What do you keep next to your bed?

Dangerous neighbor hood - A flick-knife, ruger pistol, glock pistol, 45 pistol and a fully automatic beretta , all with hair triggers, fully backed up nights scope, dual redundant cell phone and torches all adjacent to my soft toy pussy. I hate guns and support the restriction movement. I sleep lightly; please let me know if you wish to visit after hours :)
phone, handgun, water based lube, ashtray, cigarettes and lighter, flashlight, antibacterial wipes, and usually a rather large bottle of Kentucky Bourbon.
(I dont actually smoke in bed, but often I wake up needing to piss, and I'll sit on the side of the bed and have a smoke afterward before getting back in bed.)
My side - books, phone (for alarm), paddle, lube ;-)

Her side - lamp, phone (can't get to sleep w/o music or a Hulu show), stuffies, lube, Mr Hitachi :)