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@caboose you mind if I shoot you a dm?

Of course, DMs are always open.


Indeed. I don't think it's hard to figure out that Me, Dane, Fox, and a handful of other members know each other pretty well. And I believe Mare chats with me and them off and on as well. But once we got the ball rolling so many others like @rockymountaindog, @MrsShemon, @YIMBY, and @MypupandI69 and others joined in on the fun here. When it comes to the mutual liking, anyone is free to join in on it. As long as you like my posts, I'll like yours. Simple simple.

If there's one thing I'm going to do next time, it's going to be 1) staying away from XL sized breeds. I'm thinking no more than 80lbs. 2) I'm going to get a mutt instead of a pure breed dog, as the mutt girl I have now is a LOT less prone to health issues. Hopefully this won't be something I'll have to worry about for years and years and years though. But when they do pass on, I believe it to be fair to pass along my caring nature, my love, and my dedication to another deserving dog. Any dog that winds up in my hands will have the life a beautiful and loving creature such as that deserves to have.

If you're in the U.S. most vets will refuse to do an OSS or vasectomy. But you can actually click on the resource on my profile for a list of vets that do offer those surgeries. It's listed by state and veterinary clinic.

Thank you for this information. I am new to these considerations. Although I grew up alot with dogs I have never really had the opportunity to speak to other reasons for having pets in your life. When I do get ready to make the leap Ill be sure to check out those resources, I am leaning on getting a male but I really appreciate @Floofy sharing his experiences.
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I am leaning on getting a male but I really appreciate @Floofy sharing his experiences.
I would typically encourage you to get them in pairs though, as it helps them feel less lonely when you inevitably have to leave the dog home alone when you have to go out and do human stuff. A male and female pair is a little more ideal, but a male and another male would work fine as they are a lot less prone to same sex aggression versus a female and female pairing. Luckily my two get along with each other very well... but there certainly was some struggles in the first year. Especially over food, even though they are both definitely adequately fed.

An independent type breed might be good home alone though, but someone with more experience than me would have to speak to that.
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I would typically encourage you to get them in pairs though, as it helps them feel less lonely when you inevitably have to leave the dog home alone when you have to go out and do human stuff. A male and female pair is a little more ideal, but a male and another male would work fine as they are a lot less prone to same sex aggression versus a female and female pairing. Luckily my two get along with each other very well... but there certainly was some struggles in the first year. Especially over food, even though they are both definitely adequately fed.

An independent type breed might be good home alone though, but someone with more experience than me would have to speak to that.


That is another good point its a little better if you can have another so that they can properly socialize. Again, this is a little down the road but I appreciate all the knowledgeable people stepping in to provide all the helpful information.