Esteemed Citizen of ZV
I did something similar with my boy, except when I got any distance I would divert into a different room and hide, then he would get praised when he sniffed me out. Well except the day he flopped down in front of the cupboard I was hiding in locking me inside. I had to offer the promise of a raw hide chew for him to decide to get up and let me out again.Haha she is spayed. It is a game we play. She will chase me for a treat or if she wants some fun time with my fingers. The game evolves. At first she just chased me hot on my tail. But then she learned to double back, take a different path in the house, or otherwise intercept me. We listen to each other's movement and direction. I use that information to increase the distance between us and she uses it to intercept me. I feint the direction I am going in and that used to work but then she doubles back doubling back and catches me. I feel like its some type of primal raw fun. I'm just running for my life and she is yipping, barking, etc. When I inevitably get caught she carefully grabs my shoe or pants (She doesn't bite my leg if I am not wearing any) then sits or presents to get her reward. It's really fun.