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What caused you to become zoo-exclusive?

i don't expirience attractions sexualy and i bond with dogs so much easyer then with humans. Wasn't much of a choice. I think i'm just born to make doggies happy :)
Started out as zoo exclusive until I realized what sexuality was as I grew up, and now enjoy the human touch. Given the choice, zoo will always come out on top though. Its how I was made
Interesting comments and perspectives to which I can relate. I've had an affinity/attraction to animals for most of my life finding them more genuine and sincere than most people. My animal companions were and still are my refuge from the disconnected, insane human world. Originally living in an urban environment my first companions were obviously canines and felines.

It wasn't until I was in my early 20's that I discovered the true magic and wonder of equines. I did the marriage and children thing only to find it disappointing and unfulfilling it did offer some valuable life experience however. This experience taught me two valuable things, I am not husband nor am I father material in spite of my best efforts. I tried to live in two worlds only to 'fail'. Some humans can and do make good friends but I no longer find humans sexually attractive or desirable.

There is simply no comparison between a female equine and a human female. I am quite happy now being equine zoo exclusive...
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Kind of an accident really. Never had good relationships with woman, and as I got older they seemed to detest me for some reason. So fuck 'em. All my dogs love me for me and nothing more and nothing less.
Due to a disability and a failure to recognize it, my trust in my own species was destroyed in early childhood so my path was already choosen when reaching puberty. It was never a decision of me I never felt much for the human side. But there are multiple ways to being a zoo.
there are many stories here that i am still reading and i value and honor all of them. i am not exclusive to male dog but i wonder sometimes if things had been different and i did live that way. but, as many people have said very sincerely here, it is not a decision. it is a state of being.
That's like saying "what caused me to be a white man?" Not really a choice, just the way some people are. Took a while to accept and embrace it but now wouldn't change it for all the money in the world.
Well, I think this example is quite surely hardware (genetics) related.
Unless you are Michael Jackson 😁

Being zoo, we will never know if it could have been different from learning, experiences or upbringing.

But sure. We are like that and personally I have no good reason to even try changing it now.
Well, I think this example is quite surely hardware (genetics) related.
Unless you are Michael Jackson 😁

Being zoo, we will never know if it could have been different from learning, experiences or upbringing.

But sure. We are like that and personally I have no good reason to even try changing it now.
True, my analogy was a bit of a shitty one.😂 But countless nature vs nurture debates have been had here. I'm sure it's a fair amount of both.

Definitely not interested in changing either. Contrary to all the negativity surrounding the zoo lifestyle I personally really enjoy it and think I'm better off for it.
I had 1 baby boy who passed away of 4 month. My husband was not good person, no interest on me and baby because of his negligence my son died.I failed to take responsibility. So finally took divorce from him.
My father gave me a puppy of around 10 days to take care and to keep me busy and divert my mind. Unfortunately his mother was passed away. He was afraid of being alone, unable to drink milk. So no option I decided let him sleep with me on same bed. I started feeding my breast milk to keep him alive.after some time he become comfortable. breastfed him for around 3 montth..
Even he grown up still habitual of sleeping with me .After around of 1 year 4 month one midnight , he started licking my vagina which I liked it and didn't raise objection and had sex 1st time. Next day I checked in internet and found there are many who are having sex with dog and its safe and no risk of preganancy. After that doing regularly in missionary position to manage him and satisfy my self.
I had 1 baby boy who passed away of 4 month. My husband was not good person, no interest on me and baby because of his negligence my son died.I failed to take responsibility. So finally took divorce from him.
My father gave me a puppy of around 10 days to take care and to keep me busy and divert my mind. Unfortunately his mother was passed away. He was afraid of being alone, unable to drink milk. So no option I decided let him sleep with me on same bed. I started feeding my breast milk to keep him alive.after some time he become comfortable. breastfed him for around 3 montth..
Even he grown up still habitual of sleeping with me .After around of 1 year 4 month one midnight , he started licking my vagina which I liked it and didn't raise objection and had sex 1st time. Next day I checked in internet and found there are many who are having sex with dog and its safe and no risk of preganancy. After that doing regularly in missionary position to manage him and satisfy my self.
he'd be dead if you really breastfed him for 3 months.
I breastfed him. Now very active dog , very healthy and active dog. Weight is around 42 kg.
Human breast milk has too much lactose and not enough other supplements to feed a baby canine. If I remember correctly.

