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Does anyone irl know that you’re into this lifestyle?

I've just been through an 'almost found out' scenario and it was horrible.

I luv my hubby but I just know what his reaction would be.

This is a facet of life that might be best kept to yourself.
You should do a Ted talk here for all the whackos who feel this overwhelming need to tell the world, lol

Someone needs to explain to them in a way that sinks thru thick skulls that the real world comes with real world consequences.
Hey guys, yeah my close family and kids know they are supportive.. and very brave to own it doing that made it known that the 9 women in our immediate family either fantasied about it or had done it so my speaking out made them comfortable when there is nothing wrong with this society just judges what’s normal
congratulations on being resolved
Unfortunately not.

The closest I came to ever revealing that was to an ex who I found beast stories on her laptop she admitted to reading. She said she only read it because she liked the description of the licking but looking back, it was written all over her face that she was possibly a zoo too.

Unfortunately I was young and dumb, and didn’t go about that well. I tried too hard to pretend I wasn’t into it because I was nervous about admitting that too, and playfully teased her about it (I was like 17 or 18). Now that I’m thinking about it, she had an intact labradoodle (I think?? ) too. I wonder if she ever fulfilled her fantasy or fooled around with him. Ah well… Ya live and ya learn! Wherever she is, I hope she’s doing well.
My sister had a horny male dog that I didn't think of in a sexual way at all, but I was in her room and down on all fours (for another reason) and was crossdressing her clothes including a short skirt and thong panties and because of the position and clothing I was wearing giving him access, he mounted me and was able to get inside my asshole and started fucking me hard. I was in shock at what was happening and didn't more right away and then it started feeling good, so I let him keep going not knowing anything about dog sex or about male dogs having a knot on their cock. When he stopped, he wasn't finished like I first thought. I didn't know why we were stuck together after he stepped off of my back and turned and why I couldn't get him out of me, but later found the reason was because he had knotted with me. My sister came home early that day and caught me dressed in her clothes and knotted by her dog. It was very embarrassing and humiliating. I apologized for wearing her clothes without permission, told her it wasn't what it looked like, and begged her not to tell anyone. Seeing me in her clothes at first she thought I had wanted to get fucked and had pulled him up on my back and forced him somehow like I had abused her dog in what must have been many times forcing him to do that to me. When I explained what happened and that this was the very first time and she understood it wasn't anything I had planned or wanted to happen, she stayed with me till it was over and made sure that I was okay. I hadn't planned on telling her about my crossdressing and would have never told her or anyone I knew personally what her dog did to me that day. Had she not come home early that day, no one irl would ever know what happened. After that first time getting forced by him and getting pleasure from it, I let him fuck me several times, but we were never caught again. As far as I know, my sister never told anyone else what happened. Not sure how much she knows though. I know she knows about that first time I was fucked by her dog, which was basically a rape, since she caught us ass to ass and knotted, but she might think that was the first and only time it happened. I never told her about the other times with him, or that I liked getting fucked by her dog.
would love to see this scene with you hitched by the ass, wow I would eat your pussy
Only three people know my sexual preferences. A couple friends who happened to see my internet history (they were surprisingly accepting though they admitted the didn’t get it) and my wife. Before we got married I sat her down and explained to her my sexual proclivities very bluntly. Part of me agreeing to marry her was me resisting those desires in exchange for understanding that the human female form ‘doesn’t do it for me’. Been married a few years and no issues.
Only three people know my sexual preferences. A couple friends who happened to see my internet history (they were surprisingly accepting though they admitted the didn’t get it) and my wife. Before we got married I sat her down and explained to her my sexual proclivities very bluntly. Part of me agreeing to marry her was me resisting those desires in exchange for understanding that the human female form ‘doesn’t do it for me’. Been married a few years and no issues.
Do you ever ask her to watch? Has she ever caught you in the act after her day of chores/ work?
Myself and a furry friend from years ago came to an understanding that we were both zoophiles. We'd already been friends for years, although we don't talk so much anymore. There's not anyone else I can think about letting in on this - well, tell a lie, there is potentially someone else, but I would end up being very vague if I had to talk about that.

I'm not really thinking about letting anyone else in on this part of myself. I'm too paranoid to reach and expose myself even to the majority of other zoophiles. I don't rule it out. But for now, the answer is one person knows I'm a zoophile. ?
I haven’t actually done anything since being married, honestly. She isn’t interested in any way, but she does accept my different appetites as part of who I am.
When you had your sit down talk with her. Did you tell her in detail of what you done with a dog? For example hunny I like to have my dog lick my cock n balls.
When you had your sit down talk with her. Did you tell her in detail of what you done with a dog? For example hunny I like to have my dog lick my cock n balls.
Kind of. My sexual interest in animals has been with me since a very young age. That being said, the reasoning has evolved and mature over the years. Sex, to me, isn’t really about the pleasing aspects. Yes, that’s part of the fun, but the relationship you have with the animals you are mating with changes and in the best ways possible. Trust and loyalty to and from an animal you engage in coitus with is on the highest plain vs other forms of human animal relations. She doesn’t know specifics about all the animals I’ve been with but she does know I don’t engage in the activity just to get my jollies.
Nope no one !!! My first boyfriend introduced me to stories but wasn’t till after that I got interested, still don’t know why just felt it inside
My wife knows I have a passing fascination with it. She definitely doesn't know the true extent to my desires, though to be fair I'm not sure I do either. I'm not really all that interested in telling her or letting her in on any of it. So I keep my proclivities to myself as I always have. I believe people live to experience things, so a melancholy does from time to time envelop me at the thought of fantasies unlived.
Havent seen this question asked before. Sorry if i post it again. I try to get along with my feelings but somehow i cant. I tried to talk with people about Zoophilia. My family doesnt know i am a Zoo. Probably never going to tell them. My closest friends know. They dont tell anyone and are mostly fine with it. Most people would probably turn away from you if they knew because its disgusting and evil. But noone really talks about it just because its a taboo topic with that stigma. How about you guys? Do people know you are a Zoo? How did you tell them or did they find out? Do they "support" you?
I wouldn't be surprised to learn if someone expected me to be a zoo but hell no I ain't telling nobody. That could land me 10 years in jail.
If there wasn't a life ending consequence of being found out as a zoo I'd probably tell everyone I know and educate them about the true healthy lifestyle and guidelines all proper zoos follow.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn if someone expected me to be a zoo but hell no I ain't telling nobody. That could land me 10 years in jail.
If there wasn't a life ending consequence of being found out as a zoo I'd probably tell everyone I know and educate them about the true healthy lifestyle and guidelines all proper zoos follow.
I haven't really thought about the punishment honestly. I mean, it's not something I don't have to think about but ist not a huge deal either. For me the bigger issue was being an outcast in society.
I haven't really thought about the punishment honestly. I mean, it's not something I don't have to think about but ist not a huge deal either. For me the bigger issue was being an outcast in society.
If I'm living the life I want to live, the life that fills me with wonderlust and soul, then being an outcast means nothing to me. I learned a long time ago to live without caring what anybody thought, as long as it doesn't land me in a cell. I do what makes me happy and gives me purpose. I am a character from a storybook, something that nobody understands. We only got this one life, so I'm gonna live it the way I want to.
my parents know but don't bring it up, my sister is my biggest supporter though nobody knows i'm pro-contact.

also i wouldn't call it a lifestyle, it's a sexuality, a part of my life, not all of it.
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