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Does anyone irl know that you’re into this lifestyle?

Tons of threads on this topic. Just because you feel it and there is this community here, don't think it is something widespread accepted. Being too open or thinking it is like "coming out" or something you expect people should "accept you" for has ruined lives and even put people in legal trouble.

Be happy you have shared with friends who have kept it quiet. I'd leave it at that unless you have some damn good reason to believe whoever you do tell is a zoo first.
Hello, guys!

General question: Does you relatives, close ones know about your fetish? Just a part? What have you told them and how did they react?

I am currently married to my spouse and I love them so much and they do not know about my zoo life. I believe there is never a good time to tell them. Anyone else live like this? How do you cope? Are you ever worried that they will find out and what their reaction would be? Tell me I’m not alone
Hey, I did told my girlfriend and she was super cool about it. We watched videos together and she kinda like it, but i think she is in that stage where she still is a bit ashamed. However she is cool about me beeing into zoo.
If my experience in open up with my partner does mean anything, I think firstly you should try to understand how does your spouse feel about fetishes and stuff. Me and my girlfriend always talked a lot about sex, so that helped when I told her.
And yes, I was drunk when i told her :ROFLMAO:
Yep! A few of my very good friends know, and a local fur who spotted the fuck outta me- and rightfully so! I'm a little scared, b/c I'm a pretty active furry in the community and don't wanna get dragged to pieces but I only tell folks who are zoos themselves. I'm yet to tell my husband, or my boyfriend- but hopefully someday I can come out about it. I love animals, I really do, and these feelings have always been a part of me. They know I'm a therian- so hopefully this isn't too much of a jump for them
My fiance knows as it was all his idea for me to do it, however none of my friends or family know.

I really struggle to cope with this aspect of it all. I wouldnt tell your spouse xx
And how did he gave you the idea?
My girlfriend watched some videos with me and I could tell that she was really into it. She even told me after watching some videos how excited she felt.
However she got a bit cold feet from watching some videos because she had some valid concerns about how the dogs might be treated by who produces those videos. Another thing she told me is that even though she felt excited and understand that a lot of woman feel the same way, she was unsure about how some of those videos ended up online, like if the women did because she wanted or because she was trying to please someone.
I say all of this to ask you if you had any similar concerns and if so, how did you adressed then
So, my entire family knows, but they hope I'm inactive. My mom, caught me with the family dog when I was 16 and I was sure I was dead if not going to jail. She then told the whole family. My uncle, my grandparents, my stepdad, my dad, my stepmom. They think I stopped. In truth I just got better at timing and hiding.

My best friend knows, but I think he doesn't think I'm serious.

My boyfriend's best friend knows, he finds it hot but only because we had a sexual attraction to each other and he likes the idea of me naked. (I'm polyamorous, just to clarify I wasn't cheating on my man with his friend)

And I always come out to my boyfriends/girlfriends if I get a good vibe from them. My boyfriend knows and is a... We'll say "retired" zoo.

Aside from that, no, it's not information I share willy-nilly. I'm VERY selective of who knows.
So sorry for that! Must have been though