Prized Citizen of ZV
It’s already crystal clear ?
speaking of user titles, they could potentially be a fun way to encourage people to donate towards ZV and it’s affiliates. All sorts of ways to do it,but I think the most fun would be free reign to customize the title once (within reason) for each $5-$10 donation. Maybe add a special icon for every year a user donates that stack up so you can see who truly helps and who is a whiny freeloader.Its been changed. Posts in the F&G sections now do not count as total posts in a users status title. However those who did post before the change will retain their titles.
speaking of user titles, they could potentially be a fun way to encourage people to donate towards ZV and it’s affiliates. All sorts of ways to do it,but I think the most fun would be free reign to customize the title once (within reason) for each $5-$10 donation. Maybe add a special icon for every year a user donates that stack up so you can see who truly helps and who is a whiny freeloader.
I would totally send a couple bucks your way to set my title to something like
CUMQUEEN: ?queen?of?cum?
ah okay, I didn't know that you'd already implemented a donor title. what about making your title rank based on your reaction score rather than posts? that way people are being rewarded for the quality of their contributions rather than the quantity.We have an arrangement in where if a user donated 50$ or more, they are awarded the special zooville donor title. We dont wish to have truly custom titles as to not show partiality to users but give them the respect of the donor title.
I never saw this be fore it a nice touch
I'll get the site admin to assist a little with this, but the second part, that is how the forum is since it saves things as a draft if you leave the text there and don't do anything else.Came here to complain about the Google script myself. Terribly bad idea. Google is the biggest spy on the planet- having that on site not only rats everyone out to them, it opens the door to convenient MITM attacks. If you care about users it should be removed immediately. Ideally, getting the site to run without any scripts would be in the best interest of security.
Another security/privacy issue.
Undisclosed behavior of message box- the text people type is being sent to the server PRIOR to clicking post- this is not disclosed anywhere, and could allow various bad things- typing timing analysis, reveal editing, reveal text people decide not to post... THAT'S CREEPY AS FUCK, like someone standing over your shoulder and watching you type and recording it. This should at LEAST be disclosed, preferably removed.
Every other time I try to open a page, the page either has no border or is rendering weird in other ways, like, usually hidden page script is showing.
I'm closing up. Check again later.