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Gun Ownership - NO politics, just "Do you or do you not own a firearm"

Do you legally own a firearm of any kind?

  • I own one or more firearms, and am an American

    Votes: 431 55.7%
  • I own NO firearms, and am an American

    Votes: 122 15.8%
  • I own one or more firearms, and am other than American (Feel free to specify Citizenship)

    Votes: 80 10.3%
  • I own NO firearms, and am other than American (Feel free to specify Citizenship)

    Votes: 114 14.7%
  • I am not legally able to own a firearm (Feel free to specify reason)

    Votes: 27 3.5%

  • Total voters
Well according to HER, we currently have zero military deployed in active combat areas, then social media exploded with service members uploading videos asking where she thinks they really are then...
its not about how fast you can shoot, its about how small of a target you can hit, without needing to shoot more than once to hit it. 25% of shooters at the range seem to miss this, and dump ammo until they hit the target and then celebrate. If you shoot 2x or more ammo then your number of targets, you really need more practice, better glasses, or to just go home. If i miss a target i kick myself mentally, if i miss it twice, and my sights are all working and zero'd properly, i take a minute and make sure im mentally in the game. I don't sit there, bang bang bang bang, 10 rounds later, there i got it.

Then there are the posers, standing there with a pistol turned sideways, blasting away hitting mostly the ground, or the roof if its indoor, because they think holding it sideways is cool. I'll never forget one guy who was in there with his buddy's dumped the mag, pulled back the paper target on the conveyor, and only 4 of his rounds were even on the paper, but they all missed the silhouette. One of his buddy's razzed him, something like, well we know who we NOT calling in a gun fight.
How else are we going to protect ourselves? When our local governmental agencies won't, and our federal government isn't concerned for the safety of USA citizens.
Short barreled 12 Guage for home defense would be my ideal weapon of choice. Along with a handgun or two of choice.
All depends on the layout of your house, what the walls are made of, neighbor proximity, who you live with, etc.
2 bedroom. That would always be a concern over penatration. As with most situations. I do have neighbors with in 10-12 feet on the sides. With a lake in the backyard. Buckshot, or birds hot with a full choke. I've kicked around bear spay for non lethal. Or the CO gas paint ball pistol
i have a bulk crate of 00 buckshot, 12 gauge for home defense, 1600 fps, hornady black :sneaky:

Other then that I have a stock pile of 5.56, with and without the green tips, a little low on 9 tho, will be fixing it soon as i see a decent deal.
Have any of you seen or had experience with the large scale air guns ? Largest I've is the size of a 12 Guage slug. Capable of fairly large game.
Have any of you seen or had experience with the large scale air guns ? Largest I've is the size of a 12 Guage slug. Capable of fairly large game.
Ive seen a .30 caliber used with rabbit hunting. That Air rifle cost more than three normal rifles.
I advocate for responsible ownership and pro constitutional rights. If you own, the burden of safety falls on you.
Ive seen a .30 caliber used with rabbit hunting. That Air rifle cost more than three normal rifles.
The best part of the large caliber air rifle. NO BACKGROUND CHECK, plus it will be shipped to your door.
Depends where you are from. My home state has them under state law as real rifles which require both a background check and fingerprints. 85 bucks before your cleared for a transfer. I know, it’s dumb
Air and black powder firearms usually don't require a bc, but there are a few states that do. I don't know of any big-bore air rifles or non-cylinder bp guns that don't require a re-load after each shot, which would suck in a modern gunfight. Still better than no gun in a gunfight, though!