Atleast he made an honorable girl out of her.
Atleast he made an honorable girl out of her.
Oh, I actually am when it comes to human-human sexual activity. I'm not completely ugly though, I'm fairly tall, I'm mostly symmetrical, and I'm not obese. I've had a few women hit on me over the years, and one of my friends... well, now pretty much ex friend at this point offered me a blowjob, and knowing her it likely would have turned into sex since she's the type that gets horny when she's smoked a lot of marijuana. We were both pretty high though, but I was caught off guard and I politely declined. Which, yeah, you could imagine was pretty damn awkward. Each time I've turned them down though. So, indeed. In that regard I am a virgin. When it comes to female canines though... well... ya know.I actually don't believe that. I believe that you are a, as you put it, dog fucker, but I don't believe that you are a "virgin" in human-human sex.
And please take this as the compliment that it is.
I stand corrected.Oh, I actually am when it comes to human-human sexual activity. I'm not completely ugly though, I'm fairly tall, I'm symmetrical, and I'm not obese. I've had a few women hit on me over the years, and one of my friends... well, now pretty much ex friend at this point offered me a blowjob, and knowing her it likely would have turned into sex since she's the type that gets horny when she's smoked a lot of marijuana. We were both pretty high though, but I was caught off guard and I politely declined. Which, yeah, you could imagine was pretty damn awkward. Each time I've turned them down though. So, indeed. In that regard I am a virgin. When it comes to female canines though... well... ya know.![]()
LMAO!But you know your own worth, which is good. Don't let any random skank be under you.
My honest opinion from what I know about you.Why thanks for the kind words!
True. But I also know that a hypotetical human girlfriend in the future is not something you see as an impossibility.I mean I am more attracted to female canines than I am to women though, although I've stated this enough times that I'm sure you're already aware of it.
And who could have thought that female humans would not be interested in male humans that truly hates them?Sometimes I do regret not taking any of the opportunities, as I only get one shot at life, ya know? But then again, I don't have any STDs, nor stalkers, nor accidental babies, nor women bad mouthing me or whatever. But yeah, I'm definitely not an incel in the slightest. In fact I joined incel.is to kind of lurk in that community to see what those people were actually like, and Jesus Hong Christ was I not expecting all the stereotypes about incels actually being true! I don't think I've even seen so many self hating, women hating, constantly living in rage, racist, and homophobic bunch of people gathered into one area in my entire life. It wasn't like it was a couple of odd ones out, like 90% of that community was absolutely fucking bonkers. In fact the people that stood out were the calm level-headed ones that genuinely seemed lonely and not full of blind hate.
I feel a little sad for those incels. And what is with their convictions that only "Chad's" have a shot to get a lady? Seen a lot of fathers in my years on this planet, and "Über alpha males" is not how I would describe the majority of them.Although, I guess you could call me kind of a "volcel" (voluntarily celibate). Although, when incels use it, it typically means that a guy has given up on looking because he feels he's too ugly, and all women are too evil and skanky for him to even bother trying. Which, yeah... definitely doesn't describe me at all. Lol
Indeed. At this point I'm pretty much at the point of "Eh, if it happens then it happens. But if not, then I'm happy enough as it is with just my canines and my group of friends." It's not impossible, just a bit improbable.True. But I also know that a hypotetical human girlfriend in the future is not something you see as an impossibility.
This could be said about this forum as well. Someone on the outside could definitely get the impression that "90% of the users are degenerate sex addicted porn addicted men, and the zoophiles that stood out were the calm rational level-headed ones."like 90% of that community was absolutely fucking bonkers. In fact the people that stood out were the calm level-headed ones
? Well... unless he was obviously joking, and she also happened to have a very strange sense of humor."I hate you and all other humans that don't have a penis, you are the reason for everything that is bad in my life, can I get your number?" Will not work as a pick up line most of the times.
Hope you get a good nights sleep.But I think I'm going to hop off for now and enjoy the rest of my night. Hate to leave ya in the middle of a discussion though, but I need some me time after a hard day's work. Toodles!