People are afraid of the unknown, sex sex with an animal for someone who has never felt such a need is something unknown, and due to the sound and pressure of society it may be shocking to someone it can also react aggressively to unknown or follow the stereotype that a zoophile is someone who harms animals just to take sex and give a shit about the animal and the name itself says zoo - animals phillia - a friend but people are simple and if they themselves do not feel the need to be close to the animal, they may not understand it because in their subjective opinion it can also be disgusting as for example, to me, a human female pussy to them horse pussy can be disgusting. The love of horses also helped me to learn their language I spent a lot of time with them and I started noticing their micro-movements and how they communicate with each other, the micro movements they speak (body language) now I don't pay attention to it anymore because their language has entered me like a native one I just know what she says to me, e.g. that she wants to drink water or has a lot of energy and wants to run because she needs it. People do not want to see these micro movements and that the animal talks to them because it is simpler to think that you are the only intelligence on the planet and animals are just a pile of meat, driven by instinct or basic emotions. animals are more intelligent than we think, many species can love or think logically it is not thinking at the level of atomic physics or astronomy, but e.g. horses may be interested in various objects, e.g. guitar and not only can you eat it, or what is behind the forest, other meadow?
Coming back to the languages of animals, as I learned equine, I am open to every species because everyone communicates somehow and you can see it immediately, we, people who have contacts with animals on the level of a partner, come to us easier, we want to understand and learn what they say to us and we want to express attention to it and others do not that's why they say that, for example, a mare cannot give informed consent to sex which is not true because when she is in heat she comes and asks for a stallion or someone who is interested in her, and when she does not want to fuck she take her backside away or shows that she is not currently interested but people are too dumb for it to understand or notice it or they say that sex with someone other than human is something wrong, religion said that, and before that, everyone who wanted to have sex with animals they had sex and that there was a lot of it, religion forbade, but even in antiquity there were orgies with animals and everyone was happy, they always were and will have sex with us, because animals also have sex between species , only man has invented something that is immoral but forgot that he is also only an animal