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What is your religious/irreligious affiliation?

What is your religious/irreligious affiliation?

  • Judaism

    Votes: 17 0.7%
  • Christianity

    Votes: 526 22.9%
  • Islamic

    Votes: 38 1.7%
  • Hindu

    Votes: 18 0.8%
  • Buddhism

    Votes: 34 1.5%
  • Pagan/wiccian/ancient religion

    Votes: 206 9.0%
  • Agnostic

    Votes: 408 17.8%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 825 35.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 223 9.7%

  • Total voters
Well in my ID and in general say that iam Christian but I never stop to ask myself if god exist or not .......well if it doest exist i would like to have a word with him .......i dont go to church or follow the bible because i believe the church is a joke and rhe bible is a book that made from people i dont belle e that it's the words of a god especially when they say that god loves their creation ....if they love them so much why they criticize then or put shame in so many things?
Well in my ID and in general say that iam Christian but I never stop to ask myself if god exist or not .......well if it doest exist i would like to have a word with him .......i dont go to church or follow the bible because i believe the church is a joke and rhe bible is a book that made from people i dont belle e that it's the words of a god especially when they say that god loves their creation ....if they love them so much why they criticize then or put shame in so many things?
According to this same bible we "deserve" the shame because so many of us disobey. Within the theology, Obedience is more valuable than your life, my life, or anything that could possibly exist.
I believe there might be a God. And if there is, he is nothing more than the equivalent of a child with an ant farm and a magnifying glass. That said I had to go with Agnostic.
What makes you say that? :LOL:
Well, number 1 is that any time it looks like I may start to get ahead in life, it seems that there is some unseen force with a giant boot that kicks me in the ass.

Number 2, I don't know how any GOD like being could allow animals to be eaten alive and such as is seen A LOT in the wild.
Well, number 1 is that any time it looks like I may start to get ahead in life, it seems that there is some unseen force with a giant boot that kicks me in the ass.

Number 2, I don't know how any GOD like being could allow animals to be eaten alive and such as is seen A LOT in the wild.
We gotta know our place on the totem pole, don't you know?
  • Haha
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Yeah, that is exactly. Any time one starts to rise above their given placement in life, wham!
This is more gnostic than agnostic.

Nonetheless I hate to tell you this, but if there is a god, he or she is going to do whatever the hell he or she wants to do, and that's that.
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This is more gnostic than agnostic.

Nonetheless I hate to tell you this, but if there is a god, he or she is going to do whatever the hell he or she wants to do, and that's that.
Well that is a given.
Raised in christianity.
But years ago found out humans just like other animals are here on earth, lives and likes and loves. And that is that, all us animals.
All this talk about the meaning of life is just thought.
To have a religious faith does in my opinion just hide that we just live here, lives, likes, loves and then the life ends.
Most people can’t / will not accept that, they think there has to be a meaning with life
NO, it is in fact very simple. Accept that and you will have peace.

Found a cheerful description of a number of faiths :
Raised Christian, and I still consider myself religious/spiritual but I'm not really sure how I'd categorize it (partly because I think a lot of Christians would strongly disagree with my views). I've never really talked about it with anyone but myself, I kind of just believe what I believe and I'm content with that.
I'm not surprised there are many devote christian women here bending over for this large sinful male dogs
As far I know there is nothing in the New Testament about interspecies love. So a devoted man or woman can also love a dog.
Some humans are so devoted that they only wants to copulate for having baby’s. But one day the lust takes over with the dog. And thats a lover that never will tell.
I don’t follow the words ‘sinful male dogs’ ?
As far I know there is nothing in the New Testament about interspecies love. So a devoted man or woman can also love a dog.
Some humans are so devoted that they only wants to copulate for having baby’s. But one day the lust takes over with the dog. And thats a lover that never will tell.
I don’t follow the words ‘sinful male dogs’ ?
I don't know about that. Something about laying with an animal seems awfully sinful
I don't know about that. Something about laying with an animal seems awfully sinful
yes, the dog can’t be sinful imo. According to your earlier posts, you like being grab by a big, rough dog, but somehow it is sinful to do.
So to conflicting feelings. That can be cumbersome. I have been lucky to all my life have had desire for cows and sows, but never felt it was wrong, we both liked it, so it was right. But also knew that most people didn’t see it that way, so I kept it for myself, and only have two persons to share this passion with.
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I will say this, I believe in a higher power, but I do not hang any label on it. Can you say that I'm trying to sit on several chairs at once? Maybe, but it's my choice.
Was born and raised in a very strict religious group. Got disfellowshiped about 12 years ago. Still believe in a higher 'something'. But being part of a group wich decides for me what to do and don't........ no Thanx.
For now Ill just say Pagan. I was raised evangelical (For those who dont know its basically the christian version of attempting to convince other people to become christian through various marketing (I.E. manipulation) techniques.). Still makes me cringe. However I will also say I still treasure the good things at the heart of christianity, and practice respect for those of other perspectives without trying to change them.
Born and raised Roman Catholic. Turned hardcore atheist in my teens. Later decided to start detoxing my mind of all the guilt and shame I was still carrying around. I started smoking weed and meditating to understand morality and consciousness. As a result I finally fully accepted my sexuality, which is nice, but I no longer consider myself an atheist, which is confusing.

I have this distinct impression that all life is a very small part of a single consciousness that exists independent of, but interacts with, our physical reality. I can't explain it very well, but I've decided to explore these ideas when I try shrooms in a few months.

So, I guess I'm not sure.
I love getting to know zoos and furries spiritual and religious interests and experiences. I do wish this poll had a "Spiritual" option but I chose other. I am deeply spiritual and I'm very open minded with religions. I dont believe we need religions in the world. But I do believe we need the wisdom of the individuals whom most religions were formed around after their passing. Dogma, human stupidity and greed for power have been major problems in many religions that have held back spiritual progress of humanity for a very long time.