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Have you ever met another Zoo IRL, NOT through a website like Zooville?

I have, through various online mechanisms and kink events I've participated in over the years.
I've met two others that I met through other kink events . After friends for awhile we discussed various other kinks. Something like I have a really kinky friend (no name given) that likes to play with her dog. Most time conversation doesn't go much farther. In some other cases it gets real interesting.
Everyone's different. Some are actively seeking, some are not. Some do this, some are curious, some are curious yet conflicted so much they run away 10 seconds after thinking about it.
I agree. Though the conversations led me to an owner where I got to share her experience. As a result, another friend and the owner also shared in it. Its tricky to have those conversations in a successful way. I'm so happy it turned out for the better.
Actually 20+ Years ago it was quite easy to meet other Zoo's in real life.
We did not have Web based pages like this that we socialized in.
So it was harder for The Non-Zoo community to find out about us.
We had IRC channels and Telnet Talkers Like "Sleepy's" and there was another one I forget the name, I think it had "Planes" in the name.
I hung out in those for a few years. even made it to moderator status in one of them. Not under this name, but the name I used throughout the 90,s.
Those were GOOD TIMES!
I was Young and full of energy back then.
Met a few Zoo's in real life, One had a Farm and gave me my equine experiences.
Nowaday's it's not so easy! NO THANKS to the "Enumclaw" incident and bringing the dark side of the Zoo world into the mainstream spotlight.
Now everyones out to get us. and it's just not safe to meet strangers as it was in the good old days.
Now you just have to get and find your own way to experience the Zoo lifestyle. and do the hard work it takes to aquire that lifestyle.
You may still get lucky though. and make friends with a lonely Zoo who still values Human interaction.
Maybe even Hit it off and make a friend or maybe even a life partner, who wants to share the same lifestyle.
good luck to ya.
At a local girls club I had taken to hanging around at and enjoying, I met a girl very openly wearing a K9 phallic symbol around her neck. That meeting led to a very close relationship that is still on going.
Earlier as slave and K9 Bitch I was taken for regular checkups by my Master to one of the Vets. I was documented, registered and given this disc to wear. Years later at a Dog Parade and function I met up with a lady wearing one as well. She also looked at mine and I think we both had a curious puzzled look on our faces. By the afternoon curiosity got the better of her and she came over introduced herself formally and eventually came to the disc I was wearing and discovered we see the same Vet . We became friends and still are today years later...

I met one by chance. We hooked up a few times. He asked me what kind of porn I liked, and I said just show me what you like. He asked me if I have ever seen dog porn. He told me his experiences and I shared that I had little experience and we are still friends 12 plus years.
I have a really good female friend and she loves dogs but on the outside it obviously seems like a normal dog person. She visited one time and she was playing with my dog and noticed how huge his dick was still in it’s sheath because he would always brush up on her. She just kept mentioning it. I didn’t bring up anything, but I got a vibe. I’m married and she is engaged so that’s why I never said anything then. However, I recently started sending her “pics” saying I saw it online and now she has to also. Her reactions aren’t in disgust and sometimes she’ll even say how big it is, but if anything she be “annoyed” that I sent her it.
I think I know 1 person who doesn't mind zoo at least but I don't think they are into it and I can't meet them anyway so I'd have to say no, I don't even know someone else into it let alone meeting them lol.
My apologies if the phrasing of the question is a little weird.

I also want to say that I understand that a large part of being in this community is understanding that this is not an accepted ideology and there are many areas/places that are very dangerous for us to be in.

I’m not trying to say “how do you attract other Zoos” but instead, have you ever met another Zoo “organically”? I’m curious because I’ve never met anyone who seemed to even shows sign of remote interest. Like I said, I understand that could be because we have to do that for our own safety, but I’m curious if anyone has ever had an experience where they discovered this shared experience/interest with someone they already knew
Never met one, I'd like to tho
How do you even breach this subject with someone? I’d like to meet someone organically but am a bit afraid of responses
My roommate in college was going to school to be a veterinarian. We connected over our platonic love of animals. Then living together over time we sussed each other out for being zoos.
I love this. I often wonder who else in my field has this love for animals.
Funnily enough, one of my best friends turned out to be a zoo! We had always been pretty close, but one day she pulled me aside in the middle of our hangout and just wanted to be honest with me. And so I was honest with her! She even was the one that shared knowledge of this websites existence with me!
im a furry and while that don't mean we're all zoos omg there are so many people i know who are into it! It defo starts with the casual feral art work to try sus others out
Yes I have. I was pet sitting as a young teen for a friend. Each day went to their house fed him, watered him and such. (This was my initiation to zoo) but I noticed he was ALWAYS ricking an erection. Anyhow I just watched him for a while just being a doggo. And he would routinely go over to a large teddy bear left for him that I assumed was a comfort bear (really comfort bear makes me smile now though.) Anyhow my friends family returned and one day I was over just doing computer stuff, I got bored as he was just doing graphic design (anyone remember PovRay program) I went looking for the doggo. I found him down stairs but as I walked around the corner his sister was there hand on cock in just her underwear. I stood there a second and finally it clicked.

We enjoyed many fun times after that.
My apologies if the phrasing of the question is a little weird.

I also want to say that I understand that a large part of being in this community is understanding that this is not an accepted ideology and there are many areas/places that are very dangerous for us to be in.

I’m not trying to say “how do you attract other Zoos” but instead, have you ever met another Zoo “organically”? I’m curious because I’ve never met anyone who seemed to even shows sign of remote interest. Like I said, I understand that could be because we have to do that for our own safety, but I’m curious if anyone has ever had an experience where they discovered this shared experience/interest with someone they already knew
yes i have met a curious sub IRL and she is exploring at her pace. she wants to be knotted now but she had to move and give up her dogs. she does love licking though
There's been people I've suspected(conveniently placed paw print tattoo) but never engaged in convo. They were a coworker, so it could have ended poorly