Nice strawman argument you got there. Alcoholism is NOT the same as homosexuality. Willingly engaging in homosexual acts shows you are, at minimum, find male genitalia attractive.Okay, I’m going to stop you there. Trying it, does NOT equate to being something. If I tried a drink of alcohol, am I an alcoholic now??
I have zero attraction or desire to be with any male of any species. However, I have tried things with males, thinking maybe I could have such desire or attraction if I tried it. That was not the case. In fact, trying those things with other males of both the same AND other species lessened any inkling of such that I had to begin with.
So again, I say no. Experimenting does NOT instantly make someone gay.
And your use of one dictionary does not negate the other dictionary definitions of gay. And the fact you're willing to dismiss those other definitions, such as the one found on WordNik, tells me y'all are a bunch of gays that can't accept yourselves as such.
Enjoy your denial because you can't dare to face reality. And they let y'all vote... No wonder we are in so much trouble.