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women and girls they're not interested in men and boys

Haven’t taken the time to read all of these but first and foremost don’t approach a woman with the term bitch or slut. It shows no respect. Granted if you achieve a point that you become friends and use the terms in a correct manner fine, but you need to achieve that!!! For most if a woman responds no interest, BELIEVE HER!!!
I maybe incorrect but I believe there is an option to limit who views your profile and those can not be messaged other than the open forum such as this we are responding on.
I don’t know about harassing because there’s a point where every guy should get the hint but the idea of accidentally stumbling on a romantic match with shared fetishes is enticing.
You aren't going to find a k9 browsing the forum though. Just sayin'

That's when you ignore them. I don't know, I guess I don't see it as that big of a deal to not reply, or put them on an ignore list. I mean given the nature of this forum it's not really a surprise is it?
What you said makes complete sense, and not everyone thinks logically, I'd love to chat with you more. Most people here are going against the norms of society. Might not be so much normal here (whatever that is). Inevitability you get a few nuts that missed the basket, or maybe some that never put on glasses to see a different path, one more "their lens maybe fogged" I'll stop there.
You kinda have to like something for it to be a lifestyle, right? Also, I’m currently not involved in any relationship like this but have been in the past… is it my lifestyle?
I hear and respect the importance you put on a relationship like this though and I am not minimizing it at all- but it feels like you’re trying to pick a fight
I think it is a bit hard for a guy to just know if a woman has zero interest in them or even zero interest in just conversations with men. Guys do kinda just have to shoot the shot and see what happens. Otherwise they’ll never meet anyone since we women almost never approach them. I think there are lots of guys on this platform that don’t mean to “harass” anyone and they are just genuinely curious, trying to be nice, just want to talk to a female, or they may just assume (sometimes rightfully so) that you might want to have a bit of dirty talk because they saw something naughty you may have posted.

Yes, there are creepers obviously and people who don’t take a simple “no thank you” or a non-response. But such is life with other humans. For me, obviously I post sexual stuff and my username is rather oversexual. So I’m not gonna be surprised when someone DMs me something overly sexual or assumes that I’m down to fuck. I just play it by ear. If they seem like a creeper, block and or ignore. If I’m just not in the mood at the time, ignore the message or just do a quick plain reply and maybe I’ll be in the mood to entertain a conversation later if they message again.

I just don’t think it’s fair to generalize people. If your experience has been nothing but people genuinely harassing you, I’m truly sorry for your experience. Hopefully if people see that you are zoo exclusive in your profile somewhere or you just open with that, they’ll leave you alone. If not, that block button loves to get tapped.
Thank you, thank you for explaining our side of the coin. You are right, it is extremely rare if at all that a woman will contact a male. Why should they, women are the very thing that is coveted here and in the real world. That said the way that I conduct my self in the real world is the same way I do on here. I always am respectful of those I’m speaking to regardless if my interest in them is physical or not. I have no clue what the person I’m trying to reach out to is interested in, why they are on here or what they may be looking for until they respond. If they aren’t interested I move on, don’t answer or respond I move on. The thing that pisses me off however is when I read a comment from a girl calling a guy this and that and totally degrading them when they are at fault. First off it’s only harassing when the attention is unwanted, duh! That said, don’t fucking sit there and call some guy a creep or weirdo because he opens up the conversation w/ something lewd when you’re on a site dedicated to sexual desires and your user name is “cumdumpmaggie”. I mean really what the fuck is that all about. Ladies I agree and sympathize, some guys in general, on here or in life just don’t have a clue or don’t have enough respect of themselves to give respect to others and will say what ever they want. Ignore those idiots but if a guy try’s to start a conversation that you’re just not in the mood for, just simply say thanks but no thanks
Thank you, thank you for explaining our side of the coin. You are right, it is extremely rare if at all that a woman will contact a male. Why should they, women are the very thing that is coveted here and in the real world. That said the way that I conduct my self in the real world is the same way I do on here. I always am respectful of those I’m speaking to regardless if my interest in them is physical or not. I have no clue what the person I’m trying to reach out to is interested in, why they are on here or what they may be looking for until they respond. If they aren’t interested I move on, don’t answer or respond I move on. The thing that pisses me off however is when I read a comment from a girl calling a guy this and that and totally degrading them when they are at fault. First off it’s only harassing when the attention is unwanted, duh! That said, don’t fucking sit there and call some guy a creep or weirdo because he opens up the conversation w/ something lewd when you’re on a site dedicated to sexual desires and your user name is “cumdumpmaggie”. I mean really what the fuck is that all about. Ladies I agree and sympathize, some guys in general, on here or in life just don’t have a clue or don’t have enough respect of themselves to give respect to others and will say what ever they want. Ignore those idiots but if a guy try’s to start a conversation that you’re just not in the mood for, just simply say thanks but no thanks
I just get a lot of messages from guys that are genuinely surprised and so grateful for any kind of response or meaningful conversation from a woman. There’s a lot of guys that are just so used to being ignored or called negative things because they said “hi” or because they assumed there was an opening for dirty talk or whatever. As an ugly duckling, I very much understand rejection and being called horrible things. So I get that it sucks for many guys when y’all are lumped into a group just cuz you got a peen and so does the asshole that’s harassing people.
Hm.. I do believe when you are in a website that is sex based, you should understand you will get messages and/or comments you do not want. It's unfortunate but that is how things tend to go. I either ignore them, or give a little casual conversation back depending on the initial message. However there is a difference between someone just wanting to talk and being civil, and then the ones that are demanding, forceful and cannot take no for an answer at all. Sadly, many men do fall under that category in places like this. It is a reason why I wish there were other places for the zoo community that wasn't just horndog central.

