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zoo gamers?

I feel like there’s probably a good amount of crossover between the two. Every zoo I’ve met, myself included, have been gamers. Probably coincidence but you never know.
I wish I could call myself a gamer but the only thing I've played recently is Legends of Arceus and Breath of the Wild. I like the big open-world style games, which usually aren't conducive to joint-play- thought the new pokemon game coming out is supposed to allow groups of up to four online players interact with each other, which seems pretty neat
I wish I could call myself a gamer but the only thing I've played recently is Legends of Arceus and Breath of the Wild. I like the big open-world style games, which usually aren't conducive to joint-play- thought the new pokemon game coming out is supposed to allow groups of up to four online players interact with each other, which seems pretty neat
Breath of the Wild is truly an amazing game.
Oh great. The Steam Summer Sale is active. Time for Steam to sucker me into a bunch more games I don't need and will likely never get around to playing. Already have $35 worth of stuff in my cart.
Oh great. The Steam Summer Sale is active. Time for Steam to sucker me into a bunch more games I don't need and will likely never get around to playing. Already have $35 worth of stuff in my cart.
Ended up spending like $110 on 20ish more games I didn't need.

I'm curious... One of these days I should go through my Steam and Epic libraries with a calculator and figure out how many TBs it would take to have all my games installed at once. Might do it this upcoming 3 day weekend.
Any online games on PlayStation:)? I play mainly cod MW2 once it comes out tiny Tina's wonderland and red dead 2shoot me a message
Probably not a whole lot of crossover between PC gamers and zoo's, but if you are of the inclination, it would be fun to play some games together. I mostly fuck around in gmod or cs:go these days but add me anyway, maybe I'll like

Come shitpost with me in CS:GO or GMOD because I'm not good anyway. I'll even load up fuckin Minecraft again after a few years if someone is into that.

Feel free to share your Steam accounts as well! It's a shame if we are all zoo's on this website yet aren't connected playing video games.

(zoo steam group when?)
Do you ever play Warframe? We're both veteran players.
Im in love with Monster Hunter World and Guild Wars 2 right now. Gonna give New World a new try with the coming free Expansion.
Huge gamer here (too much..)
-league of legends (silver.. :’( )
-hunt showdown (2k5 H)
-Magic arena
- recently started valorant

And my top solo player games
-Night in the wood
-the last of us
-the return of obra dinn
Tft sucks this set. Just saying the previous set was better.
So lol.....I was in the top 5-10k players every season on d3 lol. I'll be getting the new one this next Friday. Used to love league, top of gold. But my computer died and I've only had an xboxs since