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Why do people think sex with animals is rape?

Quiero disculparme por mi escrito basado en el traductor....
y a la pregunta.....que como la evolucion de la especie llego a tener sexo por dicho instinto hormonal y como ciclo evolutivo, lo mas probable es que al no procrear con otros animales se descubriera que se podia tener sexo por Placer,
para no prolongarlo más
Supongo que cuando apareció la religión fue cuando el ser humano la tomó como un acto condenatorio... seguramente porque realmente eran violaciones...
en el año 2000 hubo un cambio brutal en nosotros, dimos un gran paso en la evolución y las tecnologías y la información de conocer el mundo a un click nos ha hecho cambiar… con respecto a la zoofilia se esta cambiando el sexo por placer personal, ellos ya no son herramientas, se han convertido en uno más de la familia..
en el presente estamos cambiando en el que tener sexo con un animal no solo es por el placer propio sino que empezamos a tener sentimientos de atracción de querer el ser alguien importante en la vida alguien fiel que estara contigo pase lo que pase...al margen de los que mantienen sexo por su por su propio placer son mas lo que tienen o han tenido una relacion sexual
Supongo que cuando apareció la religión fue cuando el ser humano la tomó como un acto condenatorio... seguramente porque realmente eran violaciones...
I suppose that when religion appeared it was when the human being took it as a condemnatory act... probably because it really was rape...

I don't think rape had much influence there, much of the philosophy of the times were that non-humans were automatons, incapable of feelngs like humans have. Most of the objection was, and I belive largely still is, based on notions of human superiority and that by having sex with non-humans we're degrading ourselves.

The same, translated:
No creo que la violación tuviera mucha influencia allí, gran parte de la filosofía de la época era que los no humanos eran autómatas, incapaces de sentir como los humanos. La mayor parte de la objeción se basó, y creo que en gran medida todavía se basa, en nociones de superioridad humana y que al tener relaciones sexuales con no humanos nos estamos degradando a nosotros mismos.
totalmente de acuerdo... Podría escribir más extensamente mi forma de como el humano podría experimentar la sexualidad...
en el tema de la violación lo reflejo en épocas prehistóricas...
se basa en suposiciones y sobre la base del conocimiento promedio de la historia y el racionalismo
Y sobre tu posición, es a través de la religión que censuro todas las formas, clases o sentimientos, incluidos los sexuales, que no fueran masculinos, femeninos.
Sadly there are many examples of animal rape on the internet. Binding them, forcing them and other rough handling including forcing it in dry or animals that are too small. Makes my blood boil.

Same goes for human on human sex.

One shouldn't stereotype with either group though as the bad apples don't represent the majority.
I have no personal experience with female animals, but with male dogs I have a lot and you can definitely tell when they want to mate and when they don’t want to. Unless someone has experienced this first hand you will never change their mind that it’s not rape, and they will argue that you trained them in the beginning to mate with you. Which maybe we do but after the first few times when they learn that it’s okay and they enjoy it they will 100% communicate and let you know when they want to mate and when they don’t. Every k9 I have mated with all have had there way of telling me when they wanted to mate. My very first mate which was one of the most misbehaved dogs I have every seen would runaway never listen and was just a monster, but when he wanted me he became one of the best behaved dogs. He would sit at my feet with the biggest puppy eyes that I couldn’t resist. I had to please him. So I guess maybe at first I would teach my mate it’s okay to have him jump up on me, but in the end I was the one that was trained on when they wanted to mate not the other way around.
What people say in a group or with friends, I do not take so seriously what happens at home when they are alone in front of the computer or alone with their four-legged dogs is like I suspect something completely different.

I was at a girl's dinner a few months ago when one of them said damn you read about the man who had sex with horses all at the table said how disgusting how disgusting I also said the same. The funny thing is that just a few hours before I had had sex with my two Mastiff boys and I know that four of those who were at the dinner also have dogs.
This is a complex issue.

I agree that at the crux of it all is that non-procreative sex doesn't make more members, soldiers, etc. It's about power.

What muddies the water is that some people rape, and may not care what they rape. Then again, some people would legally pimp out animals if zoo sex was legal. Animals need protection from those assholes, too. If you make sex with animals legal, how do you sort those issues out? In short, you can't. Everybody else gets swept up, deserving or not.

The situation is unlikely to change in my lifetime. Given the sometimes predatory nature of humans, that's probably for the best.

I would gladly trade my acceptance for the protection of animals.
This is a complex issue.

I agree that at the crux of it all is that non-procreative sex doesn't make more members, soldiers, etc. It's about power.

What muddies the water is that some people rape, and may not care what they rape. Then again, some people would legally pimp out animals if zoo sex was legal. Animals need protection from those assholes, too. If you make sex with animals legal, how do you sort those issues out? In short, you can't. Everybody else gets swept up, deserving or not.

