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Count to ∞!

It's honestly kinda hard to describe, but what she will do is when I'm petting her chest floof (one of her favorite spot for pets besides her lower back) she will take her paw, lift it up, and gently stroke my arms and legs while I'm trying to pet her. Another thing she'll do is, if I'm not hitting just the right area on her chest, she will take my arm with her paw and guide it to where she'd like to be pet. As the spot on the chest she wants pet often changes areas.
That’s also my girls favorite spot to be pet her chest floof.
@FloofyNewfie i actually got some Gold Peak tea today simply because of you. And it was delicious.
For premade tea, it's not bad at all. Glad that I was able to influence your spending habit. Lol

That’s also my girls favorite spot to be pet her chest floof.
How about that? Although I'm sure it's the favorite spot of many doggos. My littler girl's favorite spots are her lower back and below her ears. She's fine with you petting her chest as well, but you can tell it's not her favorite spot.

Had to stash away the backups quickly, gargle with mint whisky and get some weapons ready as I thought the house is going to get raided.
Set of executive's specials and around four not visible persons, black SUV with light but no siren. But nope, not me this time. Seems to have been a medical / nervous breakdown emergency in the neighborhood. ?‍♂️

Fortunately, I just wanted to take a long bath, lol. ?

But yes, while they both don't cuddle, they all do show their affections towards their beloved pack members. We're one small happy little family, and I couldn't ask for more than that.

Ah, I remember that you had described her aiming your hand / arm to the "correct" places, that's cute. ❤️

The most important thing is that you three are happy together. And as you care well for the two girls, that's almost guaranteed. Cuddling is very nice, but not really a necessity.

While I don't do so anymore, when I was younger I used to spend hours upon hours of studying psychology. Not only do you get to figure out the rational of others, you end up learning a lot about your own mind, your own behavior, and how it affects you and everyone around you.

Been there, done that as well - it's very helpful. Even if one doesn't like humans, it helps preventing their nasty aspects or redirecting those to themself. Less stress, better life. (y)

I also have to knowledge that everything... yes everything... we think we know is incorrect in one form or another, whether minor or major.

Hmm, that depends. Technically it's not incorrect, it's merely not perfect. Same as an electric circuit isn't "incorrect" or "defective" because it has losses in every wire (if not made from supraleiter). Some "losses" or variables are to expect, not only with humans, but with all living beings.

To reach a perfect state, it would resemble to know how to form and analyze matter at a level which doesn't leave questions open and that's not possible for humans. There are always questions which stay unanswered.

Phew. Dang this blue light flashing madness. Whatever the "neighbors" did, it's surely not relaxing for me.

Oh, that's fine, as long as you are okay with it. (y) ❤️

The "unexpected almost-swatting" beforehand was somewhat stressing, as there are more than enough illegal projects laying around, but that aside it's quite normal here as well.

I'll go to bath now, afterwards take a short nap - that's necessary. See you later on, floofers and floofs! Have a good time! ? ?