I have been attracted to dogs for over 22 years now. Maybe longer. I've been sexually active with them for 15. There was a span of about 5 years were I was just going absolutely crazy, racked with guilt, doubt, anxiety, and anger at myself for fucking dogs. I hated and constantly fought in my mind for not being able to stop and wanting to have sex with nearly every intact male I could be alone with. This was mostly me exploring my sexuality in my early 20s, but also largely rebelling against how I was raised. It took a while to get past that conditioning. By the time I was 30 it was no longer this intense need to prove a point or something, but that I had let go of that internal conflict and accepted that I love dogs. That I preferred and desired them as companions and lovers to people. That took nearly a decade of experience and maturity to fully come to terms with that. I'm happily married to a beautiful kindred soul, we have 3 dogs, but I dont know if I didnt have her if i would be near that same nympho level I was previously or melo like I am now.