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What finally tipped you into the zoo exclusive life?

For comparison, consider the term biweekly. In a sentence: "Let's meet on a biweekly cadence."
What is the take away from this statement? Do we meet twice a week or every other week? The correct answer is we can never tell and need more context or a follow up question. Hence, the term biweekly must never be used in a sentence and a different word or phrase must be used in its place.

um.... actually, twice a week is "semi-weekly", so it _should_ be known which is meant, unless of course people don't know the difference between biweekly and semi-weekly (more commonly heard would probably be semi-annual, though "biannual" is not heard often for comparison, either). the problem is "semi-" has fallen so far out of use that people don't know it. it's far simpler (or at least more recognizable) to say "twice a week" or "every other week". there are more concise terms available, but they just don't get used often enough for people to know them well (or at least it seems to me).

as for the topic at hand, yes, i think there needs to be a distinction as well. if it weren't for the fact that many people who chose to be with animals because they've been "wronged" by women (or men) are often douchbags about it, i wouldn't care, but i want to keep myself distanced from bitter misogynists, if you don't mind...
That’s a good question and I’m glad you asked.
It was most of the above for me… I think I was about 7 years old when I decided in wanted to find a wife. Idealistic little hippie tramp boy that I was I had no idea what that meant.
Fast forward to age 18 I finally got my first girlfriend! Man I was so happy, I didn’t even care that I didn’t find her the most attractive I just wanted someone to be close with and after the first 3 years of high school being spent striking out with girls left and right there was no alternative and I was prepared to give her 1000% but oh boy am I glad I never had to.
She turned out to be psycho and looking back I realized what she did was coerce me for sex! That never happens to boys, does it? The sex Ed department is so outdated they never taught boys how to avoid sexual abuse.
I put up with her crazy shit for two months, on again off again, fucking each other’s brains out whenever we got together and then parting on terrible terms.

Ultimately that left me very bitter and in the 5 years that followed I was very caught up in pursuing a wildlife career so I didn’t manage more than about 3 other dates which I struck out on but then early this year I met a girl and she seemed so pleasant and we had so much in common I decided I’d go for it and take a chance on her even though it was really really hard to get past the walls I’d built around myself.
We chatted and hung out and it was always great, I was so excited to be with her and it felt like nothing could go wrong. I even got an STD test (which was a waste of $300 because I hadn’t had sex in 3 years) and then out of the blue she just… ghost me.

I don’t think that cowardice counts as a mental illness but in my mind people like her need professional help. She really fucked up because I have ever intention of being a devout partner.

That and all my other romantic misadventures was enough to convince me I needed to quit it. Man I was so angry but then phase II of what pushed me to becoming zoo exclusive happened the same month though I didn’t recognize it until much later. That was the passing of my friend’s female GSD who I’d become very close (non-sexual) with.

I’d been wanting a dog for a few years now in a zoophilic capacity but hadn’t been quite able to fully commit but after she left a hole in my heart I knew that I was indeed fit to be an active zoo in that I’d be able to love an animal partner regardless of sexual benefits.
Phase III was becoming a part of this community. Since I joined I haven’t once had a sexual fantasy about a human. That’s something I’ve finally grown out of and the more I think about it the more I wonder if I ever really did want a wife.

