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Have you ever...

I've had my arm in a mare - I've had my arm in a cow - prep for artificial insemination. So I guess you could say that I have fisted a mare.

HYE washed a horse and brushed them out after

If Shetland ponies count, then... yes. We were too young for the "Big Horses" back then. :O)

HYE Taken a fall from a moving horse?
Oh god yes - I can't count the times. Well maybe I should say from a bucking horse or more precise one that is still not fully broken and starts bucking. I'm not trying to be a rodeo cow girl lol.

HYE helped with the birth of any animal
Oh god yes - I can't count the times. Well maybe I should say from a bucking horse or more precise one that is still not fully broken and starts bucking. I'm not trying to be a rodeo cow girl lol.

HYE helped with the birth of any animal

Ah yes, a Jersey bull calf, he was slow to walk, So I would lift & walk him until he gained enough stability to do it himself. :O)
He became my Giant "puppy" after that. :O)

HYE found out that the animal you raised from the day it was born, was what you ate for dinner last night?
Not that I know of.

I do tend to smoke greens and get selective reading and or space out completely sometimes haha.(dam hippy)

Have you ever had your grandfather crack your door, look to see if you are in there.
Stick his ass in your room and RIP a giant
One then run down the hall laughing his ass off?

Ahhh, the good old days!
Not that I know of.

I do tend to smoke greens and get selective reading and or space out completely sometimes haha.(dam hippy)

Have you ever had your grandfather crack your door, look to see if you are in there.
Stick his ass in your room and RIP a giant
One then run down the hall laughing his ass off?

Ahhh, the good old days!

Naw, My grandparents were pretty straight laced christian types on one side of the family AND Criminals, con-men and alcoholics on the other.
either way, my evenings were petty quiet until I finished High School anyways. I ran out of Grandparents about a decade ago.

HYE Overpaid for your Herbs cuz availability was difficult? (like I don't know this answer..)
Nope, but my friends have.

Haha, green thumb. We would get along great!

Have you ever seen a UFO?

Ya know I have seen at least 3 in my life thus far. twice in the deserts of Arizona, and one in the Texas Pan Handle.
the ones in Arizona were definitely NOT any kind of Typical airplanes, the way they maneuver, was beyond an airplanes capabilities.
Including 90 Degree angles. So I couldn't Identify it, therefore a UFO. The Texas UFO, was an extremely close "Atmospheric" Meteor.
it looked a LOT like the meteor on a string from the old Godzilla Movies. (Honest)

HYE taken a friend or Sibling "Snipe Hunting".
Not if I knew it was a spit cup

I've only heard of snip hunting so no

HYE been camping and told scary stories around the campfire
Don't know what submarine races are and dates usually take me somewhere but never to a submarine race IDK

HYE been up in a hot air balloon
Acctualy no haha. Never told them, always thought that was lame.
The Bear Grins that "Evil Uncle" Grin and says simply "Of Course."

HYE Taken a date to watch the Submarine Races?
Yea I was captain of a U-boat! Lol.. Not!

Ever drank a 5th of whisky?
Acctualy no haha. Never told them, always thought that was lame.
Yea I was captain of a U-boat! Lol.. Not!

Ever drank a 5th of whisky?

Not Alone! lol Lost My Brother that way, (shrug)

HYE ever paid more that $70. for a bottle of booze (any type)