Outside of websites, as in just general existence.. eh. Millage will vary. I still stay as nice and cordial as possible to whoever is talking to me. This however has led to men thinking I'm attracted to them and that can be a very heavy situation as you never know how a man will react to you turning him down. I am married, I wear a ring.
I still get men ignoring this, and getting angry when I tell them I have man already. I think many women are on edge because of that, however it also falls onto the shoulders of regular men that aren't like this, and they take the fall by default of being men.

I feel for those who are starved for positive attention because they never get it. That being said, I always have to be on guard because of past situations. It's a double edged knife.
I get guys all the time. I choose the leave and ignore future messages on any guy who is not a settler or above. I will respond to some males who are settlers or above because they have been around and are usually polite.
I don’t engage the others. Using the “leave and ignore” option takes care of it.
I just get a lot of messages from guys that are genuinely surprised and so grateful for any kind of response or meaningful conversation from a woman. There’s a lot of guys that are just so used to being ignored or called negative things because they said “hi” or because they assumed there was an opening for dirty talk or whatever. As an ugly duckling, I very much understand rejection and being called horrible things. So I get that it sucks for many guys when y’all are lumped into a group just cuz you got a peen and so does the asshole that’s harassing people.
Thank you for at least understanding that we are all not the same, it does actually matter, thank you again
Even though this forum has a sexual focus, that doesn't give people an excuse to act like stalking randy bastards. If the choice (for men) is between being visible through being an insufferable cunt or staying invisible, then I rather remain invisible.

I don't get many of those kinds of direct messages myself (if I do, it's usually from guys who haven't read my profile) but it does affect me too: thanks to the incessant behaviour of these guys I don't dare to send direct messages or even ask for DM in chat, simply because I don't want to be put on the same pile as these guys. But also, I know me is just me: people can have a great time here on the forum and in chat without me.
Even though this forum has a sexual focus, that doesn't give people an excuse to act like stalking randy bastards. If the choice (for men) is between being visible through being an insufferable cunt or staying invisible, then I rather remain invisible.

I don't get many of those kinds of direct messages myself (if I do, it's usually from guys who haven't read my profile) but it does affect me too: thanks to the incessant behaviour of these guys I don't dare to send direct messages or even ask for DM in chat, simply because I don't want to be put on the same pile as these guys. But also, I know me is just me: people can have a great time here on the forum and in chat without me.
And it sucks that you feel that way.

It sucks that it still feels like elementary school where everyone gets punished for a few kids being bad just so kids learn about social pressure to comply. It’s not fair that good people feel they have to be invisible because there’s a bunch of bad people being very visible. I don’t like generalizations where we sweep good people in with bad just because you share a physical feature. So I try to assume that everyone is in a neutral position until you prove otherwise. We’re all here for our own reasons. I’m sure there’s plenty of different reasons for being here. But for those looking for connection, it doesn’t seem too productive when they write off 90% of the population here as automatically evil. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But oh well. That’s their prerogative and they are entitled to their opinion and their process. Just my 2¢.
Thank you for at least understanding that we are all not the same, it does actually matter, thank you again
It seems very discriminatory to say that all people that share a physical trait are bad. 🤷🏻‍♀️ That’s kinda how racism works and we can mostly all agree racism is bad. But for some reason using the same logic against other traits is perfectly fine for a lot of people these days.