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Deep quotes you heard or made up?

"As yet there hasn't been a defined opposite of 'boo'."
When the definition is created I suggest we call it "oob"

As in I knocked quietly on the door then a little louder and announced who I was so as to best oob my friend before entering the room in the least scariest way possible.
When the definition is created I suggest we call it "oob"

As in I knocked quietly on the door then a little louder and announced who I was so as to best oob my friend before entering the room in the least scariest way possible.
You could just invert "boo" upsidedown.

But I admit the sense of the sentence might be mostly confusing and widely missunderstood
"Cherish the one who seeks the truth, but beware of he that finds it.
Doubt is an uncomfortable condition, but certainty is absurd."
Of course not. ‘boo’ upside down is ‘poo’ 😇
Indeed that was what got me the silly laughter as I thought how could it work to
" as to best  poo your friend...
before entering the room 😳
...in the least scariest way possible."

O know I'd be scared as hell
To me inverting upsidedown is mirrowing vertically while that would be rotating conterclockwise 180°

Whatever. Confusing Photoshop dialogues 😅
Psst... if you rotate it clockwise 180° it's ooq as well, but of course living in the southern hemisphere we do everything backwards to you northerners, but the end result is just as wonderbar.