Anyway, I’m now going to be welcoming a shepherd pup into my life soon and she’s already all I can think about. I know she won’t question the fact that I love her entirely and she won’t test me on that or manipulate me. Sure she may do other things that I find irritating but if chewing up the couch is the my biggest concern then that’s a pretty beautiful thing isn’t it? I firmly believe true love for me at least only exists between my mom, my sister and my animal companions. ✌️❤️♠️
No guy or girl wants to be in a relationship or have sex with me so i turned to animals, not zoo exclusive but being with an animal is a more realistic option for me. still never had any experiences with humans or animals
There’s been a lot of contributing factors. I’m not aware of a single HAPPY human-human relationship that’s happened in my family, and the 2 ive gotten into were either unsatisfying or downright hurtful. I only ever found them appealing in the way you‘d find a beautiful car appealing too, yeah sure it’s pleasant to look at but I don’t wanna fuck it.
So that’s romantic and sexual attraction crossed away.
Now, I’ve been beating it to zoo porn from my early teens, been fond of dogs since I can think, and I’ve been aware of my sexuality but I still gave humans a try. When I first got dicked down by a dog 4 years ago that was the end of that, and from then on I’ve been living a zoo exclusive life. I am unable to love another human romantically, but it‘s never posed a problem with dogs and I guess I just went with what felt the most natural.
zoo is just who I am and it always has been. I have never felt the way i feel about dogs towards any human. I have always been attracted to dogs, sexualy, emotionally, mentally, physically. I have always felt like i can feel what they are thinking and feeling, and really connect and communicate without words. Ive met alot of people and have gotten close to them but i have never felt that connection or understanding that i feel with a dog friend.
I had a girlfriend. But I've always loved horses. The way they are built, from the hocs to their ears, mares have always turned me on. My girlfriend was good at first but I always kept thinking about mares. I started going out to the barn and feeling on my mare and then went to licking, then full oral. It was so amazing. I finally felt like I had found what was missing in my life. Afterwards I started just losing interest in humans. I didnt want to, but my girlfriend started saying that I didnt want to do anything with her anymore, that I didnt live her anymore, that i just wanted to be with my horses. Actually the same day I was going to tell her about me being more attracted to mares is the day she told me it was over. It was a huge relief that I could finally devote all my time to my Mare. I actually feel bad for that girl. I felt like i did her wrong, and after she left me, I told her about me turning to the zoo side and she hates me now. But in the end it worked out for both of us. She found a new guy that can give her what I couldn't and I get to have my girl
I feel I may end up being exclusive as I age. The last few years I've just been longing for my own dog to come home, snuggle up with and enjoy my time with. Yes, I enjoy sex and connection with humans, but its also full of lots of navigating. I just want a relationship that is stress free, easy going and stable.
I've pretty much always been exclusive to animals from the get go. Although there has been a few times when I was trying to be "normal" that I gave regular sex a try. With both male and female. Well let's just say I went soft, after struggling to even get a erection and had the urge to vomit. I'm simply grossed out by human anatomy. A dudes cum is nasty, the human vagina looks unappealing. There is not a fiber in my being that is attracted to people romantically or sexually so id say it was my lack of attraction to people that confirmed my exclusivity to animals
I haven't always been zoo exclusive, although I have had my first everything with a dog, I was quite open to experiencing the same with someone of the same species. However, over the life and over the things I went through, which I don't want to describe, I kinda lost hope for the possibility of being truly happy with a humen partner. I had one short romance with a guy, but that didn't work out and only made me more sure, that I really only keen on living withe a canine. I like to have human friends, I still like to have social interaction, but long term speaking I get along with animals much more. Now, I accept myself for who I am, and I see no point in trying to change in a way that is more acceptable for major society.
Zoophlia is not a sin, it's not a inferior type of relationship, it is truly just another and no less amazing type of love.
I wont say i ever had bad experience with humans, tried a few things,,, but turning zoo exclusive just came automaticly out of the blue, like it just came naturally when I was a teen, I dont remember that there was a certain reason other then I discovered how wonderful dogs are xd
Exactly what another user has said - I personally find humans to be very indirect, dramatic, and irritating. I do not want to go through the weird marriage ritual, nor do I wish to give birth to a shitty, scream-y monkey-looking thing. My lover, on the other hand; I need not even communicate with her in the human tongue, and she lets me know right away when I am displeasing her, rather than burying her emotions a la human.
While I’m not zoo exclusive, I am attracted to the idea that a powerful creature such as a horse takes extreme care and consideration when you really love them.
They are beautiful, strong, and perceptive.
You have to let them approach you first, as they are skittish, yet aren’t afraid to defend themselves with a swift hind kick. They are several times your size in body, and reminds you how there is a bigger world outside of a 9 to 5 job.
They help transport, if they trust you enough.
They are a sight to behold.
I don’t have any experience with any, but there is one that I occasionally see in a field near.
While some help with jobs, this one seems to be someone’s companion, as they have a bitch that occasionally comes out with him.
I don’t fool around with either, as they are fenced off, and see numerous warnings about messing with horses online. I’d love to get to know one, and perhaps care for one. I just think that it is a bit much to keep one happy on the land size part. I’d want nothing but the best for any of my companions. I couldn’t hold a horse up like that.

