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Count to ∞!

I have been lurking in the shadows the whole damned time. No actually its way more boring than that. Sometimes I see cool things that I like, I sign up for them and then I forget about them and revisit later. I have wanted to join this place for a while but I got busy and forgot about it. Then I decided I was going to get involved and finally jumped in.
Ah, I guess I can see that. I was kinda wondering, as you kinda just started appearing out of nowhere. Not the first person to do that though. @Ted Danson Machine (who used to count with us, but doesn't anymore) kinda did the same thing. I never heard of the guy and then I kept seeing him around the forum one week and before I knew it the guy had over 1,000 posts. I too was surprised to see that he had an account way older than I had suspected at the time.

Welp, glad you could join the living. What made you choose the name caboose though? I'm curious...

Ah, I guess I can see that. I was kinda wondering, as you kinda just started appearing out of nowhere. Not the first person to do that though. @Ted Danson Machine (who used to count with us, but doesn't anymore) kinda did the same thing. I never heard of the guy and then I kept seeing him around the forum one week and before I knew it the guy had over 1,000 posts. I too was surprised to see that he had an account way older than I had suspected at the time.

Welp, glad you you join the living. What made you choose the name caboose though? I'm curious...


I don't know why I have always done things that way. I like to slip in below the radar and when I decide to make a splash I like to really have a good presence. I think all the regulars on here are pretty cool people and I like hearing about everyone's stories. It's just nice to be around other members of the community even if its bullshitting around and counting its just one moment that's "normal" in an area of my life that hasn't experienced that before.

I am glad to join the land of the living too! There might be times where Ill fade in and fade out but just having people @ you and hit you with train emojis is fun as hell. I didn't think this would be such a welcoming bunch I have had other experiences that were not that way for sure.

Caboose? - Truthful answer - no idea. I am not big into trains but it just rolls off the tongue though - Caboose. Plus its a cute way of referring to a butt - you can't beat that.
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🚂🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃 @caboose

Well to me it certainly is an odd way to do it, but nothing wrong with doing it that way either. When I joined I pretty much hit the ground running and didn't look back at the time. But now there's times where I look back at some of my really old posts and cringe at them. Either because I took a very uninformed position, or my post was focused WAY too much on sex. Probably the smart way to do it is to lurk a bit and get a feel for the general community.

I'm sure when you joined here you didn't expect over 16.66% of the staff members to regularly post in a fun and games counting thread. Lol

Also, ah... I see about the name. Well there's certainly worse names you could have chosen even if your doesn't necessarily have a meaning to it. Like the people that choose usernames like "eriufh00000" or some shit. Like, WTF even is that bro? Lol

🚂🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃 @caboose

Well to me it certainly is an odd way to do it, but nothing wrong with doing it that way either. When I joined I pretty much hit the ground running and didn't look back at the time. But now there's times where I look back at some of my really old posts and cringe at them. Either because I took a very uninformed position, or my post was focused WAY too much on sex. Probably the smart way to do it is to lurk a bit and get a feel for the general community.

I'm sure when you joined here you didn't expect over 16.66% of the staff members to regularly post in a fun and games counting thread. Lol

Also, ah... I see about the name. Well there's certainly worse names you could have chosen even if your doesn't necessarily have a meaning to it. Like the people that choose usernames like "eriufh00000" or some shit. Like, WTF even is that bro? Lol


I have always been a bit of a "fail to plan, plan to fail" type. Social situations are complex and every group has their own set of rules and responsibilities. I like to take a measured approach because it suits my style and I have certainly calmed down a lot over the years. I used to be in the dumpster diver crowd in other forums I joined.

I have had some forums where the staff loved the games and other's that didn't. It all just depends.
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1393 double se7en

Funnily enough this place being the unofficial chat room was both kinda an accident and kinda not an accident. It's a long story... but the short version was that for the longest time Don't Wake The Mods, often just called DWTM for short, was kinda becoming the unofficial spot where members were chatting and talking to each other. But the mods couldn't join in as every time a mod posted they had to reset the game. The mutual liking thing actually came from a joke I made to my group of friends that I'm a part of that regularly posted in the DWTM thread. We were talking about reaction scores (even before the cheating mine was still pretty high up there) and I basically told them that they could beat me if y'all started liking each others posts. And... well... one of the members of the friend group went back and started liking a TON of the friend group member's posts in DWTM. After that they started just doing it. They felt I was kinda left out, in both the mutual liking to cheat higher reaction score numbers, as well as being able to just join in on their conversation as doing so would reset the game.

