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Have you ever...

Well kangaroo isn't out of the ordinary that much over here but yeah if you view that as ooto my answer would be yes.

HYE spilled somebody's diet soda?
No But I have come close. Like 75% of getting through a book in one day.

HYE got stuck sitting in a comfortable spot when you should be up and about doing something/heading out?
Oh yea, didn't expect my parents to say to me as i was leaving "have fun, but don't go getting it on in our car".... Facepalm

HYE accidentally started or caught something or yourself on fire?
No I've been lucky that way

HYE bought paint for a room in your house and changed your mind about the color after buying it
Lucky you, hiding a stiffy is awkward lol and yes I had * to blame it on clicking one of those pop up links...I would never want to see a lady take a horsecock lol :p :p

HYE accidentally played porn thru the speakers really loud
No but I was at a Subway near the college with Wifi once and a guy accidentally blasted some porn and everyone there thought it was hilarious - A few people started razzing him too, but he was a good sport.

HYE been a salesman of any kind
Drugs? No - Other meaning then IDTS

HYE carammed really hard for a test the next day and had the Professor cancel the test
Have yet to take any courses but have heard many people complain about that or classes getting cancelled altogether and not finding out until getting there!

HYE won a trophy or medal for a competition or event?