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What caused you to become zoo-exclusive?

Honestly for me over the last few years I've just noticed a lack of desire or attraction for people at all and more of one for dogs.
I feel the same exact way, always felt like i had to force myself to be attracted to people at all. Never had to force myself to be attracted to dogs, it kinda just happened.
I lost my virginity to a dog, and I've always loved dogs, better and pretty much everything. In my twenties, I sewed my wild oats with guys, more than my fair share, but after a while, I realized that dogs just better. So that's why for the last 6 years I've been so exclusive. My dog is excited to see me when I get home, he cuddles me, he plays with me, we hang out, he makes me feel loved, both mentally and physically. I can count on one hand how many times a guy has made me cum from sex, but I've lost count how many times a dog has.
Is there a term for people who find humans attractive, sexually desirable and enjoy having sex with them, and also finds animals sexy and desire mutually positive sexual experiences (if granted the opportunity, like ability to take care of the animal, or a good relationship with the animal's human partner/caretaker) with them too? Asking for a friend... (me ? ) Any resources or reading I should look at? Any thoughts greatly appreciated ❤️ Thanks in advance ?
I can tell the exact moment I discovered I had a sexual interest in animals. But this was not a "sudden change in me", but the consciousness of what was already running in me for an unknown time.
Absolutely I also felt it was something laying dormant in me for a long time
It DID however trigger a change in what I looked for, from the socially learned behaviour of what "I should be looking for" into soon having an interest mostly, if not *only*, in animals.
Definitely the same for me
I do not know, nothing I have decided.
Have always had sexual thoughts about animals, but almost never any about humans.
Have only had sex with dogs so far, and feel no need to test with people (at the moment)
It is just like that, i am born to zoo exclusive
This is not typically a decision. You are born like it or you develop this way during puberty, but there is no point at which you would consciously decide that from now on, I am going to be zoo exclusive.
If this was the case, then you could go back to being into humans at any point, which is not the case when being zoo exclusive.

Being zoo exclusive is basically that your sexual orientation is towards animals and you do not find people sexually attractive. Changing your sexual orientation is not something people typically can do without severe psychological trauma.

Here is a quick set of definitions:
"Matthews, the author of The Horseman (1994), explains that there are two general classes of people who have sex with animals. There are the “bestialists” who have one or a few sexual contacts with an animal, or they use animals when a more “ normal” outlet is not available. The second class of people are the “zoophiles.” These are the people who prefer an animal as a sex partner, often forming deep emotional relationships with it (Matthews, 1994)"
" ...I am zoo exclusive and the very thought of having sex with a human disgusts me. Ask a homosexual if he wants to have sex with someone of the opposite gender."

Hani Miletski - Understanding bestiality and zoophilia.

I would have to disagree with it not being a decision unless trauma is involved. I've been a zooromantic (first and foremost) zoosexual most of my life, but not all of it.

I started out with a couple crushes on schoolgirls like most kids do, before completely falling deeply in love with the shepherd-malamute male next door years later.

We kissed and cuddled for long periods whenever we could be together privately. Just to be able to touch him and take in his scent was such a fulfilling experience that it would take everything in me to not tear up in front of the humans nearby from all the love and joy I was feeling with him.

Getting to this point and beyond (to sex) was a very organic process. Started out as basic friendship, to spiritual connection/awakening that caused me to feel more canine than human but out of pure love and just this vibration that flowed through me. It's hard to describe other than to call it a "spiritual awakening" with wolves and canines in general, although I didn't really think of it as "spiritual" anything back then and had no belief system or significant spiritual influences, from humans, at all back then, although this experience kind of gave one to me in a sense not based in anything I learned, it was just an intuitive process I guess you could say. This is typically where I lose most people talking about this online. Regardless, it was a deeply emotional and devotional experience for me, being with him, always longing for him and this is what caused me my first relationship to be an intensely zooromantic one.

The fact that this beautiful canine next door looked pretty wolfy just added to it. And his scent...oh my God so beyond intoxicating. By this point I was already absolutely 100% zoo exclusive, before even the thought of sex entered the picture. The more I loved him and wolves the less I could even tolerate humans let alone desire intimacy with them! Mostly because of how humans viewed and treated other species especially wolves and dogs.

He and wolves became my universe and my everything. I would've laid down my life for him without a second thought to protect him. I virtually worshipped his presence, it was intense emotionally and spiritually.