The situation is unlikely to change in my lifetime. Given the sometimes predatory nature of humans, that's probably for the best.

I would gladly trade my acceptance for the protection of animals.
The answer is giving those who are certified zoo types (yes it's not public it's private) who look after their partners well being. I wouldn't know how this would work but it's the closest I could think of that would make acceptance possible
What muddies the water is that some people rape, and may not care what they rape. Then again, some people would legally pimp out animals if zoo sex was legal. Animals need protection from those assholes, too. If you make sex with animals legal, how do you sort those issues out?

I think focusing on actual abuse instead of just sex would be a good start. There's a lot of abuse that isn't sexual that gets a pass because it doesn't upset people like sex does; they don't really care about abuse, just about controlling people who do something that offends them.
My take...at least some who view all zoophilic sexual relationships as rape are likely unable or unwilling to recognize those non-human partners as sexual beings. Lacking this awareness objectifies those non-humans partners, rendering them less than whole beings.
People are afraid of the unknown, sex sex with an animal for someone who has never felt such a need is something unknown, and due to the sound and pressure of society it may be shocking to someone it can also react aggressively to unknown or follow the stereotype that a zoophile is someone who harms animals just to take sex and give a shit about the animal and the name itself says zoo - animals phillia - a friend but people are simple and if they themselves do not feel the need to be close to the animal, they may not understand it because in their subjective opinion it can also be disgusting as for example, to me, a human female pussy to them horse pussy can be disgusting. The love of horses also helped me to learn their language I spent a lot of time with them and I started noticing their micro-movements and how they communicate with each other, the micro movements they speak (body language) now I don't pay attention to it anymore because their language has entered me like a native one I just know what she says to me, e.g. that she wants to drink water or has a lot of energy and wants to run because she needs it. People do not want to see these micro movements and that the animal talks to them because it is simpler to think that you are the only intelligence on the planet and animals are just a pile of meat, driven by instinct or basic emotions. animals are more intelligent than we think, many species can love or think logically it is not thinking at the level of atomic physics or astronomy, but e.g. horses may be interested in various objects, e.g. guitar and not only can you eat it, or what is behind the forest, other meadow?
Coming back to the languages of animals, as I learned equine, I am open to every species because everyone communicates somehow and you can see it immediately, we, people who have contacts with animals on the level of a partner, come to us easier, we want to understand and learn what they say to us and we want to express attention to it and others do not that's why they say that, for example, a mare cannot give informed consent to sex which is not true because when she is in heat she comes and asks for a stallion or someone who is interested in her, and when she does not want to fuck she take her backside away or shows that she is not currently interested but people are too dumb for it to understand or notice it or they say that sex with someone other than human is something wrong, religion said that, and before that, everyone who wanted to have sex with animals they had sex and that there was a lot of it, religion forbade, but even in antiquity there were orgies with animals and everyone was happy, they always were and will have sex with us, because animals also have sex between species , only man has invented something that is immoral but forgot that he is also only an animal
Amen, I prefer to know what they are feeling and saying through action.
I always thought that stance was Annoying. My girl would always let me know when she wanted to be played with. Or if I wanted to play with her she would let me know if she wanted to or not. This rape nonsense puts us in a super bad light
I’ve always wondered why people (non-zoo people to be precise) view animal sex as rape/non consensual

For male humans penetrating animals, I can understand. With my limited knowledge you can’t understand if an animal, whether male or female, consents to you penetrating/breeding it. So an argument about rape can be made here. But feel free to correct me if I’m wrong and there is a way to figure out if an animal consents or not.

But for male animals penetrating humans? I really don’t understand that. How is it rape if the animal is penetrating a person and having sex with them on their own, as in the person is not forcing them to do it? I don’t get why would people say this is rape if the animal clearly wants to do it and is enjoying its time.

I’d like to hear your opinions about it, in both matters.
When I was with my boy, I was *absolutely* consensual, hahah. And he knew it...and pumped the hell out of me, hahaha.
I’ve always wondered why people (non-zoo people to be precise) view animal sex as rape/non consensual

For male humans penetrating animals, I can understand. With my limited knowledge you can’t understand if an animal, whether male or female, consents to you penetrating/breeding it. So an argument about rape can be made here. But feel free to correct me if I’m wrong and there is a way to figure out if an animal consents or not.

But for male animals penetrating humans? I really don’t understand that. How is it rape if the animal is penetrating a person and having sex with them on their own, as in the person is not forcing them to do it? I don’t get why would people say this is rape if the animal clearly wants to do it and is enjoying its time.