So, it was Dane that actually revived this thread, which had been dead for awhile, so that I could join in on the fun. It took a bit to catch on, but once it started it never stopped. It was never meant to be a place for chit chat... just numbers. But, it's kinda what the thread ultimately ended up becoming. A place to just chill and chat. I want to say when this thread got revived it was only in the 2 or 3 thousands... yeah... just look at it now! Lol

Just sooooo pretty. I am probably going to be getting a dog soon and I was convinced I might get a boy but so many of you are happy with your girls I might have to reconsider.
Eh, female dogs come with their own set of issues you have to look out for. In most cases having an intact male dog is on average easier to deal with, especially when they get older, than having an intact female dog. But for me, I have zero attraction to male dogs and a ton of attraction to female dogs. So, it's why I went that route obviously. There's a ton of upsides to having a female canine, but there is a ton of downsides as well. I've spent thousands upon thousands on my female newfie for issues that likely wouldn't exist for male canines. But, if you can't decide for sure... getting one of each sex isn't a bad idea either. But to save yourself a bunch of headaches, you'll probably want to get the boy a vasectomy and/or the girl an ovary sparing spay.
1393 double se7en

Funnily enough this place being the unofficial chat room was both kinda an accident and kinda not an accident. It's a long story... but the short version was that for the longest time Don't Wake The Mods, often just called DWTM for short, was kinda becoming the unofficial spot where members were chatting and talking to each other. But the mods couldn't join in as every time a mod posted they had to reset the game. The mutual liking thing actually came from a joke I made to my group of friends that I'm a part of that regularly posted in the DWTM thread. We were talking about reaction scores (even before the cheating mine was still pretty high up there) and I basically told them that they could beat me if y'all started liking each others posts. And... well... one of the members of the friend group went back and started liking a TON of the friend group member's posts in DWTM. After that they started just doing it. They felt I was kinda left out, in both the mutual liking to cheat higher reaction score numbers, as well as being able to just join in on their conversation as doing so would reset the game.

So, it was Dane that actually revived this thread, which had been dead for awhile, so that I could join in on the fun. It took a bit to catch on, but once it started it never stopped. It was never meant to be a place for chit chat... just numbers. But, it's kinda what the thread ultimately ended up becoming. A place to just chill and chat. I want to say when this thread got revived it was only in the 2 or 3 thousands... yeah... just look at it now! Lol


I figured the history surrounding this had to be super complicated like that. It just seems like certain members of the group just know eachother's moves so so well. I figured it had to be a long story. I like that this is what developed everyone seems like they are super knowledgeable and having a good time. It's nice to come here and relax for a moment. Thank you Dane for reviving this game. It's certainly helped me a bit too I do appreciate all the reactions!

Eh, female dogs come with their own set of issues you have to look out for. In most cases having an intact male dog is on average easier to deal with, especially when they get older, than having an intact female dog. But for me, I have zero attraction to male dogs and a ton of attraction to female dogs. So, it's why I went that route obviously. There's a ton of upsides to having a female canine, but there is a ton of downsides as well. I've spent thousands upon thousands on my female newfie for issues that likely wouldn't exist for male canines. But, if you can't decide for sure... getting one of each sex isn't a bad idea either. But to save yourself a bunch of headaches, you'll probably want to get the boy a vasectomy and/or the girl an ovary sparing spay.

Thank you so much for this @Floofy. This is the splash of cold water on my face that you get when you are presented this information. Those do sound like complicated challenges and I am sorry for the health issues of your girl. You sound like a very caring person and no doubt she is well looked after.

I want to say this out loud as mostly a question: If you ask the vet for a vasectomy or an ovary sparing spay - are they not going to give you the most sideways looks and ask why? I know that's none of their business but just feels a bit out of pocket.

Indeed. I don't think it's hard to figure out that Me, Dane, Fox, and a handful of other members know each other pretty well. And I believe Mare chats with me and them off and on as well. But once we got the ball rolling so many others like @rockymountaindog, @MrsShemon, @YIMBY, and @MypupandI69 and others joined in on the fun here. When it comes to the mutual liking, anyone is free to join in on it. As long as you like my posts, I'll like yours. Simple simple.

Thank you so much for this @Floofy. This is the splash of cold water on my face that you get when you are presented this information. Those do sound like complicated challenges and I am sorry for the health issues of your girl. You sound like a very caring person and no doubt she is well looked after.
If there's one thing I'm going to do next time, it's going to be 1) staying away from XL sized breeds. I'm thinking no more than 80lbs. 2) I'm going to get a mutt instead of a pure breed dog, as the mutt girl I have now is a LOT less prone to health issues. Hopefully this won't be something I'll have to worry about for years and years and years though. But when they do pass on, I believe it to be fair to pass along my caring nature, my love, and my dedication to another deserving dog. Any dog that winds up in my hands will have the life a beautiful and loving creature such as that deserves to have.

I want to say this out loud as mostly a question: If you ask the vet for a vasectomy or an ovary sparing spay - are they not going to give you the most sideways looks and ask why? I know that's none of their business but just feels a bit out of pocket.
If you're in the U.S. most vets will refuse to do an OSS or vasectomy. But you can actually click on the resource on my profile for a list of vets that do offer those surgeries. It's listed by state and veterinary clinic.
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