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What caused you to become zoo-exclusive?

One doesn't have to choose a single way to express intimacy! sometimes people (i include animals as people lol!) like to be softly held and other times are ravenous beasts in rut. unless you're a fetishist, zoo relationships are an expression of love! i think human-human-animal poly relationships are possible. it's just such a rare thing that i think most zoos don't waste brain-space on hope. (also if someone is feeling fulfilled with their one partner, why would they complicate things?)
Individual's sexual interests may change over time (lose interest or gain interest in different forms of expression). but ya know people are only going to be interested in interesting things. for me there's nothing that gets me going more than feeling a feeling is mutual. unlike a lot of people dogs will love you forever if you show them love. intimacy is loving expression and its hard to feel strong love for someone you cant trust wont just disappear when the winds change.
in zoos i see a quality of fierce loyalty just like what dogs show their caretakers.
also dogs n horses typically dont hide their true feelings? they dont lie. (well some dogs will trick ya to go outside lol)

i had a point. something about there's probably a bit a of a grey area (not just fetishist or zoo exclusive) and 2 zoos who might otherwise think of themselves as zoo exclusive could actually be just what the other needs to finally feel love for (some) humans !
I am sexually attracted to dogs since i'm like 14-15, I had a "normal" life with mens for like 15years then i broke up with my ex, i decided to adopt a second dog and i made the decision to only focus on my love of dogs. 2 dogs require a lot of attention, a lot of love, and a lot of sexual disponibility for them, adding a man to my life would probably make him feel sad because he wouldn't be my priority
I agree your lifestyle and priorities would make some men sad but not all, I would be totally content sharing my ladys love and attention with her dogs and it would make me incredibly happy knowing how satisfied she is. 😉
I am sexually attracted to dogs since i'm like 14-15, I had a "normal" life with mens for like 15years then i broke up with my ex, i decided to adopt a second dog and i made the decision to only focus on my love of dogs. 2 dogs require a lot of attention, a lot of love, and a lot of sexual disponibility for them, adding a man to my life would probably make him feel sad because he wouldn't be my priority
Almost exactly the same only I was always with dogs when dating guys (except for a short time during Covid)
What caused the decision and how did you decide to make it?
All I'll say is that when I was 10 I began to jack off, first thing I found hot were udders, camels looked just as attractive and it all went there.

Not to mention the regular women I find tend not to be loyal, not really affectionate... Every animal I've worked with has proven to be all of that and more. And frankly I find it strange not many guys are turning to zoo, but then again... We're surrounded by a very zoophobe society
Dunno how many people are zoo-exclusive. Most I've interacted with tend to be flexible enough to be open to relationship with humans & animals at the same time.
From my perspective, someone who has a degree in psychology and has worked as a counselor, people lose interest in relationship with people probably because of a traumatic or bad experience, breach of trust & loyalty & conditionalities.
With animals, things are a bit simpler and not convoluted. They're faithful and loyal and don't set conditions when in a relationship. All they ask in return is tender love and care and responsibility.
Dogs are just amazing creatures. Once you experience the deep connection you get once sex is involved and none of the drama and hassles humans come attached with. It's just a no brainer. The only issue is they don't live long enough.