I’d like to hear your opinions about it, in both matters.
might be because they think the animal is being forced into having sex. I've always believed that if any animal does not like what a human is doing (doesn't have to be of a sexual nature) they will give you one warning and sometimes not even that
When it comes to human laws consent is given written or verbally, yes or no, so that there is near to no margin of error in understanding. Animals cannot speak or write human languages which leaves a very wide degree of interpretation for actions. Until a day comes where an invention is created that allows animals to verbally communicate with people of their own volition with no training and 100% accuracy zoophilia will always be seen as wrong.
When it comes to human laws consent is given written or verbally, yes or no, so that there is near to no margin of error in understanding. Animals cannot speak or write human languages which leaves a very wide degree of interpretation for actions. Until a day comes where an invention is created that allows animals to verbally communicate with people of their own volition with no training and 100% accuracy zoophilia will always be seen as wrong.
I couldn't disagree more.

You have a very narrow definition of what constitutes consent and I can garantee to you that you'll find very easily a country that doesn't require verbal consent for sex. I never asked my ex girl friend orally if she wanted sex or was okay with it, nor did she. But there hasn't been any rape because our relation was about reciprocity and respect, so if she showed no interest, I wouldn't insist. That's more than enough.
Please, having sex is not a fucking contract.

Also I don't like that approach to sexual integrity. For me, the question is not for instance if childrens can or cannot consent, it is just whether or not the law should recognize any signs of consent coming from their part. The answer is no, because the risk of putting their sexual developpement into danger is massive and can cause huge traumas, so we choosed to prohibit sexual acts with childrens and declared that their consent cannot exclude the illegality of the act. Also, it is important to note that the psychological risk associated with pedophile acts to childrens is very well documented, that is definatly not the case for zoophilia.

So the question is not whether or not animals can verbally consent but is there a specific reason to prohibit bestiality ? Do animals get traumatized the same way childrens do, are they as incapacitated as some brain damaged people ? Those are the question that should be asked.
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I couldn't disagree more.

You have a very narrow definition of what constitutes consent and I can garantee to you that you'll find very easily a country that doesn't require verbal consent for sex. I never asked my ex girl friend orally if she wanted sex or was okay with it, nor did she. But there hasn't been any rape because our relation was about reciprocity and respect, so if she showed no interest, I wouldn't insist. That's more than enough.
Please, having sex is not a fucking contract.

Also I don't like that approach to sexual integrity. For me, the question is not for instance if childrens can or cannot consent, it is just whether or not the law should recognize any signs of consent coming from their part. The answer is no, because the risk of putting their sexual developpement into danger is massive and can cause huge traumas, so we choosed to prohibit sexual acts with childrens and declared that their consent cannot exclude the illegality of the act. Also, it is important to note that the psychological risk associated with pedophile acts to childrens is very well documented, that is definatly not the case for zoophilia.

So the question is not whether or not animals can verbally consent but is there a specific reason to prohibit bestiality ? Do animals get traumatized the same way childrens do, are they as incapacitated as some brain damaged people ? Those are the question that should be asked
The problem is, that this issue it isn't exclusively about you. What I replied with is the western legal definition of consent which you will find in North America or any common wealth country. So yes, it is very narrow minded, because that is the narrow mindedness of the law. This isn't what it could be, or should be, it is what is. Not some hypothetical fantasy of what could be but the reality of what is. If your relationship took place with a human in any western country then your ex could, if she wanted, go to any court accuse you of rape and more than likely win.

There is no need to discuss children, the topic is about zoophilia and bestiality, but I understand the weak correlation you are making between animals and children. If you want to delve into animal psychology I'm sure you could find a lot of research linking the thought processes and mentality of a dog or horse to that of a child. Which more than likely has a small part into why zoophilia is illegal in almost every developed nation. I would suggest that a majority of the stigmata though is based in mellinia of religious morality.
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If your relationship took place with a human in any western country then your ex could, if she wanted, go to any court accuse you of rape and more than likely win.
No I wouldn't. Such a case wouldn't even go futher than the police interrogation.

In my opinion bestiality is prohibited in many countries because Zoophiles have been successfully associated with sexual predators by animal rights activists with the help of biased research coming from the psychiatrist field.
If you manage to convince people that zoophilia isn't a sexual disorder then it would make prohibiting bestiality a lot harder because, as consent isn't a criteria for animal protection, they would have to prove that the animals suffer from it even when no injuries are inflicted upon them.
I never revealed this to anyone else. Not even my sister.

Not danger. There was danger close -

- no animals, live or dead.

- a soccer pitch.

The young people assembled a soccer pitch in the middle of a war zone. Yes, THAT war.

The one I was not supposed to survive.

They just did it. Bullets and cannon flying overhead - a soccer pitch.

Children are aware, they know risk. But they go ahead and build a soccer pitch in the middle of a war zone. I could not help them. Rules are rules.