Then 1-2 years later, sex entered the picture (after we both discovered it was possible for us). No trauma that I'm aware of at any point. Not even internet access or anything else to really influence me zooromantically or zoosexually back then. We were on our own from the start. Yet it never felt wrong, never felt shame of any kind. Fear of humans finding out, yes of course. But I was so incredibly happy, honored and proud to be his mate.

(Edited for typos)
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I was also trying to meet other Mundane like humans in general society, and realizing they are not worthy of interaction. Was more sexually attracted to dogs the canine variety of species for basically my whole life.
Experimented with humans, did not find them as satisfying or rewarding as dogs, so eventually stopped trying to force myself to make human sexual relationships work gave up on. Born this way. Had friends that had dogs as pets as a young kid pup gowning up and would go over to there house to just play with their dogs. Parents owned cats and wouldn't allow dogs until I moved out or was 17-18+ got my own place to live. I love dogs males they make me aroused in a way no human has ever gotten close to.
Same here it arouses me, just talking about with you, have massive hardon as we speak...
It’s my orientation, not a choice, and frankly it’s incredibly demeaning to nonhumans for anyone to designate them “second best choice” after failed human relationships. I was born this way (or, at least, I have no memory of anything different), it just took me some time to figure it out, like with any socially taboo orientation.
I think the confusion here comes from some people claiming to becoming zoo exclusive after some unpleasant human experience. Since then they only ever had sex with a dog.
Which is a wrong use of this term.
I always knew I was attracted to dogs for many reasons at a pretty young age. We never had a dog in the house growing up, and I was ashamed of that part of myself so that made it a little easier to try and ignore it. Naturally I just tried dating, and hooking up with women at first because it was, ''expected.'' I didn't even get fully hard or cum for the first three woman I hooked up with, but I did end up finding some joy in penetration after a while. Eventually I tried men, which was a lot better in many ways, but people are just so awkward, lol. It almost feels like I got good at sex with people just to appear more normal.

I've had a lot of human relationships that meant a lot to me, but after I got away from that hell hole, I grew lonely and started having more moments of self reflection. I got Red because I needed a friend, and he definitely needed a good home. I'll admit that my romantic attraction to his personality didn't happen overnight, but I could write an essay about all of the things that make me love him now.

I kept having sex with people for a while, and even had some very casual experiences with Red and others, which always felt more right. After a while it just seemed to be the only thing I wanted, and I realized that I was more in love with him than any human I'd ever been with. (a lot) I thought I wanted to have sex with a woman a few months back and ended up crying after like a looser. It didn't feel like I was cheating, but it did not feel right. The thought of holding a human used to seem so normal, but now feels wrong, like I forgot how to. Under other circumstances, I imagine I would have been very happy being zoo exclusive from the start. It just took a while to figure it out.

I am a little slow though.
I always have been zoo exclusive I felt for canines before I even new what sex in general was or meant I have never and will never feel for the human species as I do for canines the love I have for my girl is way to strong I will do anything humanly possible to protect her And I know every gun and bullet I have can vouch for me
No attraction to people, a lifelong attraction to dogs. What other reason did the op think there was? Most zoos who are exclusive to animals did not decide to become exclusive. They simply are oriented that way. Trying to be with a human with no attraction to them is a waste of effort and energy if you only feel attracted to dogs your entire life
What caused you to become zoo exclusive?? It's like saying what caused you to become gay, you either are or you ain't. If you get your rocks off on sleeping with people you're not zoo exclusive
When I was younger, the neighbors golden retriever would visit often. One day he randomly jumped on me then knocked me down and mounted me. He humped me hard and fast with full body weight on me. The second time it happened, I had a dress on and felt his prick trying to poke through my panties…but I could feel myself getting moist. Years later an old boss showed me a video of a woman fucking a donkey and I was in awe of how big its cock was. That was then that I knew
I am not exclusive but i am nit far from it and i can understand how it happens easly.
Besides phisically being attracted to only dogs which is one thing , i am not an expert in this but a relationship as we all know is much much more then sex.
I was young , way to young to mention here and even before that dogs were my best friends hugging and cudling my doggo at home was a fav pass time specialy since my mother hated me and my brother.
Lets face it the love and attention a dog can give you is heart melting and well why bot have a dog voyfriend or girlfriend . Most humans should take lessons from dogs on how to love someone. If we as a species would take on some of therr traits this planet wouldnt be such a shit hole.
SImple sex with your dog 99.99% of times just happens its not like u plan it , the romantic part is the same .
I grew up in an enviroment where gay kids have 0 chance to socialize and have fun , even today there are no gay bars or anything but 20 some years ago... so beast is much more widespread .
I have and had exclusive friends, one couldnt bare lossing his big boy and followed him, to this day his familly know knowthing because they are the kind they would never ever understand this.
Ppl who dont visit there sons grave because suicides dont deserve it will understand this?
I visit his grave and hope where ever we go from here hes there with that huge boy of his.
Sorry if this got a bit dark at the end.
I think it's a good question. I think sexuality can be a spectrum. You aren't just 100% gay all the time you can be bi, you can prefer man or women more than the other. Same with zoo.

