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Anyone have hyper sexuality?

Absolutely. It definitely made me open and eager to accepting the dogs licks between my legs. The feelings of hyper sexuality started before then but I didn't know what to do to them.

As I've gotten older it's definitely gotten worse. I find that it's directly related to my stress and anxiety. I've been using orgasms to cope with anxiety for a very long time. Definitely not the best for my mental health but doctors are expensive and orgasms are free.
So. Like, I'm available! Where have ya been all my life?
yes >_< its getting pretty bad these past cpl years with my paraphilias too
i started watching porn touching myself and talking to grown men online when i was 9 and its a habit i never really kicked.... i just cant resist a pervy older man who wants to harm me hehe
yes and its sometimes great sometimes not so much. i find my self unwillingly masturbating when I'm supposed to be somewhere or when i am running late ill be even more late cause sometimes it can take hours to cum, naturally i cant stop ones im going until i cum, so i often miss appointments because of it. i talked to a therapist he said its a symptom of adhd. i think its because my neuro pathways have been formed and reinforced with the great feeling i get from cumming that my brain cannot do certain other things because almost every day since i was 8 by a week or two when i lost my virginity, i have been having sex or masturbating. i didnt start masturbating however until i was almost 18. i didnt know how or that it was a thing. i had been consistently getting the pussy thrown at me, and could have sex with any woman or girl my age that i wanted. so the concept of beating off was unknown to me. i find it strange now that im older, how much time i spend stroking my meat in comparison to having sex. most women i have sex with these days, will usually last at the most 45 minutes. thats due to my penis size and the ability to give extremely intense orgasms, the kind that make a woman shake like she is having a seizure. i either eat my way out of sex or fuck my self out of cumming and dont know how to hold back some so i can keep her there so i can get mine too. when she is hitting her tap out point im just getting through with the foreplay. im just beginning to give the good dick downs while they've hit their limit. i find more often than not that im left with my balls still full and aching. forcing me to spend hours trying to drain them my self. this has turned into a cycle of disappointment and dopamine releases. my large penis is in a lot of ways a curse. i wish i had a 6 inch one some days. maybe id get my nuts emptied by someone else more often. idk, but i digress.
Happens to me at times, I realize the day is almost gone and I didn’t do what I planed 😂 just cum all day.
Anyone have hyper sexuality?
I absolutely do. I am unable, despite.constantly trying, to force my mind away from sex for more than a few minutes. It gets rather frustrating. It can be difficult to find a partner who can accept this as well. Most women don't want 90 percent of your drive to be sex. Or more accurately, intimacy. They want romance, cuddles that don't lead to sex, ect. I love it, and hate it.
Yes, I am bi and very open minded about things sexual and I'm always horny and eager to have sex with just about anyone just about anyway they want it, and I need it several times every day.
Yes. It can wax & wane at times but it is always there. Can be problematic at times, especially when I am so worked up that I can't focus but have no way to masturbate.
It just kind of happened naturally to be honest. It surprised me a little, since like.. I used to be VERY hypersexual. Had a whole hoe phase, definitely can't count how many people I've slept with. Being in a relationship now has contributed to the calm down, but even in past relationships I was sexually insatiable with them. It's like I'm all sexed-out, just don't have the drive I used to. I still get incredibly horny at times of course, human and all, but I'm definitely no longer hypersexual.
Damn! I wish I could say that! Almost every waking moment is about something sexual or what I can do to cum...
I do and always have, I find I am horny so often and always want to get off, to say I masturbate often would be an understatement Lol.
Of course I do have lots of sex as well and enjoy my two boys.
This was me when i first became zoo, I was going out to my pup, or the horse sometimes twice a day, sometimes twice a night, one then the other, my endurance really built up over the course of several years. probably to the level of addiction but it was amazing. Over the course of 4 years before we moved, i probably had sex a total of like 1200 times or more, because while i might miss a day occasionally, when i didnt miss a day i was usually going twice.
No, I don't have hypersexuality, but I do have a very high sex drive. I'm in my 50s now, and I am still as horny as I was in my 20s.

I recently tried to see how many times I could cum in 24 hours, and I even surprised myself! I'm not sure I want to say how many times that was, though...hehe
Yes, all time. It's not here and there, it never turns off. I think that is the difference between someone that really like sex a lot and often is horny and someone that really has hypersexuality. It never turns off, you are never not horny.
Yes and honestly it a lot. I've missed workout classes because I've either been masturbating or watching porn.
It can be fun if I have play partners and kink partners to have an outlet. But most of the time I end up gooning and edging for hours/days at a time.
Not so much now I'm older but when I was about 37 I went to my doctor and asked if he had anything to cut my sex drive, he was very surprised and said most people asked him for the opposite, he wasn't much help.