Yes, I did. Partially as part of going to furry conventions, that obviously also had zoofurs attending, but I also went to an exclusive zoo meetup once, but that's 22 1/2 years ago already. Never thrilled me as much as to do this particular one again. Having a similar sexual interest isn't necessarily the greatest thing that would turn people into a great community. Most people had highly different interests and while it was intestesting to experience something like that for once, it was also quite clear that most people found little common ground with each other, outside of their sexuality, that is. Of course some furs have been there as well and usually sticked together, some other people were genuinely friendly and interested enough in the others to mingle a bit, while some loners however prefered to stay away from group activities like going on a walk together, or having a BBQ together and spend their entire weekend cooped up in their bungalow with their dogs and doing... zoo...ish things with them. In the end I got a bit video material out of it, where people from my bungalow were having fun, furries of mostly the same age group of young adults, while the material got quite... cringy when I lend my camera to a friend who went filming for a while. Because he focused on people who, when visiting local stables, were constantly grabbing at and fingering horses and generally where only swarming around any animal that popped a boner or otherwise showed his or her goods off. It was quite clearly visible what the mindset of most people were and the difference I experienced on this same meetup by hanging around people with quite a different, less obvious and desperate mindset. Like I said, interesting experience, but not something I felt like I needed to repeat since then.