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Have you ever...

Don't know what submarine races are and dates usually take me somewhere but never to a submarine race IDK

HYE been up in a hot air balloon

Submarine Races are an excuse to make out by the beach. :O)

Never been in a Balloon, thought I have been in air liners, and 2 & 4 seat Private planes, even got to Fly a few of the little ones.

HYE witnessed a tornado?
Here's a good one!

HYE Forgotten about a live chat you were having in another Browser Tab cuz you were HERE answering silly questions? (I just did)
No - I don't like to use food anywhere around anything sexual - I don't want them to associate food with sex

HYE driven a car over 100 mph
Oh, I didn't mean when you are having fun with your animals.

Alas no, as I don't even own a car. Also I don't know what the conversion of mph to the metric system is.

HYE had sex in a car? (State whether with a human and/or animal)
Yes a few times with my BF and once with a guy after I broke up with my BF
No never used food as a dildo
HYE had sex on a blanket on the ground in a park or the woods
Well I am a virgin, but I wouldn't be opposed to having sex in public. I think get off on taking risks

HYE slept with multiple (human) sexual partners in the same day
Not really. Apart from the cool name I don't see what the fuss is about. I have fantasized about doing it in a submarine tho.

HYE Fantasized about having sex in a submarine?
I hope that was a joke...

No (I'm not including mandatory art class in school)

HYE attempted to learn to play a musical instrument and/or music theory?