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What are your companions' favourite activities?

Big shepherds move little, lie down in a suitable place and watch from there, only taking action when necessary. The other shepherds walk the yard and react to everything that is strange, giving a signal to the big shepherds as well.
Malamutes play, dig, chew, take slippers, socks, etc. They are all games, they are not interested in guarding the territory. Sometimes they howl at each other or at the socks, then the whole street can hear it. They also like the sprinkler in the garden. Sometimes I find it in my bed at night.
Big shepherds move little, lie down in a suitable place and watch from there, only taking action when necessary. The other shepherds walk the yard and react to everything that is strange, giving a signal to the big shepherds as well.
Malamutes play, dig, chew, take slippers, socks, etc. They are all games, they are not interested in guarding the territory. Sometimes they howl at each other or at the socks, then the whole street can hear it. They also like the sprinkler in the garden. Sometimes I find it in my bed at night.
Do they "disconnect" the hose from the sprinkler first?

Maybe they think you should have a water bed. :gsd_grin:
My girl LOVES her Kong frisbee, sometimes I think if she had to chose between me or her frisbee I’d be kicked to the curb. Second she loves to chase butterfly shadows, not the butterfly itself just the shadow. And third pretty much anything that runs from her, but she never hurts what ever she’s chasing. More often then not she bolts around the yard going after squirrels with her frisbee flopping around in her mouth, almost like she just wants to show the squirrels her favorite toy. She’s so cute. ?
My girl LOVES her Kong frisbee, sometimes I think if she had to chose between me or her frisbee I’d be kicked to the curb. Second she loves to chase butterfly shadows, not the butterfly itself just the shadow. And third pretty much anything that runs from her, but she never hurts what ever she’s chasing. More often then not she bolts around the yard going after squirrels with her frisbee flopping around in her mouth, almost like she just wants to show the squirrels her favorite toy. She’s so cute. ?
My girl has a bit of bird dog in her and goes barking at every single bird that flies over her head even though I know she'll never catch it it's still so fucking adorable I know the feeling of looking at your dog and thinking "OMG you're so adorable"
She also pulls the hose with it for a while, then it disengages and they run around with the sprinkler.
Well as long as the hose isn't being chomped off hopefully no real harm is being done, that sort of stuff can be expensive to be buying all the time. Just be thankful you don't have in ground sprinklers, I saw what happened to someones lawn when their lab discovered how good the black pipe in the ground could be for playing tuggy with.
We live in a city that is surrounded by rural countryside and there are even mountains/woods in a short driving distance. My guy loves to explore, when we can't get out to a good hike or spending the day in the country side. We go one walks in different areas that he hasn't been, in our city. That way he is stimulated as often as he can be with his exploring, he was pretty much babied from his days as a pup and he knows nothing of violence or attacking. So he loves to find little critters to play with and discover... he is currently fascinated by a couple of squirrels and a pigeon that have moved into the trees in our yard.
Well as long as the hose isn't being chomped off hopefully no real harm is being done, that sort of stuff can be expensive to be buying all the time. Just be thankful you don't have in ground sprinklers, I saw what happened to someones lawn when their lab discovered how good the black pipe in the ground could be for playing tuggy with.
LOL had a lab mix do that... Loved my boy, but god damn his teething phase. Should really install a new sprinkler system, it's been few years... My girl won't eat it... Probably.
My girl has a bit of bird dog in her and goes barking at every single bird that flies over her head even though I know she'll never catch it it's still so fucking adorable I know the feeling of looking at your dog and thinking "OMG you're so adorable"

Ah... As someone who had to tell their puper girl not to catch birds, don't say never. Some dogs are pretty good at bird catching.
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Walks and socks. Seriously, socks. They're better than balls, apparently. When it's time to do laundry I just walk around the backyard with the basket. First thaw after a snowy winter is pretty hilarious...socks everywhere!
Roflmao, yep socks. Mine eats them first one on cost me about 400. Now I am very careful take them off put them up. She's 6 months now. Already 80 lbs. Lil cuddle bug. Hopefully she sees me that way in a year or so. If not still my princess
Love the posts, mine is a spoiled brat. I gave her begging strips, made the mistake of giving her real bacon. Now looks at me like wtf this is fake, she's 6 months already 80 lbs. Her dad is a beast 200 lbs. Mom is 140. Yeah I have to be stricked. So hard. She's very cute
Mongo has 2 favorite activities
1 he likes to jump and play with water, puddles of water
2 it may seem strange but he likes kisses to much, tongue kisses, he learned that if he brings me a leaf, he gets a kiss, now he always looks for leaves


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My boy and I love to go out and run around in the woods, all the smells and a chance to stretch his legs makes for a good time. he also likes to swim. the first time was when he walked off a shallow ledge into deep water. It was surprising but ever since then he has taken to water like an Otter :)
Due to where Im living I can only have rodents currently... and thwir favorite thing to do is bite me for no reason :/
Mega Walks!

He knows when a day outs happening, when you get the rucksack out and fill it with stuff, he bounces around the room with a stupid grin on his face. Like foraging for mushrooms through the woods for hours, though you do have to watch him because he can trample right on top of the days dinner.
We have a million of things we do together but one of my favorites, and his, is eating. He is such a piggy puppy, not fat but always hungry. If in eating in any capacity he is right there watching me and he has floppy jowels so he begins to drool and blow bubbles it's the absolute cutest thing and he has the perfect begging face. Can't help but share whenever I can it makes him so happy. I know he has me whipped but that's fine begging is a habit I can live with.
My little guy enjoys biting (he's still very much in the puppy nipping stage), walks, and sticks from the garden. "Sticks are just the best thing ever." - My pup, probably.
Just be a little careful if your pup is really into sticks, they can be nice to chew on, but they come with a danger if the sticks are to dry they can splinter and those sharp things have been known to get stuck between teeth and in gums. So if you can bend the stick a good way before it breaks it should be ok, if it snaps rather than bending, it's not the best toy to be playing with and an alternative should be found. Such as the really heavy rubberised toys like a Kong is made out of will take a load of chomping before they start to get damaged.
Sitting on my feet and yapping at them if I dare to move! God forbid we don’t obey his every command!
Clearly you need to be reminded of your place as a pillow for your pooch, if you try and move. How big a dog are we talking about though, does the blood circulation get cut off? Coz that might be one way to keep you in place if your feet fall asleep.:gsd_wink:
He’s only a pup! A cockapoo! He’s my little shadow. Though, I wouldn’t object to having a much bigger dog using me as their pillow! Not that I’d have much to say about that.. :gsd_happysmile:
Oh a Cockapoo pup, have you got him helicopter flying lessons yet? :gsd_grin: They are quite good at that sort of thing, or so I've been led to believe.

I know of a Newfie who likes to climb on the couch and do a full body flop onto her human, now that's a real case of you're my pillow, stay put till I'm finished with you! It's probably nice in winter, but summers would be a different story.