But I guess go ahead and share some more information and stories to find someone with that kink.
Human breast milk has too much lactose and not enough other supplements to feed a baby canine. If I remember correctly.

But I guess go ahead and share some more information and stories to find someone with that kink.
The idea was let something start to go inside for living and survive.
I had 1 baby boy who passed away of 4 month. My husband was not good person, no interest on me and baby because of his negligence my son died.I failed to take responsibility. So finally took divorce from him.
My father gave me a puppy of around 10 days to take care and to keep me busy and divert my mind. Unfortunately his mother was passed away. He was afraid of being alone, unable to drink milk. So no option I decided let him sleep with me on same bed. I started feeding my breast milk to keep him alive.after some time he become comfortable. breastfed him for around 3 montth..
Even he grown up still habitual of sleeping with me .After around of 1 year 4 month one midnight , he started licking my vagina which I liked it and didn't raise objection and had sex 1st time. Next day I checked in internet and found there are many who are having sex with dog and its safe and no risk of preganancy. After that doing regularly in missionary position to manage him and satisfy my self.

because of his negligence my son died

Honestly? I'm not able to read any other words in your reply
I always loved animals growing up, and to be fair I was curious and had an experience as a teen. Since then I fell in love with animals and love being intimate with them
This is not typically a decision. You are born like it or you develop this way during puberty, but there is no point at which you would consciously decide that from now on, I am going to be zoo exclusive.
If this was the case, then you could go back to being into humans at any point, which is not the case when being zoo exclusive.

Being zoo exclusive is basically that your sexual orientation is towards animals and you do not find people sexually attractive. Changing your sexual orientation is not something people typically can do without severe psychological trauma.

Here is a quick set of definitions:
"Matthews, the author of The Horseman (1994), explains that there are two general classes of people who have sex with animals. There are the “bestialists” who have one or a few sexual contacts with an animal, or they use animals when a more “ normal” outlet is not available. The second class of people are the “zoophiles.” These are the people who prefer an animal as a sex partner, often forming deep emotional relationships with it (Matthews, 1994)"
" ...I am zoo exclusive and the very thought of having sex with a human disgusts me. Ask a homosexual if he wants to have sex with someone of the opposite gender."

Hani Miletski - Understanding bestiality and zoophilia.
I agree with this I was born and raised in a farm and I was always fascinated by animals breeding. And done it even before I knew something like zoophile exists. And since then I've taken a lot of different animals and wants to continue living this way and taking more animals. I have no interest in human males.
i grew tired of people and loving relationships.
for some time i thought I was aromantic but there had always been the attraction to animals.
obviously I still present myself as aroace with people, but thats only with people lol.
with animals ive proven myself that im bi.
For me.... realizing that no male human could match the same level of pleasure that my dog-lover gave me. I mean; multiple orgasms everytime. ¿Need I say more?
Although I'm utterly intrigued by your words, my common sense says life and everything around us is more then pleasure and multiple orgasms
I want to point out I'm not exclusive, only because I'm married to a human. However, if he and I were to divorce I would completely remove myself from human males in any romantic or sexual aspects, and feel no remorse or regret in that. I am bisexual, and have had sex with women. That being said, my past long term relationships with women endly badly, and while flings may or may not happen, I do not have want to be married to a woman.

So realistically speaking, I wouldn't mind living my life exclusively with animals. My husband is the only man I've ever wanted to be with, and is. I've never found actual men to be attractive for the most part. I consider myself bisexual because of him, and that I can find fake characters to be attractive (video games/books ect) He's my best friend beyond just my partner, I love him dearly. He knows my preferences and is fine with it. However I am also fine and can function on my own, and human relationships beyond friends has never been needed for me and I didn't particularly ever seek it out myself. For a long while I relegated myself to be alone.

With animals I am also bisexual, so having an animal husband wouldn't be bad at all. I wouldn't really care for an animal wife, but having some fun here and there with a female animal isn't out of the picture.

The dual income from two people is nice though, lol!
hi im grade full to be here

In my case im zoo since i was 16. interested in dog,boar and Horse. I also have experience in some kinds. some friends know about it.
I am sexually attracted to dogs since i'm like 14-15, I had a "normal" life with mens for like 15years then i broke up with my ex, i decided to adopt a second dog and i made the decision to only focus on my love of dogs. 2 dogs require a lot of attention, a lot of love, and a lot of sexual disponibility for them, adding a man to my life would probably make him feel sad because he wouldn't be my priority