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Veterinarian here: ask me anything!

Indeed. It is also time for veterinary medicine to transition as a whole to the veterinarian being part of the team of people who devote themselves to an animal's care rather than the end all authority delivering unquestioned pronouncements from on high. But that's another soapbox entirely.
It is a good soapbox to stand on and I’m interested in listening to you speak from it.

I live in a fairly rural part of the northeast and I mostly deal with vets who are parts of small owner operated practices. I have had to deal with large corporate veterinary practices for specialized care (having giant breed dogs,it’s part of the deal). I love our vets and we get very good care that is given with great love and care from the doctors and their whole team. But I also understand the tremendous toll that this model takes on the people working in it.
Howdy zooville!

I work as a mixed animal veterinarian, and am willing to answer any and all animal health questions you may have to the best of my ability. Keep in mind that I’m only one person, and my medical opinion is just that—an opinion, however well informed it may be.

Anything you’re curious about?

Edit: feel free to Dm me if needed!
I thought my african grey was a boy until I found an egg in the bottom of the cage yesterday, her butts been sore and she keeps pooping it's like constant. I gave her a bath think she'll be alrighty?
How can I get my cat to shut the fuck up? I love him to death, but he is FAR too vocal.

Within 15 seconds of me walking in the door the other day, he meowed 11 times, and didn't stop after that. If I leave the room, he yowls. He's woken me up in the middle of the night yowling. He'll get off my lap or he'll get up from lying on top of me in bed and go into a different room and just start doing it for no reason.

I've taken him to different vets multiple times. They can't find anything wrong with him and I'm seriously losing my patience with him. It's literally affecting my mental health at this point.
Lol satire right?
Howdy zooville!

I work as a mixed animal veterinarian, and am willing to answer any and all animal health questions you may have to the best of my ability. Keep in mind that I’m only one person, and my medical opinion is just that—an opinion, however well informed it may be.

Anything you’re curious about?

Edit: feel free to Dm me if needed!
Mi primera esposa es veterinaria y siempre quise que tuviese sexo con perros: los que estaban en casa y cualquier otro, incluso de clientes de su negocio. Pero siempre fue reticente con eso, incluso me mandó a la mierd@ y la relación se enfrío por varias semanas.

My first wife is a veterinarian and I always wanted her to have sex with dogs: those at home and any others, even clients of her business. But she was always reticent about it, she even told me to go to hell and the relationship cooled down for several weeks.
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Hey there!
Just curious to know if prostaglandins in human semen have the same effect on a dogs cervix as it does in a human? Inducing contractions and softening of the cervix, etc
And vice versa I guess - dog semen on a human cervix?!?!
So. I spent forever trying to find ya an answer in the literature and am not coming up with anything. PGE2, which is the type of prostaglandin you are referring to, does the same general things in humans and in dogs—based on what I could find, it’s essentially the same compound in both. That being said, there’s probably a whole host of other proteins present in cross species stuff that prevent it from binding to the correct receptor I would think.

I don’t have a conclusive answer for ya, maybe someone can chime in with more biochemistry knowledge than I have. ❤️
I thought my african grey was a boy until I found an egg in the bottom of the cage yesterday, her butts been sore and she keeps pooping it's like constant. I gave her a bath think she'll be alrighty?
As in “constantly making the motion” of pooping or actually doing so? She could be egg bound.
Mi primera esposa es veterinaria y siempre quise que tuviese sexo con perros: los que estaban en casa y cualquier otro, incluso de clientes de su negocio. Pero siempre fue reticente con eso, incluso me mandó a la mierd@ y la relación se enfrío por varias semanas.

My first wife is a veterinarian and I always wanted her to have sex with dogs: those at home and any others, even clients of her business. But she was always reticent about it, she even told me to go to hell and the relationship cooled down for several weeks.
I don’t think it’s ethical to have sex with business clients as a vet any more than it would be as a human physician. My definition of zoo is more of a sexual orientation, not a set of practices, and as such you can’t force it on anyone else—and shouldn’t be doing so. If you’re in a relationship with someone who isn’t zoo, repeatedly asking them about it isn’t the right way to go about things in a healthy way.
Mi primera esposa es veterinaria y siempre quise que tuviese sexo con perros: los que estaban en casa y cualquier otro, incluso de clientes de su negocio. Pero siempre fue reticente con eso, incluso me mandó a la mierd@ y la relación se enfrío por varias semanas.

