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Have you ever...

Hmm. Built no. Repair (both computer and console) yes

HYE met a famous professional wrestler?

Yes met well few hundred of them. From tampa,fla is former centerpoint of wrestling world. And moms old friend was on of Dusty Rhoads and later Ric Flairs mistress. And actually summer job at 15 with friends uncle. He did home renovations. Took the wall to wall and whole ceiling mirrors out of master bedroom of The Macho Man Mr.Randy Savage,whom was tampa native and lived in town-n-country area i grew up in. Met him twice during project very nice guy and actually talked like he did on tv. And i lived 2blocks from hillsborough avenue taco bell where he crashed and died in his jeep from heart attack. Actually heard accident ran out there seen him slupped over wheel.

Have you ever posted response in chatroom that was unneccerially too long?
I Will respond to both your questions.

No I have not been proposed anything sexual by a relative member. I don't Really have any family tbh

No I have not done that either. Unless I feel the need to provide context my responses are usually short.

HYE logged onto this site pretty much as soon as you wake up?
Hmm yes but it has been a while ago. I think I have heard more people jerk off/clearly be in a stall with someone else more times than my age

HYE been paid to do something sexual? Or at least offered to be paid and you declined?
No, but i'd love to (to both questions)

HYE walked around a gym shower just to look at people?
Nope. I view watching/ doing sport and sexuality as different spheres. I usually don't get a boner when watching football, for instance, despite there being some attractive players

HYE lost respect for someone you used to have a crush on?
Maybe not the whole day, but for a good while yes - didn't matter though as my big jumper covered that up

HYE gone to a furry convention?
Well since that would be my mom that would be awkward. So no

HYE seen somebody naked in your house? Like as adults

YES! in fact I and a nice young man who enjoyed nude dancing, he would come over & dance naked for me. No sex was involved in any way, his roomies didn't like it.. so he asked me. I said Sure, dance like yer vagina's on fire. (true story)

HYE had things go better than expected on a day you were dreading?
Only relationships I have had have been LDR. But I am not opposed to being in an open/poly relationship

HYE regretted sleeping with someone?

Uhm yes. Pretty sure she regretted it more as apparently my drunk ass fell asleep on top of her when i was finished.

Have you ever seen up a woman's/man's pants/shorts/skirt in public setting & notice they are commando?
Yes. Accidentally but yes

HYE accidentally grabbed somebody on the ass when you have gone to hug them? Bonus points if it was with a friend or relative/partner of a friend or relative