They are beautiful and talented creatures that require a lot of care to simply get to know one.
That is why I think I’m attracted to them.
While I’m not zoo exclusive, I am attracted to the idea that a powerful creature such as a horse takes extreme care and consideration when you really love them.

off topic, but this is a significant part of my attraction to large carnivores. not sure how likely one is to find one, but if one found such an individual that understood that they needed to be very gentle with a human, that would be a dream come true.
I was with my first mare for nearly 20 years knew her since I was a kid and started a relationship with her in highschool. Then in my 20’s I met a girl that wasn’t grossed out by my relationship with my mare and we started dating. She made me stop my relationship with my mare but in secret I kept visiting my mare. Had a few kids then 20 years into my human relationship she cheated on me with a woman and then hooked up with another guy. Never going to make that mistake again. I was so much happier when it was just me and my mare. I never even got to have the fantasy of my human girlfriend making out with my mare or another horse. Such a waste of time.
Not able to find a woman that is also into this made me more a zoo exclusive, i am more tired of hiding my zoo sexual feelings for partners so the iff i ever would be in a human relationship than the woman has to be a zoo interested person to.
Ich denke, der Hauptgrund für meine Präferenz ist die Tatsache, dass mein Penis sehr groß ist und ich keinen Sex mit jungen Mädchen haben konnte. Auch ... Ich bin auf dem Land aufgewachsen und hatte daher von Anfang an Kontakt mit Tieren. Mein Penis konnte tief in die Tierfotzen eindringen.
Getting found out by my ex fiance before I was ready to break the news to her. Kinda a traumatic breakup
I have just never really vibed with humans that way.
I have always found myself far more comfortable around dogs like they are my kin i feel safe i get this innate feeling of joy and comfort .
Aroun humans i feel timid nervous sometimes even outright scared.
The zoo community on twitter got me to fully embrace it.
I've known I was a zoo all my life, but when I was 19 my girlfriend that meant everything to me was killed in a car accident. Honestly after that I couldn't love another woman again. After that I knew I was gay. Been in quite a few relationships with guys and it just never could work out. I've been through a lot in my life and almost died a few times when I was in my early 20's due to a major heat stroke, heavy drinking, drugs, and a suicide attempt. I just don't have time to waste for fucking around playing the mind games. I've learned that 'time' is a commodity. I finally got my head straight, got a good stable job, got my own place, and have my canine partner.
I have a touch aversion. Non human animals, especially horses, do not trigger my touch aversion though. Only one time was I fond enough of another human to try a relationship. It was another boy who worked in the same barn I did. I was not sure he was gay but I though he might be. I asked him out. He was definitely gay but not out and not comfortable with himself yet. We were friends and we fooled around a couple times but the relationship just didn't work sexually. He had hangups about his sexuality and I couldn't overcome the human touch aversion. Looking back I realize I was attracted to him as a good friend but any sexual feelings for him were really just from being around the horses together. At the time it did not cross my mind that someone would be zoo exclusive but now I realize that is what I am. These days I have my own stallion and he is the one for me. I have probably always been zoo exclusive but didn't know it was a thing.
Wow, there are some amazing stories here thank you all for sharing

I don’t consider myself zoo exclusive, but I am not sure I am ready for a long term relationship with a guy again. As a woman I have had enough bad experiences with guys (abusive relationships, being forced) that I am very careful now. I date people only after I get to know them a little.

the bigger problem I have with dating men is I am very active with a male German Shepard and that is something I keep a super secret. I am paranoid about people finding out and all that.

although I do date, I keep that part a secret. I like the company of human men, but the relationships don’t seem to work well. I know I am part of the reason, I am far from perfect.

however, I have never had a bad relationship with a dog so...I tend to be with them
Wow, there are some amazing stories here thank you all for sharing

I don’t consider myself zoo exclusive, but I am not sure I am ready for a long term relationship with a guy again. As a woman I have had enough bad experiences with guys (abusive relationships, being forced) that I am very careful now. I date people only after I get to know them a little.

the bigger problem I have with dating men is I am very active with a male German Shepard and that is something I keep a super secret. I am paranoid about people finding out and all that.

although I do date, I keep that part a secret. I like the company of human men, but the relationships don’t seem to work well. I know I am part of the reason, I am far from perfect.

