Citizen of Zooville
I never said you were an idiot. Sure I might have been blunt but to be fair you approached me arguing a break down of words. Here I'll explain again. You may want to re read what I said. I implied that your argument is opinionated around a singular definition and not the larger picture. Its moot to get irritated about how others identify themselves as a zoo because we don't generally tell our specific preferences to just anyone that would lend an ear in the first place. It would be unwise to do so hence the illegality. Your argument was based on reasoning that nobody would understand if you said you are gay.
(With the condition that it's your attraction to a male dog) would you want them too understand that? Are you afraid that if you have gay urges and didn't explain further that it's to a different species that a random man is gonna try to dry hump you on the spot? Without even asking or getting to know you?
Your getting mad over someone using words that could have a different meaning than what's generally implied. Your gonna be even more angry if you look up the term polysemous then. Perspective. It's what loads of definitions are based upon. Several Words in the English language can be defined in multiple ways and have more than one possible meaning; dependant on the phrasing. For example Homosexuality: "is a Romantic/sexual attraction, or sexual behavior between MEMBERS of the same sex" That is, Two males, or two females. It's a behavior that spans across many species not just humans. The fact that you exclude our attraction to animals of the same sex out of the equation is pure denial that it IS a form of cross species homosexual behavior. There has been literal scientific studies done on this type of thing in the animal kingdom to try and understand why animals have sexual urges outside of the need for procreation. Yet humans are too stubborn to accept that cross species attraction applies to some of us as well: why is it so hard for you to grasp that homosexual urges are expressed in zoosexuality?? You already accept that you have an attraction that most typical people judge and misunderstand to begin with. Meanwhile your too stubborn to accept truth even if it's right in front of you. It's just like no man I'm not gay. Now excuse me while my dog (lover??) squirts several mil of cum with his PENIS inside my BUTTHOLE (or mouth) hard knot pressed against my prostate. A behavior that is very clearly homosexual: between two males ??? ? I'm done expressing valid points if your too stubborn to see perspective that's different than what YOU want it to be. Since your so keen on using that line at others. Have a nice day![]()
ho·mo·sex·u·al in·ter·course
(hō'mō-sek'shū-ăl in'tĕr-kōrs)Oral, manual, and anal sexual stimulation between members of the same sex.
This is a cited definition of homosexual intercourse. Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012.
Members can be defined as:
(noun) a person, animal, plant, that is part of a group. Or A part of a whole: such as. (Webster's dictionary) in this case it's of the "same sex" That would imply any male, or female. K9s are part of the ANIMAL KINGDOM as well as human beings. as a whole. Again the bigger picture and like many other mammals we have a specific sex we are born with (male or female)
What can be simply concluded of that:
Members of the same sex is either, A; Two individuals with a penis or B; two with a vagina engaging in any form of intercourse {Above in caps for emphasis because it Is defined as (noun): basic group of natural life that includes ALL living and extinct animals and plants} Having sex with any animal that's male if you are male is homosexual. Do I need to break that down more or is that clear enough?
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