I, as a child, grabbed a hot wire.

That hurt.

I admit to being stupid, I know I am stupid.

Those children taught me courage. That starts with the heart, not the mind.

I volunteered to go into a shooting war, unarmed - and was taught a lesson by children playing.

I hope some of them survived.

Children playing. Two legs or four legs. They are all my teachers.

Bad things happen, but it is possible to survive.

A horse taught me that.

A horse. Mare. Pulled her dead foal out of her. Barely able to walk. Three hours of surgery, stitching her uterus back together. Bloodbath. Worse than anything in Iraq. It took forty-five minutes in the middle of the night to get her fifty feet back to her stall.

She was on drugs. Serious drugs Torbogesic, for one.. But she hurt that much. I am an empath, I share hurt.

She survived surgery. I spent every waking moment with her.

Not sexual. Only attentive.

Over hours. I washed her tail, two or three times. That put me over hours.

Got a note from the owner the next week - the mare looked better coming out of the hospital than going in.

Got a complaint from the vet I was putting in too many hours.

Yeah? Ask the mare if I'm paying too much attention to her.

I am a jackass. A self-righteous arrogant ass. Sometimes scared of my own shadow.

But my troops get food and water.

My horses have shelter. Hay. Clean water.

In SC I started before the clock to deliver fresh hay and check water for the rescues.

That was on me. I got nothing for the time, only the occasional brush from a rescue - they know.

Occasional brush. Nothing intimate.

Water, hay, brush.


I am an evil person, by some people's estimation, but not to people already damaged.

I try to help.

Rescues first.

Something is pouring out of my brain.

You know I'm a fuck-up. I know I'm a fuck-up.
I’ve always wondered why people (non-zoo people to be precise) view animal sex as rape/non consensual

For male humans penetrating animals, I can understand. With my limited knowledge you can’t understand if an animal, whether male or female, consents to you penetrating/breeding it. So an argument about rape can be made here. But feel free to correct me if I’m wrong and there is a way to figure out if an animal consents or not.

But for male animals penetrating humans? I really don’t understand that. How is it rape if the animal is penetrating a person and having sex with them on their own, as in the person is not forcing them to do it? I don’t get why would people say this is rape if the animal clearly wants to do it and is enjoying its time.

I’d like to hear your opinions about it, in both matters.
because they're personally disgusted by it and subconsciously justify their disgust with "well, the animal isn't saying 'i consent to sex' out loud so it MUST be wrong!" It's not actually about consent when you get down to the root of their stance, which is why logic and science doesn't get through to them
I have had experiences with male dogs and I can say that not only was it consensual but it was an instinctual action. I have never forced a dog on me, used bait or "dildoed" a stud. The owners have always selected me, I've never mated without an owner not being there or without permission. At the time when I do meet an owner and his stud I have given over to their will and become a bitch. If anything it is me that is submitting to the dog, giving up control and I do it of my own free will. If a dog wants to mate nature and instinct will take it's course and what happens beyond that is not exploitation or abuse.
Hi Maria, I totally agree with you on this, I find that it is also more pleasing to the eye to see a human girl becoming a bitch, rather than forcing the dog, It is natural for a male dog to want to try and impregnate his bitch, and that is all he is doing. I am guessing that is all you think of is that you belong to him so he can plant his seed and make you pregnant.
They call it rape intending to cause abuse to animals by making people believe there is no other way to do it. They mean to mislead people and discourage people from seeking consent from animals, because they would rather see animals raped, because they hate animals and they want people to be perpetators against animals regardless, because they are mad at us for giving sexual attention to animals when people feel entitled to people's attention.
They also want to hide the identities of real perpetrators who really harm animals behind many wrongly accused people. They know well enough that animals can consent but they and the friends they are hiding dont want to respect it.
thats all it is :poop: (n)

Their arguements (saying animals cant consent) are enirely fake and much simpler to understand than anyone else wants you to believe. There is no real question if animals can consent. You are wasting your breath trying to explain the animals ability to people who would never care no matter what you say. They know, but they want a reason to not care. They are making things up because they are irresponsible people.

They are not really disgusted or afraid of people who do bestiality, and they are not really concerned about animals safety or welfare.
They are too irresponsible to be held responsible for the prejudices they have against me or you. They don't want to let certain people get with animals on account of the personal prejudice they might have towards us, or they wont admit their own incompetence about animals either, so instead of admitting they have problems they make animals (or me) take the blame for it by saying animals (or I for instance) are too stupid for sex, or that animals cant consent instead of being responsible to look bad themselves and say the person in question doesnt consent because they ignored education or have other really trashy reasons.

people want control of animals but people dont want responsibility that comes with owning or speaking for animals.
they think they got a trophy and they dont want to share it.
thats all it is too :poop:?️?️
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