. If that includes this stuff than no, as nobody knows about it and I don't have any friends who have said they are fine with this.

In terms of general sexuality? Yes multiple

HYE had sex with a supposedly straight man?

I think I have, I recall he was wearing t-shirt that read: "I'M NOT GAY, BUT MY BOYFRIEND IS."

HYE wanted to slap someone like they were one of the "Three Stooges"?
No although I do enjoy watching them.

HYE discovered somebodies sexuality accidentally? Bonus points if it was a taboo subject like zoo
No although I do enjoy watching them.

HYE discovered somebodies sexuality accidentally? Bonus points if it was a taboo subject like zoo

AHEM, yeah.. one of my Nieces, doesn't know that I know. (I caught her jerking off a G.Shep in the bushes, she doesn't know that I know.) Funny part is, She is the local Veterinarian in town. :O)

HYE had a story so juicy like catching Zoo's & NOT shared it? lol
Yes and I probably never will. Well maybe when I am like older. But not now, I can't deal with the bs drama fallout that would result from telling it

HYE been to a nudist colony? Bonus points if you lived in one I guess
Yes and I probably never will. Well maybe when I am like older. But not now, I can't deal with the bs drama fallout that would result from telling it

HYE been to a nudist colony? Bonus points if you lived in one I guess

Never a Colony, but many Nude beaches, & of course home has always been a clothing optional oasis since I have been a home owner. and to be honest the occasional "Streaking" episodes of the late 70 & early 80's. lol

HYE dragged a straight friend to an alternative lifestyle event?
LOL Never been to a Furry Convention either but I bet they do get a scum layer

HYE Jumped into the water at a public pool and the water was way too cold