What do you keep next to your bed?

Just added a new "bedside buddy" - A "disposable-grade" Turkish 12 gauge pump. "Disposable grade" 'cause I keep hearing mixed reviews on it - some claim it's great, others report massive problems, still others claim it's a "cycle a couple hundred rounds thorugh it and it'll wear-in and be nice as you could want" unit. So far, I'm not noticing anything but the tiniest bit of "brand new gun" "grittiness" to the action that I expect will subside pretty quickly with a bit of use.
A pocket knife, television remote, playstation controller and a charger for my phone. Usually it’s just the charger but I’ve been too dead to put things away today.
Box of toys'n'stuff under the bed, phone, tissues reading lamp, and a plushie wolf
Admittedly, there's also an ipad, alarm clock, phone charger and a GIANT cup of ice water. Because mmmmmmmmm icewater.