however, I have never had a bad relationship with a dog so...I tend to be with them
Well i can relate to that at some point, i didn't get abused or being forced but for the most part i got cheated on by women, do i had the feeling i whas done with that shit 😂, although i do mis a female companion a lot, i just have the wish to find someone with who i can be absolutely myself so also my love for dog's.
Well i can relate to that at some point, i didn't get abused or being forced but for the most part i got cheated on by women, do i had the feeling i whas done with that shit 😂, although i do mis a female companion a lot, i just have the wish to find someone with who i can be absolutely myself so also my love for dog's.
I get it. I have found with men I am better off with casual companionship than actual relationships.
I'd like to hear from those who tried out the common path first: trying to be with another human(s) sexually before deciding it just wasn't going to work.
Was there just not enough sexual attraction to them? Or was it more of an emotional turn off? Drug addiction? Dishonesty? Cheating? Mental disorder(s)?

I've had to deal with all of the above from various people I've known over the years. But with animals? Not one single time, ever. Just curious, what kinds of situations made you decide to switch?

I wonder how many zoo exclusives didn't attempt to have a sexual human relationship at some point in their life..?

For me, I gave it a very sheepish attempt a handful times to be sexual with some people. Sex with humans has always caused me varying amounts of anxiety for various reasons including my interest in dogs, lack of drive for people, expectations of sex, etc. In time, I experimented with a handful of guys in the furry fandom over the years and each time I couldn't get into it & out of my head. No experience with women for the same reason. Later, I dated one guy for over a year and we both were trying to understand ourselves and our needs. It was a good relationship experience and experiment for us. We found that I was not actually drive to have sex with him and he really wants a partner who is sexually intimate. We ended the relationship and over time it was positive one.
I resisted for the longest time accepting myself as exclusive because I feared that means I would be alone. At this point, it's clear I just don't lust for humans and I continue to challenge my own headspace. It's really all in my own head and avoidance of being hurt that hold me back to some degree. Also, I have separated the entanglement in my head between zoo exclusive and alone. I understand that it's not a given and requires a significant amount of effort to find the special someone(s) in the limited pool where it might work out.

I love dogs dearly and am very much sexually attracted to them. I enjoy their personality and companionship. It's fulfilling to care for them.
However, dogs aren't the perfect partner either... Maybe we hold them to less high standards than we would a human partner and so we aren't as disappointed or hurt when something goes sideways.
* It can be a challenge to work through complex issues like behavioral or relationship struggles since we have to correctly interpret and understand what's going on. E.g. we can't just talk about what's on our minds and work to resolve them.
* Dogs can 'cheat' in that they may want to be sexual with other dogs & people. I believe that's more of a human perception of jealousy and lower expectations since they aren't fully bound by society standards.
* I've experienced emotional & sexual turn off from the stress when managing a rowdy dog.
* They are not self-sufficient and there are limited opportunities for intellectual, emotional or experiential growth.

That being said, I will likely have dogs throughout my life! There are enough positives about dogs that outweigh the downsides as well as ways to mitigate the downsides. Plus, it nice to have a group of zoo accepting friends so I can be myself without worry. Those friendships will certainly hold me over for a while, maybe indefinitely.
Still, at this time I want the best of both worlds with committed human Relationship(s) as well as a pack of dogs! One day perhaps!
I wonder how many zoo exclusives didn't attempt to have a sexual human relationship at some point in their life..?

*raises his hand*

i had the "benefit" of being unattractive, so it might have been different if anyone had ever tried to start a romantic/sexual relationship with me, but i've never had sex with a human and i don't feel like i'm missing anything.
I can't say I really fit your premise, of trying a human relationship first and then switching to zoophilia. There were several sexual (m/f) explorations... but they were not isolated to humans. A long term relationship was not really on the radar as I did not want to hide my zoo interest from my partner, so I ended up trying the zoo side first and for many years before I really considered a human partner.

Later on, I did try some "normal" relationships, but still could not live with hiding the zoo side, and it wasn't until I found interest in another zoo that a long term relationship formed. There are more complications like you mention, but it still fills a sort of gap and would be hard to go without. Given another lifetime, I may consider trying the family route instead... but I can't say I regret how things have turned out given the great relationship with my boxer.