Is that so?
I for example have been stuck one to many times in a relationship with a funny, clever girl, that ended up being a unable to talk about her kinks nore doing anything else than laying around like a dead fish.
If you don't get along in bed, you just have found a friend, not a real partner.
Nothing wrong with having a friend! (Not saying you don't agree with that, just underscoring it.)
I think it helps answer the poster's question, though we're not looking for additional human partners right now. Our relationship (wife's and mine) actually started out as an intense friendship that we later discovered included sexual attraction and shared interests (including zoophilia) that made us incredibly well-matched bed companions. I have always had friends of the opposite sex and the majority of them were not sexual. We just hit it off and got along well together. We never narrowed each other down to a list of qualities or values we looked for in the other person. We enjoyed the uniqueness of each other.
And the same with my wife and me. We just liked each other and looked forward to hanging out. Our relationship did not start with sex. But once it went there, holy shit! (I am still in disbelief that I ran into someone like that, just this magnetic, inseparable attraction, two pieces of a puzzle that snapped together, perfect fit. A little bit of it, of course, was good fortune, sure, but mostly we agree it was that we have a richer concept of what a relationship should be, and we were both holding out for that, not particularly interested in having anything less and both totally comfortable as single man and single woman in charge of our own lives, hoping, but not ever really expecting, or needing, to find a companion).
Remember what Covey says? A union of dependent persons, dependent on each other, isn't going to cut it. But two independent people who choose to be "interdependent," a partnership of choice and not dependency, provides an opportunity for (not guarantee of) a dynamite relationship. Powerfully rewarding union. Content and doing just fine on their own, but achieving so much more together as life-partners.
Who knows what a friendship might turn into! Seems counter-intuitive, right? Seems like the best odds would be hooking up for sex and hoping it will turn into a permanent thing? Male comes to a zoo site, searches the members for a human female partner who is zoo? Hmmm... checking the member list (men vs women, distances between them), I think odds are better IRL and closer to home.
As for women looking for male partners who are zoo, oh boy -- the *sorting* you have ahead of you!