I think zoo exclusives can reach that point via realizing who they really are or by realizing no matter how hard they try they don't connect or love people in the same fashion as their animal of choice.

I am not a zoo exclusive and will never be. I love dogs because of my long childhood with them. But if one day I found myself away from my current partner, comfortable in my life, and with a canine I connected with that way. I would consider it heavily.

This isn't to discredit those who were born zoo exclusive.
From the moment I discovered that my penis was used for more than passing urine. Not that I was ever able to enter in a relationship with a four-legged paramour. I would love to find a bitch or ewe before I become too old, but it's looking less and less likely each month that passes.
not sure if it was really a decision or if the attraction was there from the start. That being said i have, in the past, had attraction to female humans however disappointment, depression, and loneliness stacked up hard. As a result i can say that it was General disappointment and disgust seeing how manipulative most humans are just to get something they want. Though that realization (that most people are assholes) came after the break up with my first girlfriend who was indeed manipulative and uncaring.

So yeah result is that i am pretty much zoo exclusive almost. I do find it quite hot and appealing to watch men and women having fun with their beloved animal companions but the love, affection, and peacefulness that a dog, or horse bring with them is far more favorable and enjoyable. No judgmental bs, no arguments, no emotional hell (except for when they pass away), and none of the manipulative crap that comes from dealing with other humans. (And seeing how kids of today are being allowed to get away with things that would have likely gotten a lot of us beat within an inch of our lives… I’m 100% fine with not having to deal with that.) my canine companions are all i need to feel loved.
During my years of puberty the attractions began, i pushed them off for many many years. But IMO, just like you can be bisexual with a gender preference.. this applies the same. I am mostly into humans, but certain animals and cartoons i am sexually attracted to/feel romantic toward.
honestly I've never really been into people period just for the fact that its so draining being around people even without the romantic aspect and having just my boy is so much more simpler and easier instead of having these complicated relationships
I always was. Since I was my childhood I entered into a "form" of communication with them, especially with the looks between them, smells, caresses and whispers.
I grew up and my sexuality awakened, and it was inevitable to deflower myself with an animalistic redhair (I won't say the species.) All kinds of large mammal is attractive to me in one way or another, each due to its morphology and ethological behavior.

It is something you are born with, entering into communion with another species by learning to speak new languages... I was practically exclusive throughout my youth and adolescence.

I do not deny that I have had bisexual human relationships in my adulthood, but they did not satisfy me that much, and, although I am a sociable person, it is not so easy for me to distinguish the deception from sincerity among human beings.

It was a stage of experimentation, as happens in vice versa. But at my age I have summarized the exclusivity, not without discarding complicity with humans as the social beings that we are, but no longer having sexual relations with them, my hormones are calmer.

I think that occasional or continued bestiality is more common here instead of understanding the zoo, and a lot of despair on the part of people who are just curious.
The things are not like that, no one is going to offer you their animals just like that, in the same way that among heterosexual couples it is normal not to share the partners you apreciated and love.

The blood of young people is diverted to their genitals, but they forget that the largest sexual organ in the human body is the brain.

The pornography distorts realities and does much harm to even the common sexuality.
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One day I was full of horniness right, a teenage thing and my female dog was in heat, and her pussy was huge so as there was no one at home and she always liked to lick me while getting out of the shower, I took the opportunity to fuck her. Initially I used a condom I didn't know, 16, it's been a long time, this was the first opportunity with penetration I had. I cum a Lot!