My first wife is a veterinarian and I always wanted her to have sex with dogs: those at home and any others, even clients of her business. But she was always reticent about it, she even told me to go to hell and the relationship cooled down for several weeks.
She aut to have hit you hard enough to jostle some brain cells into working, I am glad she had such good mind.
So. I spent forever trying to find ya an answer in the literature and am not coming up with anything. PGE2, which is the type of prostaglandin you are referring to, does the same general things in humans and in dogs—based on what I could find, it’s essentially the same compound in both. That being said, there’s probably a whole host of other proteins present in cross species stuff that prevent it from binding to the correct receptor I would think.

I don’t have a conclusive answer for ya, maybe someone can chime in with more biochemistry knowledge than I have. ❤️
Sounds like some testing of the female canine reproductive system's receptor activity to human sourced prostaglandins with repeated exposure to human semen is in order! I volunteer my services for such a study!;)
Can someone tell if like a male dog had sex with a woman?
Most folks are not keyed in to even basic canine behavior. Additionally, your dog is going to know “walking outdoors among people” isn’t the appropriate place to have sex, and probably won’t even do so—too many things to sniff!

Regarding having visitors over, dogs are smart, and can absolutely be taught when asking for sex is okay and when it isn’t. If you have a certain location, or a certain towel/material/what have you that you use each time, then when it’s not there, you shouldn’t have issues. ❤️

Other folks can also chime in with what works for them—I’m sure plenty of people have experience with how they worked with their companions to figure out how to have a well adjusted happy dog!
Does having sex with a pregnant female dog affect the health of the female dog?
Depends on the week of gestation and the size of the dog. Most dogs probably won't be interested during actual pregnancy anyway. Early on I wouldn't worry -- later on in gestation it's probably best to take care of her and support the pregnancy -- she will feel all sorts of strange and new sensations and need plenty of care from you. ❤️
Hey @Deagle113, got another question for ya!

Is it true that dogs, with age, will have a lower libido and not thrust/ejaculate as much and will also spend less time with a swollen knot?
In general, yes. Ejaculate volume certainly decreases, as does sperm motility, with age. 3-5 years is the sweet spot. Because the knot swells in coordination with the different ejaculate fractions, the time spent is indeed less as the volume decreases. This is a general guideline though -- biology can do what it wants!
She will only eat a seed nut blend, I've tried fresh fruit and veggies and she doesn't like them. She only wants nuts and seeds.
Parrots get fat quickly, especially as they age -- and seeds and nuts are very high in fats among other things. They should compose around 20-30% of the total diet, with most of her diet composed of a good balanced pelleted or complete food for parrots. I would guess the full seed/nut diet is behind some of the diarrhea. See if you can transition her over to a complete parrot diet, supplemented with the seeds and other of her favorite foods on an as needed basis rather than composing the whole thing of seeds.
Howdy zooville!

I work as a mixed animal veterinarian, and am willing to answer any and all animal health questions you may have to the best of my ability. Keep in mind that I’m only one person, and my medical opinion is just that—an opinion, however well informed it may be.

Anything you’re curious about?

Edit: feel free to Dm me if needed!
I read some times the dick of a horse needs some times to be cleaned? first why is that so because nature dont have planed that some one clean the horse dick... second it soudns a bit wired but it is possible to clean it by licking it clean :p
I read some times the dick of a horse needs some times to be cleaned? first why is that so because nature dont have planed that some one clean the horse dick... second it soudns a bit wired but it is possible to clean it by licking it clean :p
If owned a horse rather obvious. And kinda common sense. Second yea but couldn't be more fantasy reality based question.no offence creepy in ways
Depends on the week of gestation and the size of the dog. Most dogs probably won't be interested during actual pregnancy anyway. Early on I wouldn't worry -- later on in gestation it's probably best to take care of her and support the pregnancy -- she will feel all sorts of strange and new sensations and need plenty of care from you. ❤️
My late late woofy wife was the exact reverse of that, she was insatiable, and never knew she had a litter in her, I do so miss her, She was a Rotty, lab, shep mix. Given my sample group is one I can't say either if it is normal or not, I just know was an amazing time.

All pups where born strong and healthy
My late late woofy wife was the exact reverse of that, she was insatiable, and never knew she had a litter in her, I do so miss her, She was a Rotty, lab, shep mix. Given my sample group is one I can't say either if it is normal or not, I just know was an amazing time.

All pups where born strong and healthy
I'm sorry for your loss 😞 🙏